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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. I didnt even notice!Sorry guys!My face was turning red!Actually still red after henry told me! OH MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!No kids/fish or net(The net I will sell) is for sale,I think Ryan would approve as well! I didnt even dawn on me! Sorry Folks!Dan and henry esp!
  2. Thats it,puter problems!That last one was fouled hooked,and it survived for another day! A close 40 incher!
  3. Dang puter,More!
  4. More
  5. More
  6. More pics
  7. I headed out to the fish a thon on sat morning with my oldest,my youngest needed her beauty sleep!LOL!We were the last to show up! Oh well! Ryan greated us at the ramp and we ventured off, met up with a few ofners Ive met before and a lot of new ones as well!On the lake! It was a pleasure indeed to meet all of you in person! We scowered the lake for most of the day,not knowing!Then pay dirt!But Shhhh! I set my daughters line so she can will feel the hits!and become accostom to her new rod/reel combo! Well after having a feel for the lake I hit the deep end trolling and jigging,Samanthas rod went down and a 9" sunfish was on the other end At the same time mine went down while handling the sunfish,a 3 lb rainbow was on,then lost feet from the boat!OH well! After fishing we hit Ryans place! Youve all seen the pics!While ryan drawing out names mine came up,and thanks to some one that pointed out Leechmans Bass Kit!I had to have it!And got it! Its in safe hands now ,Jacques! To continue on, this weekend of fishing That kinda of sums it up! Heres the pics,mind you Ive caught more and they fowled as well,so no picks of them at all!All but the little guy went back!
  8. Send Thejay a pm!Hes in hamilton! He may be able to help you! I think hes on fishing trip as well this week!
  9. Maximum marine,tell him harvey sent ya!LOL
  10. All I can say pete, since Im a south paw,2 thumbs up for ya Captain . NOW !!!!!GO GET THAT 50 incher!!!!!
  11. Those were the "WHAT THE HECK" catchs!While targeting another species!Still trying! Snagalot,ive fished this lake for many years!20 or so!Grab a canoe and enjoy the scenery!The fish are there,just a little more work now! A heck of alot more for what I was targeting! Heres a finder pic of what I was dealing with,the targeted species that wouldnt hit,but followed all day,all day!!!!!!
  12. Heres a couple little guys from there!
  13. I will post later , my fish and what a one lady said and an encounter with an old sweet lady on the peir(elzhiemers in play)
  14. You now have 1600 freinds, a good wife and a peed off captain! Soooooo!!!! Wheres your next vacation ?Same boat?
  15. Thanks Rick,And whats worse, Im yet to hit the creek for float fishing!The worst is yet to come! fuming over the tires in the creek! Ahhh! what the heck,bronte creek PP, clean up your bloody mess at upper middle rd and burloak rd!Tires at the bottom of the hill behind their compound,in the creek! Sorry to all the good folks, im just having a bad day.
  16. I lucked out bruce,mine was at work!!!!PHEW!!!!!
  17. Sorry Guys but someone has to say something. I was at Bronte for the past little while,the peir was clean as can be! Guess what folks!Once the fools got there its a pure mess! Fishing lines left on shore tangling up on a nice ladies foot while cleanin up the timmies cups(fisherman coffee I may add), a dog as well was tangled in a nest! Ear plugs all over the shore to boot!!!!With hooks still in them!!!!!!!!! Ive done my part and will continue doing it on my own accord! Please,Keep the walkways safe for the children,pets and all the good folks around! Please!!!!!!We fish there as well!!! Sorry guys, I was a little teed off with this. I do my my part,so should others!
  18. This flossing thing and rods laying out flat on the peir,seen it this morning with my own eyes.Weight below and 2 hooks set above with ear plugs attached!!!!!!Set up for snap fest!!!!!!! I prefer to use lures,its the anticipation of a hit!Not waiting for my rod to make a mad dash off the peir!
  19. Welcome aboard! That lake/resevoir produces some nice size fish!Mpb smallie was from their,18inchs.And their are bigger ones!!!! As for taking the little one! I will send a pm! Just for little guys sake
  20. Welcome aboard,nice smallie btw
  21. And dont forget the air horn, lloyd!
  22. Ive always used a manual auger,but cutting holes all day is tiresome.I purchased a power auger a few years back,glad I did!As a few mentioned a nik in the blade,or lending it out to a newbee,it becomes a pain in the rear! I considered the weight factor as well Frank! I added skiis to my otter sled!Made pulling a lot easier!All the gear inside,clam 2000 hut on top,rods and auger on top of that!
  23. Bark lake near barrys bay?
  24. shoot,sorry terry,i figured he was running one finder!My apologies
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