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About torco

  • Birthday 05/16/1982

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    Guelph, ON

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  1. If you get a boat out there you should do really well.
  2. Another option is flipflops for your wading boots, Orvis makes them or you can buy a super large size at walmart. The floor mats is very nice idea as well
  3. Love it too, although don't get up there as much as I would like. If you have a canoe or kayak there is kilometers upon kilometers of great fishing for various species and really at any time of year.
  4. I am thinking the same place. I was just there last weekend and I doubt he would get a site, it was rammed last week. I was there bout 4-5 years ago and we were the only group around.
  5. Hey Renegade there are websites that do what you describe. Not exactly the same but more or less, I still think its a growth industry especially with what you say about standards etc.
  6. It seems like a great idea, so far we have had good luck renting through a couple different cottage agency websites and probably the one that didn't go the best but was still ok was through kijiji.
  7. Have fished below Wilson's falls and did well for smallish smallmouth bass. This was a few years ago and a similar situation fished while the girls shopped. Apparently there are brown trout being stocked but I am not sure how successful that has been,
  8. I have 2006 dodge caravan and I have always been able to find something to tie on both front and back but after seeing those thule quick loops, I just may go out and buy them because it sure would make things easier. I have found you must get pretty far under the dodge to find a good spot to anchor your rope or ratchet strap
  9. Pretty sad state of affairs...these cuts are barely a drop in the bucket of the provincial treasury
  10. Well I was recently on Fox Lake and struck out. Now I was up there with my kids and only had a canoe but I did manage to fish usually the last hour before dark but came up empty handed. Good luck on Vernon what a beautiful area.
  11. Another thumbs up for City Marine. Just an FYI to anyone they have moved off of the queensway and are now down by the Lakefront Promendade.
  12. They can be rather aggressive under the right situation but often times they are spooked and people line them. I was up in Thunder Bay last fall and had a blast catching salmon on the fly rod, they were highly aggressive and absolutely smashed streamers.
  13. Cool that sounds great. I had only heard of it being a bass lake
  14. Hi all, We have a cottage booked on Fox Lake near Huntsville at the end of the month. I have done some research on the lake with regards to fishing but if anyone knows the lake and would like to share some general information on fishing the lake, please send me a PM. I am not looking for honey holes or anything like that just general information and or tips. Also if anyone has ever rented up that way and has anything in general to share about the area or lake that would be great. We are really looking forward to a relaxing week mostly playing in the water with kids. Thanks, Mark
  15. If you have 6 days go you may as well drive the extra distance, however if you need something closer consider the following watersheds all south Sudbury. Magnetawan River, Noganosh system Island Lake system
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