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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. he forgot to mention the only reason he has a picture of that small pike is that his really nice son jumped in the water and grabbed the pike when his line broke no joke either my feet and legs were cold the rest the day cuz of it
    nice catch rob d.One more than what I caught.
  2. Im surprised that you got good customer service at Lebarons. I would rather pay the extra $ to do business with the smaller family run stores where they actually treat you like a person.
    you probably got them on a bad day,a good day of fishing and there stuck working.I know how it feels.Ive been there.
  3. Lebarons is topr for me when in the area.Good prices and selection.I go elsewhere to a family run bus and get the same.Since its close to me.But as I had mentioned earlier on another post.Bps threw me a doozie.Out shopping for a floater suit,and brought the next years catalogue of lebarons with me for comparison in prices and such.I never showed them but bps were willing to match and beat by 10%.When I showed the following years catalogue and all,guess what.The catalogue is out of date and bps will not match prices.How is it out of date when there is 2 months togo before years end and its next years catalogue.I bought a raven float rod a year earlier.from a family owned bus. when I visited bps,The same rod sold for $30 more than the family run shop a year later.thanks bps for my time and trouble.

  4. Pick up a few ice rods for like 20 bucks and if you have extra cash get a swede bore 6" ice auger and a pack of ice jigs and your fishing for around 100 bucks. That's it. Be warned though you will get hooked and end up spending about 1000 bucks to be fully rigged...lol
    I wish I spent a thou,the wife is still beaking off,after a few years about what I spent. :whistling::whistling::whistling:
  5. Throw the book at them I say.I wonder how many people they would catch poaching,using a mech dear with collars.Those colors and collars are there for a reason.The very last time out hunting I came across a father and very young son hunting.Not seeing them at the time(and no blaze orange on at all)i thought it was a few rabbits running around,playing.Coming closer to me I pointed and thank god I say what I was pointing at.I hope the father learned a leason.The boy was in tears and me,havent been out since.10 yrs....or soThrow the book at them,by all means.We have a few rabbits that frequent my front yard and the neighbours yards.I leave some treats for them at times in the morning.They are our so called pets,and there is no hunting in my area.

  6. As most who have read my posts would know I fish the Kawartha area Zone 17


    looking forward to this year - what would everyone recommend for a medium sized guy as best to buy at a decent price.


    Thank you


    John C

    Lebarons will match prices or even beat the competition.Spend the extra$,and get a one piece surival suite as i did.Fishing world has good deals also.Spend the extra you never know.The mustang one piece has been fine for me,even to go pee.
  7. Hope you have 3 or 4 miliion already Vinnimon.. to take a few thousand of us fishing for 2 weeks ! Unless it's just a wall spot on a Lake O pier somewhere and tents... that you're offering ! lol
    Bayfront park can hold a lot people,thousands.I would invite all I have seen on a reg basis on this forum.The root admins would have luxury suites,Of course.A hut and a coleman black cat. :lol: That should bring down the cost.
  8. I guess I've reached that age where I'm reasonably satisfied with my lot in life. Once upon a time I dreamed a younger man's dreams of wealth and independence but then I learned that wealth doesn't give independence. That sucked. So somewhere along the way I forgot those dreams of a windfall.


    If I did however come into an unexpected extra million I might then be able to talk my wife into that Kawarthas cottage I'd like, a modest one, and a nice boat. Of course I'm not that old and staid that I wouldn't do my best to have the fastest boat on the lake. She doesn't need to know that though. We're pretty much set for whatever else we want. My car will haul the boat nicely. I guess with what's left over I'd make sure my son had enough seed money to run the business we started. The rest would just go into the retirement fund I suppose. Not a very exciting plan, is it? Well, except for the killer boat. :lol:



    A killer boat youd be great,I recently had a mercruiser dealer asking me If they could rebuild my motor.Instead of me doing it,and also to install a blower(supercharger).A 140 mercruiser with a blower,Ill eat bassboats with it.That would be a killer on my bowrider.
  9. Yanno, I never had a problem with the 2 strokes. Now, with the 4 stroke, I can't hear the blessed motor. All I hear is the steady stream of water which plays hell with my need to pee....it get's worse in the early spring and fall while wearing a float suit. But, that steady stream at that psi rate really makes me kind of envious of my 4 stroke....

    I'll call the doc Monday morning to see if he could change my impeller.

    I think ill call the doc and for the assistant to do a house call for an impeller replacement.Shes a cutie. :blush: Ill send the wife out for groceries during the procedure. :whistling::whistling:
  10. Very bad experiences with dewilt honda. They told me my motor was pulling in water when it was a 100$ fix. Have spoken to others and they have had similar experiences. I would not recommend them stay far away.
    Sorry to hear that.Afew years back I had bad expeirences,I went back recently for something specific,nothing but good,very good expeirences after that.

    They have changed,a very friendly atmosphere.Now I mention my name on the phone and there on top of things,even the techs.Though I only go in for parts and advice.But when I need my merc looked at,it will be them for sure.I work as a mobile tech and I can Imagine what they go threw,its hard and fustrating,esp in the busy season,dealing with customers and all.Active engines is another mercruiser dealer,another good bunch.Talk about fishing at the counter and youll see.I had fun.

  11. Seems the Blue Pickerel that my dad recalls was called a Blue Pike on the US side of Lake Erie, this link has a few stories of other oldtimers, both anglers and commercial fishermen. Quite the story, a collapse of a species almost on the order of the magnitude of the collapse of the passenger pigeon, prior to 1955 it would seem they were the most important commercial fish on Erie with a seemingly inexhaustable supply, then a sudden collapse.



    Maybe they were overfished and couldnt recover.Their time to go perhaps. :dunno: Im sure some where in erie, or lk O there may be a distinct few.Somewhere.
  12. Many older people with head problems...true or false :whistling:


    Jokin lol, sounds like fun

    Im not old but the wife says I do have head problems,so, true.I asked afew older gents and the same for them.I think as a friend mentioned, head problems in older fisherman is a case of wifeapissedoffatism.It slowly catchs up with you over the years. :w00t::w00t:
  13. I do oppoligize.I should have been more specific when I posted this topic.A pickerel(not a pike),a bluish coloured pickerel(not a pike),no spot on the tail.Eyes were a little different(not gloss eyed or wall eyed)as I recall.But what I do recall is a chain link markings on both sides(not a pike).I have only seen them on the grand in caledonia,about 30 yrs+ ago.Never seen them since.I remember them vividly, and they were small,under a pound.always,as we caught a 2 or so every time,In one particular spot.Please no pike pics, as I do like the pictures,but Im particular to this strain of pickerel.Particularly to this region,and if there still around.,I would love to see a picture,I know there not here in cale.Thanks for everyones input,I loved the pics and pics of picks.And the pike too....

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