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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. No More almost guide for you congrats on the 500 Richard
  2. I have a huge list!!! basically anyone who leases the vanilla Krispy Kremes for me! hope to get out with a bunch in 07. I got to spent a few days on the water with Musky Matt an had a blast, and Lew had me Lewsmiling all day!
  3. Jim beauty Job, I must say I saw Lew catch a musky on the Color!
  4. What an awesome job! I laughed, I cried! I hope 2007 is just as successful!
  5. hoodoe is a hoodie that is filled with deer hair for warmth, they are awesome! BBR... you are onto me!
  6. Yes Sir! and a new fly rod, have some CRAZY ideas for 07!!! Roger you are an awesome guy, wish I could of chatted with you more... damn I made you day. Good and sorry to hear! I was so mad I did not get to JB's.... have a few bucks ( of wife does not know about cash) I was looking to spend!
  7. I spend my fishing money everywhere. I shop all over the place and love the stores around me ( Manotick Bait abnd Tacle and Bits and bits, Lebaron and Sportsaction)
  8. What a great time!!!! got a new fly rod, some musky baits, a hoodoe and a new hat... met Roger ( BPSbassman) had a hoot of a time running around to the employyes with beards and giving them the staredown! Roger it was great to met you, I enjoyed our chat, hope to do it on the water in 07.. what a great store!!! awesome service even though it was a big place... Beware fishies
  9. cleaned up! had 200 in BPS gift certificates! ( early from ym wife). Headed to Bass Pro and met BPSbassman! what an awesome guy! missed Lew's daughter by 3 minutes ( you are lucky lew I was going to send her with 10 bulldawgs!) Ended up getting a new flyrod combo, a few musky baits, some shirts, a hat and a hoodie. Picked my uncle up a few laker baits for the cottage. went 100 over budget ( family accountant had a few baileys and coffes and was ok with my shopping). got 100 more to spend and have Xmas with my dad tomorrow!!! Merry Chritsmas to all!!!
  10. Mickey! welcome to OFC! remember you from the old FH days... I will be at the rumble this season!
  11. awesome!!!!! I really wish my wife would love that for Xmas!!! merry Christmas Sandy and Adam
  12. Amen to that! took a while to figure out all the fancy buttons but its awesome
  13. Eh I will be there on Saturday! Doh!
  14. Here is to you Eh! still have a " jelly" with your name on it! hopefully we can hook up in 07 ( I will bring breakfast)!
  15. Two Lew smiles coming up! ( with matching hats to match)
  16. thread title only! what thread was your favorite laugh, report or info
  17. thats awesome!!!! my old site was ranked #2! http://web.archive.org/web/20010616194124/...spages/Ratings/
  18. photoz... as we have previously learned, there is nothing wrong with taking a fish home for the table thought i had my first mirror carp when i saw the side but no.... maybe a prop did it
  19. is it all week or just boxing day?
  20. you all do a great job on this site. well done to everyone. Except Roy , he never pms me anymore
  21. personally I really enjoy eating fresh fish and when i do keep some fish i like the smaller ones
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