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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. get out of here Sheldon! :) :)
  2. that is ture and when its hot it gets really uncomfortable
  3. thats the one Rick.. any fish that makes you sream like a girl is good in my books
  4. there is an awesome one called Chew on this .. google it, awesome too see
  5. HA! what an awesom episode. hope to be down in the keys in a few weeks... Pete had his hands full with that big Goliath. I hooked one off 7 mile bridge and it kicked my ass!
  6. lol @ " Zulu" wanting a rematch... dude cmon!
  7. Cliff awesome pictures!!! looks like you had an excellent trip!
  8. Jim Nice work man! I have my eye on a few of them!
  9. Crusty, where in Ottawa are you? PM me if you want to car pool...
  10. thats dacron... I like to tie a fluro leader to it
  11. Kennyman... I guess what this whole thread means is if you want to get into musky fishing you will need 112 lures, 2 tackle boxes, 2 sets of pliers, jaw spreaders, two hook cutters and 3 combos Happy shopping!
  12. I will shut it when I get the one I was promised! :)
  13. Henderson has been training with lindland and Team Quest and has had a new striking coach for the last year. You watch he will be a threat on his feet. Hendo is also a fisherman Hendo with my daughter
  14. Fresh creek has a good population of tarpon. Not sure where you are staying here is a map of the island
  15. hey there where are you staying? I am looking at heading down therenext year as well I have been doing some reading and by the sounds of it I hope you like bonefish! honestly bonesfish are an awesome fish to catch, do not let the size fool you. Besides them the cudas should be around in full force as well. Bring some topwater baits and reel them in really quickly. Sharks are all over. My suggestion for them if you want a simple rig is to catch a small cuda or jack and have a bigger rod ready and swim them out... if there is a shark andwhere around it will get crushed. You can also cut it in pieces and put it on the bottom if you want to catch a nurse shark. They are like a big catfish and will not mess you up when you land them If you hook a big lemon or blacktip you are on your own ( do not try and get your hook back!). Remember where you find bonefish you will find cudas. and where you find cudas you will find sharks. I like to use poor quality gold hooks when shark fishing that will rust in salt water this way you can cut the line and the fish will rust out in a few days with the salt water. bring some ballons with you and if you get a jack or a cuda cut it in half and suspend it a few feet down. try and use big circle hooks and when the shark bites just reel ( do not set the hook at all). Keep the line tight and hold on!! for tarpon just got an email. There are a few creeks that run off of the ocean and hold all kinds of fish. The water is a bit warmer and you should be able to see tarpon rolling if they are there4. Check early in the morning and before dark
  16. aNYONE HAVE THOUGHT ON THE NEXT pRIDE usa SHOW I think that Dan Henderson will beat Wanderlei Silva
  17. Got mine yesterday as well!!! I love the opening bands as well ( Down and Megadeth)
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