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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. That wasn't a real answer I was being a smart . I'm sure they do work especially when drifting faster runs in off coloured water. Also in harbour mouths still fished on the bottom.... That said I've never used them and likely never will (there are better baits out there for fishing those situations).
  2. They work excellently especially in estuary situations. (As do foam ear plugs and cigarette butts) (Terribly sorry couldn't resist )
  3. Super clean looking ling Ben, very cool! Will you be guiding at SWW again this year?
  4. Nice fishies fishinfool! But c'mon now fess up...... Those fish were all flossed with cigarette butts, bonked then later smothered in a marshmallow sauce and washed down with a nice Banrock Station sauvignon blanc. Right?
  5. Nicely done Simon, both the walleye and your new arrival.
  6. I'd take specks any day of the week, good choice.
  7. Big river steelhead, now that's the right way to break in a new stick! (First pic is very cool btw)
  8. Awesome Jay! So I guess you didn't end up going to MI then?
  9. There's always people fishing for steelhead at the dam this time of year.....illegally.
  10. Awesome buddy!! Uh oh, now that you've posted those pic's with backgrounds clearly visible that river is doomed! So did you get 'em on the fly?
  11. This time of year sees me putting a lot of miles on the hwy. Regardless of the conditions somewhere will be prime if you're willing to do some driving. After an uneventful trip north on Wed to fish the Huron tribs I was looking to redeem myself with a good day. My friend Adam lives in Ohio and after gabbing on the phone for a bit about some of the new reels he's making (he builds amazing custom centre pin reels), he says "get your butt down here asap the river is prime!!" That's all I needed to hear. Joining me on this quest for chrome was BillM and Fergie once again. We met at my place Friday evening after work and hauled down to the Buckeye state. Arriving around 10:30 we checked into our hotel, poured a couple of drinks and unwound a bit before finally hitting the sack. Sat morning we met up with Adam and utilized his vehicle so that we could walk a long stretch of river. (We left mine at the downstream access then hopped in his truck and drove upriver). Here's Adam with one of his newer creations: The river was gorgeous, pool after pool and not another soul on the river. You'd never see that in Ontario. Unfortunately the fishing was slow LOL! The water clarity was worse than expected apparantly due to some upstream construction. We worked the water quickly attempting to reach my vehicle so we could head upstream and salvage the day. Still there were some fish caught. I had a couple on, none landed. Ferg apparantly managed to land 2 and Bill got this one while I was in camera range: Here he is battling the fish: (For you critics out there how's this for a new pose? ) After we reached my vehicle Adam had to say his goodbyes as he had reels to make, so we motored about 20 miles upstream to hopefully find clearer water and more cooperative fish. We did. I started things off with this decent hen: The water's quite a bit warmer down there and there's lots of these guys in the river already: I had it in mind to walk downstream as far as I could then work my way back to the car. Billy and Ferg are lazy slugs. They stayed put near the vehicle not willing to put in the footwork.... There were thousands of fish in that stretch of river, many of which were clearly visible attempting to spawn on the gravel. I'm not a fan of fishing for steelhead when they're on the beds so I concentrated my efforts on the deeper darker slots and seams. There were plently of hungry takers.... This huge old tree was over 8' in diameter: Some sweet looking water: Some even sweeter fish : I had quite a little session down there, a good number of fish were caught, many more were lost in the heavy current. Let me tell ya it was hard to walk away from that, but I was starting to wonder about the boys and how they were doing, so back upstream I went. Apparantly the lads had found a decent little pod of fish upstream as well so the day was a good one all around. (Billy if you've got any pic's of your or Ferg's fish feel free to post them bud. Wouldn't mind seeing them myself ). Now it's time to start prepping for next week. 6 days in Michigan baby!! Cheers, Mike
  12. Yeah I stop by there occasionally for a look see when I'm down in PA. There's definitely no salmon there it's all steelhead. Trout Run is where PA collects their eggs for their stocking program. (Unfortunately 'cause they're the grossest, mangiest strain of mutts I've ever seen ). Here's a couple of pic's I snapped last fall:
  13. Not too much to report unfortunately. On the plus side perhaps I can help a few guys decide whether or not to head north... Overall the day was an absolute blast. I finally managed to hook up with Fidel (highdrifter) for a day of fishing. Joining us was BillM, driving over from Barrie and meeting us at the river. I figured the Saugeen would be rounding into form so that's where we headed first. Here's Fidel rigging in the parking lot: The river was super high, very cold and just barely fishable. This time of year it's all about water temperature and it's still just a bit too cold. A few more warm days, a bit more vis in the water and I'm sure it'll be game on. Both Bill and myself briefly had fish on, a couple headshakes and gone. And that was it for action... Nice scenery and water though: After hopping around a few different spots at the 'geen we packed it up and headed north to the Sauble. What a contrast!! It was low and glass water clear (and seemingly devoid of fish as well ). Gave 'er a good shot though and thoroughly enjoyed the fishing even though there was no catching involved: Not willing to give up the ghost we headed east to Owen Sound and finished up the day fishing the harbour on the lower Sydenham. With the water being gin clear and somewhat low the harbour is usually the better bet... Not on this day though...dead as a doornail. That's the way it goes sometimes. Sometimes you drive for 3 hours and fish hard for nada. It's a game of timing and it's called paying your dues. On the plus side I made a new friend today. (I'd fish with you anytime Fidel) Next time we get out I guarantee the catching will be better! Cheers, Mike
  14. We were up there yesterday bud. It's as dead as a doornail.
  15. Junk. If anyone's looking for a float reel shoot me a pm I can probably help.
  16. Cool. Believe it or not I saw one down at the rocks at 50 Point on Sunday.. Fearless little critters.
  17. Fantastic report and pic's Wayne, thank you! Boy Lloyd is regular fishin' machine isn't he? Hardcore for sure. So what was the change in tactics on Sat that produced for you?
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