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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Once again for a third year in a row,I would like to announce that myself and my daughters will be hosting this contest again I would personally like to thank everyone that has donated prizes last year, and asking them if they wish to donate again this year All the info will be listed below for all that are not familiar with the contest. Start date Dec 25/2012 End date march 15/2013(or the day huts have to be pulled out of lake simcoe) Rules: 1: have fun and play safe, dont go to extremes for a photo oportunity. 2: Must be you in the picture while ice fishing. If there is no ice in your area, no problem, time stamp the photo and pm me the info. 3: Fish do not have to be in the picture, just yourself. An advantage if there is. 4: Keep it clean, for yours and my kids sake 5: HAVE FUN For those that dont know and a reminder as well. My daughters are the judges, their decisions are final, I have no part in that We are only doing this for the sake of winternet. The only gain thats received is a good laugh or smile from everyone Thank you once again from myself and my girls for a wonderful 2 years, lets make this year even better Anyone that wishs to donate prizes again this year, post it or just pm me. I would also like to add that there will be first, second and third place prizes again this year Cheers Vince
  2. Happy thanksgiving Kelvin, and to your family as well
  3. First of all I am awaiting a go ahead from the boss, after that, then I can figure a few things out. Jeremy, what you have mentioned sounds good and all but all entries are free regardless. I do have something in mind for a specific registered charity. Rod caster, i will be in touch for sure and thank you again for last years donations Like I said its a little premature and I just want to get the ball rolling sooner than later.
  4. Once again I want to continue what I have started a little while back, something that I and my daughters have enjoyed doing. The first year was a shear blast of laughter, last year was a little off beat perhaps due to the warm weather we have experienced. This year I would like to step it up a notch to help out a friend most of us know. Before I reconfigure anything, what I would really appreciate is an opinion to make this contest better for all to enjoy. Hopefully this year will be bigger and better than last year Cheers and good fishing to all
  5. Im sure his better half will take care of that part of the menu OUCH!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to all
  6. ps, tomatoes are ripe and time for fresh salsa
  7. Your pup lucky was sure a lucky and happy puppy to have you and your better half as companions. It will break my girls hearts to bring on the the news. Theres a young one there to make you proud. Your a good man just like my old neighbours and all I can say is this
  8. Awesome pic and pics Gman , keep up the great work
  9. caramelized walters, sounds interesting.
  10. The water level is very low, extremely low if your out there with an outboard. As for the fishing I didnt find it too bad, and all the fish looked very healthy and spunky .
  11. Common hubs are cheap, quick and simple to install. Save yourself the headache and pick one up at princess auto,a complete kit. In my trade ive seen so many jimmy riggens gone wrong, and the "can you fix this temporarily so i can get home?, i will fix it there.". If I got a nickel for every time Ive heard that, OMG !!!!!
  12. Awesome report and pics Unfortunetely once again I couldnt attend this year, but im sure me and my girls will there for the next event. Congrats Ryan and dan for a great turn out
  13. Inormally would recommend new buck rivots, but if you cant get your hands on the other side then an aluminum waterproof rivot with some sealant is your best option.
  14. Nice fish guys
  15. ouch!!! The worst Ive seen was a few treble hooks stuck in someones cheek, not mine but I dug them out.
  16. Happy Birthday Gman
  17. Hey NAW , im thinking of selling my compressor, a 60 gallon upright. More than enough for what you need it for. pm me if interested
  18. Thanks guys, heres a pic of my very first dragon fly Now onto a frog and a crayfish,
  19. I havent tied in a long time, but im sure one of these little buggers will attract a fish this weekend. A quick test in the household pond tonight before a morning test run, im hoping they dont survive
  20. Nice shooting guys
  21. Nice fish guys Boy am I getting jealous now .
  22. Every so often a good old friend calls me to see if I want to go out, whether to play pool or just go out for a brew. This time it was to tell me hes not feeling well, and hes not going anywhere besides to a hospital visit. This obviously threw me by surprise, I figured he was hurt when he called, but NO!!! He has lung cancer!!!! Which blew me away only because he is moderately fit, never smoked, nor drinks!!!!!!! He surely doesnt deserve to go through this carp called cancer,esp lung cancer!!!If it was going to be anyone in the group, it should be ME!
  23. Awesome report Rick , in due time that 40 plus incher will nibble. You and G deserve it
  24. That was an awesome vid Dan Frank, no need to say thank you , lol.
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