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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Congrats Brandon
  2. Congrats aaron on the record breaker!
  3. Most have stated whats in the lake, the fishing is good. But better is your in a boat. I usually troll worm harness and crank baits, with plenty of success.A nice park to enjoy and very well maintained.
  4. Gerritt, if Scott Duvall is in your area, thats who I would choose for councilor, I wish he would run for mayor one day!An excellent gent and friend I may add!
  5. Dont worry about thr tyler event kelvin, Im sure a few of us here would be glad to help out you know it! You know where to reach me bud! Family comes first!
  6. Very sorry to hear about that, Kelvin. Hang in there!
  7. Just checked it out wayne, cool! then off to the side I see 407 cows
  8. The ticking in the engine usually a bad plug or cracked head in #3 or #7 cyl! Ive seen happen on fords 4.6 ltr plenty of times. Right bank 3rd cyl, head crack. Starting at the spark plug hole! The crack will have a circular pattern!Some times blowing the plug out. I think gerrit has a u joint or slip yoke issue.Thats if his rear end is shacking!
  9. Good luck pete go get em! I tried for skis, but all I got was this guy A 39er, thats fine by me!LOL
  10. Nice
  11. diito that The bobber is a cooler! a 50" muskie would pull it in!esp with the high end brew! Gotta get one soon!
  12. His musky tactics are wrong cause hes sucking on the Bong Smile, point, laugh as you will Hes just a poor pontoon muskie dude Its a fifty, its a fifty, his darlins so proud to us he was load and so rude Continue on if you like guys and gals Ill see if another ofner can shine some tunes on this one
  13. I found OFC while googling for fishing info.I was on iboats forum for a bit, so I decided to look up fishing forums!LOL! And I was hooked! Lots of great info, chats, funnies, you name it! And all that Ive met here nothing but top notch guys and gals indeed! Ive probably fished a little harder since ive joined, and learned a ton more! Now Dan mentioned something about the free beer! But that bobber of his would be great for ski fishing
  14. Bring a hat down, i have something for you!
  15. Congrats guys Looks like she already caught wind that you guys were fishing!
  16. P/a does have a good return policy! Their grote lights are fine! Look for the marine lights, if its a knock off, dont bother! The Led lights I pointed out on Brians trailer are the ones to get as a marker light.But your paying a little more!
  17. Nice to see you out there as well Whopper! That pontoon dude sure cracks me up alright.Doing figure 8s and all, fighting the ski at the same time As for him running 2 rods Maybe the warden will get him next time! Frank, thanks for coming along! Brian, thanks for inviting us! It was an OFC day to a tee for me, with the gtg in the hammer afterwards I couldnt ask for anything more! Next time Im bringing my daughters Barbie Doll rod, I'll show off that pontoon boat dude!
  18. A few more pics for yas! Thanks again guys, I had a blast!
  19. First off a very special thanks to Slowpoke! Thank you kindly Brian! I took slowpokes offer and after a few pms, it was on!I met up with Frank, then off to Brians place!After a little intro and chat we were off to LSC! We arrived at LSC just after sun up!What a view! We began trolling for about an hour or so, seen a few skis rise in the meantime! Finally we had one on,then lost after a few seconds!We continued on and after a while finally another one on! This one is going to be landed! And she sure was landed! A 39 incher! The funniest moments of the day was the pontoon dude and the wheel! But thats for another day!
  20. Scoot over my way, ill take a peak!
  21. Someone was late!LOL
  22. Fun times and good chats!
  23. I will have them up tonight!
  24. Sure
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