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Lake Ranger

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Everything posted by Lake Ranger

  1. Well, I called the OPP and they told me they would not be able to deal with the situation, and that the Sturgeon Falls Police Department handles situations on small lakes in West Nipissing. So I called the Police and they said the OPP normally handle situations on lakes in West Nipissing. So, I'm confused as to what authorities are really in charge in handling a case like this. However, the Police Department said they would have an officer call me to discuss my complaint once one was assigned to the report. Guess I'm going to start building signs, rafts and potato guns.
  2. YES! I'm in! Let's do that, I would love it!
  3. That is outrageous...I'm so glad to hear she's ok but how horrific it must have been for everyone. These 'accidents' must happen more than I even imagined...it's like a 'hit and run' and the only thing you can do is make sure the victim of such a 'crime' is looked after first and foremost. I'm pissed..really pissed now. Again, sorry to hear that this happened, but thank you for sharing.
  4. Oh my God, that is horrible! I hope she's ok! Were there any charges? I hope that idiot got nailed. What a terribly close call...I'm afraid this type of thing is going to happen sooner or later with the situation I have to deal with these days
  5. Thanks for all the help. I know what I have to do now...and the kids having fun is great...I'm sure they don't even know what the deal is..it's the adults being irresponsible and wreckless, rude, inconsiderate and not giving a crap about anything..they're just wanting to 'stick-it' to me and the other property owners. They have a sense of entitlement I suppose, as they're paying for they're campsite spot. I wish I could post a photo here of the lake where it's happening, but I'm not sure how. Last year they had speed boat races up and down, doing figure eights all through this area and I wasn't able to go swimming once. Most of the people who own camps here don't even go on the lake anymore and we/they are the ones that really 'care' about it's health and well-being.
  6. The great thing is, they're spinning around so fast that forensics won't be able to decipher from which direction the shot came from
  7. I appreciate all the awesome advice from everyone and I'm sorry to hear of similar situations. It just wrecks it for everyone. There are so many responsible boaters and water vessel operators, and at the same time there's so many careless and disrespectful idiots out there. . I had no idea about this SAVE Team and will be making calls right away. I wonder if there is an online incident report forum for these types of situations... And talk about big crap eatin' grins...that's what I got all weekend long for hours on end....I finally grabbed my phone and filmed the idiots whooping and yippin' and yee-hawin' and the wake crashing ashore, so at least I have proof. I'm sure they're looking for themselves on You Tube now, thinking they'll be scouted for the next big stunt actors.
  8. THANK YOU! I will get on this right away! I've beens so upset and really didn't know if there was anything I could do without being blown off as a disgruntled and bitchy NIMBY. I will call and email the MNR in North Bay as well in hopes that might stir some interest in the situation.
  9. Hi Everyone, it's been awhile since I've been here, but I'm hoping someone can help me out. I tried to enjoy a peaceful weekend at my camp in West Nipissing, but there was no chance in hell that was going to happen. For 25 years now I have owned 220 acres of property on two sides of a narrow lake (as narrow as the length of a pool in places) and have never experienced an episode like what happened this past Labour Day weekend. A few years ago, a couple purchased a small piece of land close to mine with the intent to build a trailer park. Despite the community's and property owner's efforts to stop a commercial campsite from being developed, the Municipality granted them permission to do so. Long story short, a few years later and a ton of environmental and zoning wrong-doings, where the city just turned a blind eye, they got their campsite up and running. Things haven't been the same for property owners on this lake since, and one of the consequences now is that our taxes have skyrocketed because of this bogus development. Besides all the down-sides to this, our little lake is now a mecca for many inconsiderate campers from the adjacent 'private' trailer park. This weekend a few of them insisted on blazing around and around all weekend on their wave-runner, towing skiers and tubers right in front of my property where I like to swim across to my other side of the lake. The wake smashed my little fishing boat over and over onto the rocks and I was unable to go swimming until they took a short break. I went into the water and they returned, blasted by me, knowing damn well I was there but didn't give a crap, and carried on buzzing around and around recklessly and foolishly, hollering and carrying on like a bunch of idiots. Like I said, the lake is narrow. The shores are rock. There's rocks just beneath the water, and there is a marsh basin yards away which was also being inflicted with crashing waves with their continuous circling. The skiers flew off a few times. These people have no clue what this lake is like or what is beneath the surface nor do they care...and because it's secluded they can get away with anything they want. What the heck are they thinking? One day there's going to be a broken skull and a bunch of blood on my shore and I don't want to be liable. Is there anything I can do to prevent them from killing themselves or me? I just want to go there and find peace, not watch and hear a bunch of show-offs wrecking the lake, the habitat and my mind.
  10. Hi, just letting you know I cross the bridge every day and see a ton of guys fishing down there! A dozen or so at any given time! Good luck!
  11. I too, honestly don't believe there's any 'intention' of ripping anyone off. I just wish people who make promises will at least try and make the effort to communicate, explain and make arrangements to resolve the situation.
