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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. they replaced white buckets with Red bins
  2. I think I am over 500 warning since I joined OFC... must be a guide of trouble
  3. the carp spring fishing show is awesome, still cheap lots of vendors and great deals
  4. 228 was the damage... not too bad, very lose belt that was damaged and had to be replaced and my alarm wiring had to b fixed could of been worse. thanks everyone for your suggestions Like to Tow truck guy said " cars act up when its +30 and - 30"
  5. Nauti's a guide!? where you taking me!
  6. I know... if they charge me 500 bucks I will at leats have money to spend on lures without Slack from the wife
  7. Cmon guys and Gals! Joe signed up to say thank you!
  8. man speedy recovery to you... better now then on bass opener!
  9. thanks everyone for your help... Towed away to C.T report in the morning! its a 2002 Santa Fe..
  10. hopefully that officer is angry about not being able to track them down and will find them next season doing the same thing
  11. DSN... I got 6 houses down and it died. She is sounding sick...it will turn over for about 10 seconds then die then there will be no power to start it again. If I wait 30 minutes it gets a small amount of juice... It would not run after we boosted it either. The stereo and everythign work ... hmm the saga continues on a good note I can get some Canadian tire money to out towards some new crank baits or something
  12. thanks man, its still there may get a tow
  13. So my ride would not start this morning. Sounded like it was going to turn over but would not. Now it will turn over but just for 10-15 seconds and then die. I try to start it again and it goes dead. If I wait 30 minutes I can get some juice back into it but not enough to drive anywhere,., Battery dead?? any suggestions? thanks!
  14. Welcome to OFC Joe! our votes are only worth .85 a US vote today but we will keep at it!
  15. big Cliff... love your reports!!! keep at em! check out www.boatlessfishing.com I think there is a section for Myrtle beach there you may get some tips ( sounds like you do not need any!!) catch em up!
  16. never been to the Toronto one but the onein Ottawa is the same. They are charging the vendors alot of money and you are not getting the deals that were once offered. It has become more of a money grab then a fun way to spend a day. I would rather take 50 bucks and go to a local bait shop and buy a few new baits
  17. Pint size! its been a while since we have fished together! You do not become Krispy Kreme Pro Staff for eating grapefruit for breakfast!
  18. Sharks are bad for beach tourism. Some county's in Florida have the same rules and you can get a big fine for fishing for and bringing a shark to the beach ( fine is something bad like endangering the well being of others).We usually drive up the coast about an hour to where you can do it. Alot of people fish for them off the piers. I did it last time and got many looks from some of the tourists and pier rats. Sharks are great fun and put up a great fight.Had a black Tip take 700 yards of line on the first run As for the top 10 show. I saw that one it was awesome!!! Bull Sharks are crazy!!! on top of my to catch list as well!
  19. that looks awesome! can't wait to see a report
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