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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. One way you could include everybody would be to make it an on-line tournament rather than having everybody meet up at a certain body of water.


    Set a date & a species and then folks could fish wherever their located in the country, or even south of the border, then post pictures of their catches with the size of the fish.


    We did this type of tourney for muskies twice a few years back and it actually ran very smoothly. Course you have to trust folks to submit the proper weights for fish, but normally if there's no cash or prizes for the winner.....just bragging rights.....things usually go pretty good.


    It's just a thought, but with our members spread over 2 countries it would be impossible to have tournies that included everyone who wanted to participate :dunno:

    Thats a great idea for bragging rights and for a prize,maybe bump you up a level on OFC.Or even a trophy picture beside your handle until the next tourney.
  2. Look around for a better deal, Mine with State Farm and I pay $114/year for mt Lund Valued at $7,600



    Im with state farm.Mind you my boat is a 19.5ft rinker bowrider,140 mercruiser I/O,22 gal fuel tank,with a 4 stroke 7.5hrs honda kicker(1985)Downriggers and all.I guess 50 isnt bad.
  3. I know that this will get ugly very quickly.But my question is are we allowed access without permission on a shoreline in a non emergency.Such as I am walking the shore in a creek or river while fishing.From my understanding a while back looking threw the fisheries act you can access a certain amount of shoreline for emergency purposess.And it was measured at high tide.Does this apply to non emerg.Can I walk threw the creek?Or I have to be in a boat,so i dont walk on his land.As I always leave a thank you gift for the owner or at the house on the property.I fished a fence line off of 86 this summer,a menenite came down and I thought he was going to freak out,he told me to go past his barn and use worms.I got my limit.I kept one and gutted the rest and left them at his door on ice.Ill be back for sure.

  4. All that is covered under the house policy liability. If they take a header off the trailer tongue.. the house policy will be in effect for the lawsuit from the Nancy next door that wants to get rich instead of disiplining their brat for cracking their head open.


    Boat coverage itself... if you can afford for someone to hook up to it and leave on you.. take the insurance off. If not then it's cheap "insurance".

    Ive decided to cancel the ins on the wifes car,she destroyed the whole exhaust system.We will be down to one vehicle(I have a company vehicle to use anyway).The ins will stay on its 3 times cheaper and she cant chase me down :w00t::w00t::w00t:
  5. Do I cancel the policy while its parked in the driveway.The ins value is about 8gs.My house policy will cover at least 60%of that.Do I take a chance to save 5obks amonth on my ins payments?Just trying to cut costs.The only reason that the ins is still in effect,is because there are a lot of kids around,and my two also,that think that the trailers tongue is somewhere to sit.Esp when im at work.Its more of a liability issue.Any insurance guys out there with any info would be great,for now Ill keep it insured.Thanks

  6. I notice no one has mentioned how sonar actually "see's" a fish. When you mark a fish on sonar with ID off or on, you're not "seeing" the actual fish... just a very small portion of the fish, the air bladder. Sonar doesn't travel through air and that's the part you're viewing on the screen.


    Today's sonar units for the fisherman has a certain criteria programmed into the unit for the fish ID, mainly air pockets (air bladders). Leaves don't show up as fish, branches don't show up as fish, even when I drop a jig or lure over the side it doesn't show up as a fish.


    I will agree that maybe not all fish symbols are fish on the ID, and will go even further by saying not all fish show up as symbols on the ID either!


    When I pass over a large school of Shad with the ID on, it doesn't show hundreds or thousands of little fish symbols... it shows a large cloud, and will have the larger fish either below the school or around the school depicted as symbols.


    For me it's a confidence thing, I don't really care if all the symbols are fish or not... and just because I have fish symbols on the screen and I'm not catching anything, doesn't mean those symbols aren't fish! Has anyone ever marked fish with the ID off and not caught anything???


    As far as the alarms go, I never use them because I can't hear those high pitched squeaky sounds anyway!


    Just my stubborn opinion!

    I have noticed on my old h100 f/f it did show my jig,jigging from bottom.I figured it was a fish following it.Maybe it picked the airation it produced :dunno: I know now that airation(turbulance)in the water can have a dramatic effect on my f/f.As I have seen on others.Drove me nuts untill I was on someone elses boat and saw the same thing.
  7. the fishfinder should show the camera as a solid line that doesn't change and will not affect the fishfinder any other way
    As I do recall seeing that line also,thank you,that drove me nuts.friggin ballistic.Iknow a lot a airation(turbulance) in the water can play havic on the fish finder also.
  8. I guess if i did the math with cone angles and depth,I could figure out the spacing between holes.The aqua view was my main concern.Possiby throwing off signals.I was ice fishing last year,my finder showed fish,and looking threw the view there was nothing.10 fow,very clear,no fish on the monitor,but lots on my finder.My hummingbird was brand new,so was the view.

  9. If two of use drilled our holes.in one the view,the other a fish finder,the other a flasher and so on.Will the signals interfere with each other.I have seen this happen on my boat,between a depth sounder and a fishfinder.What would be a good distance between holes,so this doesnt happen,but still close enough to monitor them at the same time.

  10. Sorry guys but my girls have to watch what I had to watch.I loved it.jimmy stewart damn I forgot the names of the movies.Oh and christmas carol(youll shoot your eye out with it)and stupid me after watching the movie,I licked the fence post too,dont be shy weve all done it.I was a kid then in the 70s.Sure go for it jokes and all,I still hear about it. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  11. The first two pics theyve been there a while,last pic a fresh runner.And as others have stated different spawning colours.Ive caught them being almost black and pink in the niagara to olive green and gold tone to pure silver.I think from the brownish tones,the creek must be sand bottom and olive tone for the water.And somewhat clear with spring runoffs. :dunno: Ive seen this variation before in a creek on the same day.

  12. im looking for someone that knows how to fish the gorge and also how to get down there i have my own car and if more then one person is coming im sure i can borrow the parents van i live in beamsville niagara area pm or post if your interested
    A few of us ofnrs went down there today,you could of called.
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