  12. Copied from E-Tackle Deal Dock on Ebay. Great product took 1 to receive Buyer: jdh34492011 ( 89) Jun-25-13 18:56 Xzone 4" Slammer Drop Shot Baits 8pk 100 Watermelon Purple (#200915830777) US $5.97 Great product took about 1 month to receive Buyer: jdh34492011 ( 89) Jun-25-13 18:55 Xzone 4" Slammer Drop Shot Baits 8pk 201 Smoke Purple Shiner (#200915831032) US $5.97 100% fraud! Said he sent twice, never received, NO contact ebay got my $ back Buyer: kansasdsman ( 161) Jun-13-13 18:45 Lindy Drift Control Drift Sock 42" (#200917782903) US $32.97 NO EXCUSE FOR TAKING MY $$$ AND NOT SHIPPING ! EBAY GOT MY $$$ BACK ! Buyer: jamiebigcat ( 361) Jun-13-13 03:29 New Mepps Trouter Kit 4 Pack of Spinners 4-K1 ASST (#200915841365) US $19.97 STAY AWAY. No communication. Took one month and Paypal to get my money back. Buyer: saharajim ( 89) Jun-10-13 14:32 Lindy Drift Control Drift Sock 42" (#200917782903) US $32.97 Producto igual que en la descripcion, buen vendedor. Envio rápido Buyer: jordi89jordi ( 19) Jun-01-13 04:55 New Power Pro Spectra Braid Fishing line 15lb 150yrd Moss Green (#190825555548) US $9.97 Awesome! LOVE IT!! Fast shipping!! Buyer: gueldrew ( 701) May-30-13 13:59 New Rapala Voltage Spinning Reel Sz 20 (#200917782902) US $31.55 no item recv'd seller agreed to refund never paid that either ebay got my $ back Buyer: bd2dbon ( 205) May-27-13 08:06 3 Packs of Rapala Trigger X 5" JUMBO LEECH Black 30 baits Total (#190814767664) C $15.65 No doubt about it, something is going on. Great guy and all, but I've been duped big time and it looks like others have been too. Unfortunately, just because someone is trying hard to do a good job, doesn't always mean they will. Honesty is the best policy. If you can't provide a product or service someone is expecting of you or paying for, don't take the money and run. At the very least, keep the lines of communication open, most people will understand if there is some sort of upkeep with contact to show the intent to come through with the goods.
  13. Way to go, Girl! Awesome catch! And the fish is pretty cute too!
  14. Off The Dock is very proud to be included in this 2013 Special Edition alongside all the Lovely Lady Anglers of Ontario! Special Thanks to Debbie Thomson for all her amazing talents, endless efforts and promotion of this fine publication! Cheers, Ladies! http://user-24338874366.publ.com/Special-Edition-June-2013#1
  15. Sure could Roy, I do see this as a political issue that is in dire need of some 'toon' exposure!
  16. I am on it! THANK YOU! I wonder if there's anyone in the Municipality reading this and waiting for my call!
  17. All this is great information and advice and I do appreciate your comments! I think I will make some calls as every action that occurs here is just so hap-hazard and messy. Two folks with a dozer, a couple trailers, a generator a dump truck and a chain saw can't be considered proper 'developers'. I wonder if the adjacent property owner is aware of what's happening on their land. They just moved in at Christmas and haven't been to the lake yet. The stakes are clearly marked and the sand is already being washed away on the left of the photo on the neighbor's shoreline. If this is a 'no-no', would the neighboring property owners be liable for anything? This landing used to be completely natural...The photo with the boat was taken 15 years ago. Then, yes, folks from the 'city' came in 3 and a half years ago and decided to build a commercial campground on less than 25 acres with less than 300 ft of lake frontage, which is mostly rock except for the 20 feet or so where they are dumping loads of sand. No restrictions put in place by the Municipality in order to be granted the commercial zoning were honored and the Municipality doesn't want to hear about it. Time to say something to proper authorities, but I'm sure I'll be advised to mind my own business.
  18. Hi Everyone, thanks for all your input. This is happening in the Municipality of West Nipissing. I've been told by the Municipality that they are 'lenient' when it comes to things like this as they are over an hour away from the site of the situation and they have no 'access' to the lake. This is not Crown Land. It was purchased and re-zoned for commercial use despite a heated dispute years ago. There were certain restrictions set in place in order to grant the re-zoning and over the years, none have been met. 'Neighbours' are already getting tired of having things like this happen on the lake with no oversight, monitoring or concern from the Municipality. Basically if you ask for advice or direction, you're labelled a NIMBY. So stuff like this just keeps happening over and over and over again with no regard for 'neighbours' the lake, animal/plant/fish habitat, etc, adjacent property owners or anything. It's a very secluded lake, it's basically a long river...'out of sight, out of mind' I guess, for the City. I don't want to come across as a snitch or expose anyone, I just want to know what is right and what is wrong. Thanks so much..just very concerned for many reasons, mainly environmental and political.
  19. I agree, thank you, and I found an interesting fact sheet with respect your comment regarding habitat change at http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/regions/central/pub/shore-rivages-on/04-eng.htm
  20. Hi, and thanks for the info! Do you still need a permit from the MOE and the MNR if this has been re-zoned from rural/agricultural to commercial? Thanks again.
  21. Hi, just wondering..I thought that you need a permit to dump sand on a shoreline. There was no permit issued for this. I have two pictures here, one taken in the fall of 2010, and one taken this weekend. The one taken in 2010 shows the shoreline as it was for over 25 years. Please let me know if this is right or not. Seems like the turtle fence isn't providing any purpose either.
  22. Hi T.J., Congrats on your launch! I'm finally getting back in the game after a tough year of dealing with personal and business setbacks...let me know when you need more artwork for your site or for your contests, I'm looking forward to a New Year with new Off The Dock Toons and products!
  23. Hi, and thanks for mentioning the fact that earthworms are not native here! I didn't realize this myself until I started working with the Ontario Invasive Plant Species on this campaign, and I really hope word gets out so more people become aware not to release leftover bait into the wild!
  24. Thanks so much for the post and the thoughtful comments T.J. and Roy! This is a pretty big deal for me especially since invasive species awareness programs have become a huge issue these days. I'm excited to be participating in the Ontario Invasive Plant Council's campaign and I hope that the toons help to remind all of us who enjoy the outdoors to "Look Before You Leave"!
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