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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. I know billm,I eat in small quantities and share as well!Plenty of offerings to neighbours and freinds all the time.
  2. Thanks frank, and congrads on mission accomplished.to you and the fishing queen.
  3. one other has been casted off to fisherpete!Last one!Good luck and lets see some pics!
  4. Thanks a bunch guys,got my first rigger laker today,2 rods christened as well.
  5. First ski is the most memorable,congrads!
  6. A special thanks to spincast and brian from barry for the riggers if im correct..
  7. 4 am the phone rang,I was up and answered.I was spincast calling just in case I didnt get up! He arrived at 4:30 sharp and we headed for the hunting grounds.We arrived with the sun starting to breach the horizon,what a view! Anyway we set up with dipsys and lead core.Very slow to start and noticed that there were lakers hugging bottom. So I set up a riger with small flashers and a williams spoon to match.Low and behold the line was triggered.A little iffy at first until I felt a pull.A Laker finally off a rigger and my rod was christened. 15 pounds plus!Then after a little while spincast was taking care of one of his lines then my other reel was screeming( another christening).Rick got a hold of it and dodged a rigger line then I grabbed the net.The beauty bow was half in the net then the spoon popped off.Beauty bow 10 lbs plus.I considered it landed and self released. So i arrived home to show the laker to neighboors,they were in awww!Then I received a mesage from fisherpete,My lures have arrived,chatted with pete and his bro.Nice to finally chat on the phone.Well I bribed petes bro to drop the lures off.Hes getting the laker I caught. A few pics
  8. Always fun to catch
  9. Went out to seek the 40 plus inchers today,as well as a few bass. 2 tail walking bass spit out my bait,3 missed pike and 4 landed.Camera died when I went to take a pic of the 4rth. Even though they were small,they were surely fun to catch!And agressive as well! Gotta love it!BIG or small!
  10. Congrads,Ive got two keeper large mouths myself! Have fun!just kiddin! Congrads!
  11. Thanks terry! Accord to my calc on the bass calc.Thats my mpb best at that pond.Last bucket I caught was a hair over 5 lbs.This one is around 7 give or take a few ounces. I wonder if this fish is a record fish for that pond?Got to be close for sure.
  12. cant remember it,its been a while! Or if some can figure it out from the photo.
  13. Mighty fine brushwork you have.Hopefully one day I will have one of your masterpeices. Excelent work indeed.
  14. Chatting with a coworker today,I noticed a bug on the shop floor on the other side of him.One Ive never seen before and it was big.It was crawling around and very active.Would not fly away at all. I put it in a cup to show the others and one blurted out its name,gave us a story on its life span as well. Its a fair size fly,transparent wings,eyes on top of its head as well.Apparently it lives under groung until its ready to mate.After a 17 or 18 yr life. Has anyone seen or know about this bug.Sorry I cant recall the name nor have any pics. Do fish eat them? Thanks in advance Vin
  15. Nice catch frank
  16. Son of a gun,You have me sold.Passed there too many times to get home for my fav girro after fishing. I will make sure we try it out,next time im out there. Thanks Man, Ive been looking for reveiws on the place.24, south of the town limits,west side of the rd.
  17. Thats awesome skeeter,kids and fishing makes for a great day indeed.
  18. puts us up another 5 inchs plus an ofah entry bonus 2 inchs.That was papa! Now to find MAMA BIGGINS! And the 54 inch pike! My next quest. Not bad for road side hawgs!
  19. Spincast has received them today.Lets see what he catchs with them?Like I said use them,catch a fish,no matter what kind. Once done post a pic with lure and fish,regardless. Then send it off to another OFC member. In the end,If there will be one.A portfolio of pics and the lures travels will be shown on OFC. Im only doing this for fun,no gratifications to myself or anyone period. These are 2 out of 3 that someone gave me and made for a gesture,taking them out on my boat. So good luck to all,and lets see some pics,hopefully soon. Thanks Vinnimon.
  20. My fav,This one! Spinner bait.Pics a little fuzzy!
  21. I did say I was gonna get one there soon,a lunker! Right on Rick!Enjoy the fish!We did at work,the other pack I was gonna send to you The guys had to try it out.They loved it! Smudge, our male shop cat ate the skin in a hurry.Shine up his coat for his lady freinds
  22. Great job MJL Never in my life have I ever seen a carp pulled out of there. My first niagara musky was in that exact same spot,Bow alley, thats what I call it. Lots of bows and salmon as well. Congrats man,Its always worth the hike.
  23. Another shot
  24. After trying a spot for a few days before work.Ive caught a few little guys and I knew their had to be a big one in there some where. On the second cast I finally got him this morning. 21 inchs,mpb at that pond.
  25. Fork in the road it is.Thanks guys
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