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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Great News Kelvin
  2. One thing I have tried years back is student lawyers, its much cheaper, but you pay for what you get. I only received minor free advice once. Try calling the local university and inquire. You never know, there may be an aspiring student looking for field work for a thesis. As much as you want to help her Mike, stay clear of any legallities that may come your way.
  3. Happy Bday Joey
  4. That didnt take too long to get it slimed
  5. Take it easy on him ryan, he is no longer a walter virgin Dans been slimed
  6. Dans speaking to them
  7. A short report Saturday on lloyds boat was a treat with great company, Dan, Jose and ToddAfterwards we met up with wayne and the gang. It was nice to finally meet Wayne and Dan, and to see Terry again Sunday was a trib fishing day, 10 browns in total, 2 were deeply hooked. Only one was kept due to the bleeding. Monday was a Lake O trolling day in my boat with Miller 4 for 4 cohos and a lamprey eel Pics to come soon
  8. I knew something wasnt right, LOL
  9. I paid 5 last year and the majority of the time the machine was pooched.So 5 for 5 last year on my part.
  10. I had a blast, couldnt ask for any more. Lloyd did a great job as usuall, so in my part kudos to llyod esp, For Dan, Jose and Radar .
  11. Congrats Paul, you will definitely get it slimed very soon
  12. Thats awesome guys What a way to start off a weekend, congrats to all of you
  13. Use it as you wish Dan
  14. Not my kids,a few pics I found and I like using them for what the topic title states, thats all, enjoy, use them if you wish
  15. Heres one for the double words posts and winternet
  16. Im just waying in some options for ya
  17. I like using the little guy at times, but the second basically says it all.
  18. Welcome aboard Im sure the carp gurus will chime in
  19. Send your wife off to a spa for a weekend, Hire a guy to do the work. And you go . All you have to say is TA DA
  20. pm sent
  21. Nice shooting Guys
  22. Thats awesome Greg By any chance was there a lure stuck on one of them?
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