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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. notice the girth is 25" and the length is 22" the fish would be round!
  2. man having a child has softened you... throwing Pink baits Cmon man!
  3. still trying to find one I don't like!
  4. love alot and PRV a few every week Esox Angler the new Flyerfisher Urban outdoor adventures Walker cay cron love alot of the salt water shows as well and HOTLINES!
  5. great service today! thanks to the gals at EA! I hope you can to an 8 x 10 autographed picture of that Peter Frampton guy in my order as well!
  6. got out with TIm a few weeks ago for carp, we had a blast! Glad you guys did well and the laughs were flowing, thats half the fun of being on the water
  7. photoshop the creative way to protect your fishing spots
  8. great fish Lew, Man this carp this is not good
  9. DSN awesome report man! they have been biting good aroudn here too! got some nice ones in the last few weeks
  10. 300 pounder eaten by an est 15 foot hammerhead
  11. Dude what a pig!! great report man!
  12. Andrew I am heading out some time on Saturday and Sunday morning. I am in the west end if you want to tag along...
  13. beauty one Rich... missed your reports! rock bass all over have celebrated
  14. Nice catch man! SHE IS A BEAUTY
  15. Matt we will find her Momma next weekend! nice fish!
  16. I just hope the Silva vs Nate fight is good. Nate has been in some real snoozers
  17. anyone wants results click here for the play by play' http://www.thefightnetwork.com/news_detail.php?nid=4248
  18. LOL @ doubting the muscle shark
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