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Posts posted by vinnimon

  1. my next winter project was supposed learn how to make a chair....but now thats been put on hold so i can make a rocking horse for my granddaughter....yeah me !!!! If my wife sees this thread she is going to want me to put her car back together... :lol:
    You too eh!Mine ripped the most of the exhaust system apart.She can pay for it then ill fix it.Including my time for repairs.My project is to get a 1950 5 1/2 hrse johnson seahorse running and pick up a tinner for it.Oh and fix the house too.
  2. Its not worth it,the hike and all.Ive marked a few big fish in the spring on the finder.I Mainly caught small perch in the lake and chubbs in the creek.The odd time I catch a trout down stream from the rd on a fly.Though it is a nice area to go for some peace.Try chesley lk or Eugenia lk better odds there for fishing and not far from markdale.

  3. Just don't change your mind when she says okay... and when you get outside and see the weathers crap... you then come back in and slide back into bed and snuggle up to her ! You might hear her say "can you believe my husband's out fishing in this crap!" :o:D
  4. If your good with your buds wife im sure she will come to term.Grab your bud and meet up with your other buds.Im kind of in the same stinking hole your buds in.Cant go anywhere and when I get a chance I dart off regardless.It pees her off but I get a lot of peace and quite.Eventualy she comes to terms.ME TIME!WITH BUDS!FISHING or THE RIPPERS WHO CARES, ITS ME TIME.Thats our argument.I dont spend enough time with :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1: But Im home every night on que.AHHHH take your bud fishing it may be a good rush for him.Make up sex is really good too. :w00t::w00t: Just my 2 cnts worth thats all

  5. Now the the ultimate question.If we have steelhead in our lakes,And been there all their lives.Can they migrate back to saltwater without any problems?Obviously they wouldnt.But,can they?And adapt to it naturally?Or will they over generations need to adapt?Just a thought running threw my mind.I beleive I came acoss this discussion a few years back.

  6. If they are coming from the lake I would think they are steelhead regardless.. Now you might be getting into some different strains.. Manistee fish, Ohio fish, etc.. They definitely don't all fight the same...


    I consider resident fish to be called rainbows (ie they are in the river all season)

    Well in this trib I cant see them being in there all season long.Both strains that I came across move in similar patterns.Feeding and migrating.The only difference I do tend to see is where they hold before moving on upstream.And also there size and shape.Correct me if Im wrong.But I think the smaller(football shaped)ones are from a strain of stocked fish.The other longer,slimmer and larger are native to the lake.Not really sure but If Im wrong correct me please.
  7. A little trib at erie I fish for chromies.There are 2 diiferent types of chromies that run.One is bigger,more slendor.The other is smaller and rounder(like a football).As I was told the first is a steelie,the second is a rainbow way back when.Both look the same except for their body and size.I beleive the 2nd is a strain from a stocked chromie.As for browns the ones that were stocked and fin clipped at 50 point.They should call them cement heads.Their always jumping out and hitting the wall.My dad told me back then, they were the retarded ones. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: Go for the smart ones.

  8. Vinni...ive never seen a "NO JUMPING OFF" sign on any bridges i have ever crossed...but sometimes ...common sense should prevail :dunno:
    That was what I saw and all others that were being dare devils out there on their vehicles were all from below the border.We were scared out of our witts.Not knowing if we were going to get hit,sink.I dont know just really not good that day at all, on others part,As we were walking out.
  9. I keep it in a hut with some heat.Not much.Maybe some body warmers under it will give it extra time.BBut that would bring up the cost up in the long run.A spare battery Would bring it up to 8 hours min on cold day.Thats what I will do.Thanks everyone for input on the topic.

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