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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. hst related but a little off track.You do the math!I went to shoppers today to shop,paid a nickel for the plastic bag,fine! Then I was told there was tax on it 1 penny!huh!okay no prob!Then I thought about it! Thats a 20% tax rate!I know its rounded off to the nearest penny! Imagine all the bags needed and taxed.Now thats a scam!Impliment a card for exact tax payment,ok! But 20%,whos keeping the other 12%.IT ADDS UP!!!! Id rather throw an offering into the lake for the fish gods than give it to our overtaxed system.Sorry to jump off track slightly!
  2. Is julies ears still ringing?Here is a pic of the sailboat after it past us.
  3. Great reportAnd a big for lloyd as well,a class act all the way. Dont miss an oppurtunity with lloyd, if its available! This is one trip i will surely never forget! one thing you forgot to mention frankie65,lloyd and the horn! Sure woke them up on the sailboat on auto pilot.They must of soiled their shorts!
  4. A few pics didnt go through!these were the best ones.
  5. Heres a few pics for you guys.I took more but they didnt go through.
  6. LOL, targeting keys using spoons!Then, jump in!LOL
  7. Some nice size largies hold along the north most big island.4lbs is mpb there.Theres a free ramp and parking down off of windemere rd.Watch the drop! a guy pulled the ramps out of the water last time I was there.
  8. last year above the dam in the pond,a few bows were caught!
  9. Gotta few for team 1,pics are fuzzy in the camera.I think the lense was slimmed!1 bow and 1 chinny to enter.
  10. The porn is coming very soon!And right now I feel like im rolling over waves in my chair.First time ever!
  11. Well I arrived a half an hour late(sorry guys),and aproached lloyds boat with my stuff.I passed it on and my keys fell into the water. What to do.Lloyd grabbed a rod and a lure to fish then with no luck.Spincast tried to reach in,I said no! My keys Ill do it!So I go in the boat after shaking everyones hands and undressed to hop in.So I did and got thenm, Mind that there was a lady present onboard that I never met before.Sorry frank and julie I had to go in!Gotta do whatever it takes!LOL. Anyway we headed off and shortly into the trip we hit fish,more fish, and more fish!It was awesome!Weve all done 5 rounds with a couple big chinnys and bows.The largest was julies at 21 or so lbs.Congrats on that one!If Im right 29 fish in total. Ill let the rest continue with the story! Thank you kindly Lloyd for a great day out,as well as spincast,frankie65 and his wife. I had a blast today with you guys.This one I will never forget! RULE # 1 Do not pass julies line without my keys in my pocket. Fish porn on its way soon!
  12. HOLY CHROMIE! nice job.Ill be out in Big LK O hunting for them.
  13. Thanks spincast.
  14. It was played on a few radio stations yesterday,What a hoot.
  15. Nice copper!
  16. You said it right there Dan!Youve probably never tried it this way!
  17. Thanks dan! I recall something 68.You got it! Thanks a million!Ill check it out soon,maybe log in as well.
  18. I know its been said before. I have a humbird hand unit.I only use it for listening to up to date forecasts on big water,as well as obstruction reports.I do listen in on ch 68 from time to time. My main purpose for it to call out in case of an emergency.Its rarely on!I used it once to call the coast gaurd,the never asked for a license! Do I need a license for it.I dont broadcast at all! If I decide to broadcast,without a license! Can I be fined! Where do I go or call for a coarse and test? Does anyone have a link to the 68 site,apparently its out of long point.I would like to check it out! Thanks in advance for any info
  19. Now I get your handle bigia nende, eh!Quelle pesce sonno sciffo qui!Quelle carpe in sicilia sonno bonni di mangari,quelli ca, chino di cosi fratischi. In tempo la pornografia si vienne ca.
  20. Swamp fox? Its been good to me!Sports pals are awesome as well,can really carry a payload!Gear and all!
  21. you got it fd!The lady is very nice.DO NOT DISTURB THE HUBBY!He is a nice guy as well.Just busy!Too busy! BTW dont pull them off,I DID what a mistake!Eveything warped !Thats why I sold it and they new as well,the buyers!
  22. This is one reason I dont use braided line!I fish from all spectroms and I dread seeing it on my props.Let alone snagging on to it.Sorry my little rant bud.
  23. Mine dropped!
  24. You impress me everytime pete!Legit you forgot to add top notch before pro!LOL Keep up the good work pete!Caught 2 bucket mouths before work the third rose up and missed,a flippen monster bucketmouth!for the area!5 to 6 lbs.Mid air assault and no camera in hand In the am.Good work pete!Maybe tommorrow!
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