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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that this thread will go south fast.
  2. Have to admit I've never been impressed with his antics but he's got talent. Not too often you can pick up a perrenial all star and a legit deep thread from your rival team for nothing LOL! (9 catches in his 2nd full game as a Cat last week? Not too shabby ) Prepare yourself for some serious dissapointment my friend. Ahh there's a glimmer of hope for you after all!
  3. Yech! A fan of the Blew team are ya? My excitement over the Cats season is matched only by my glee in seeing the Blew team fall to pieces. (BTW thanks for Bruce glad he's now a Cat. )
  4. Right on dude! I was going to bring my daughter but the weather forecast scared me away (she's only 5). Had a great time watching it though, man what a downpour! Someone called me late in the 4th right when Cobb ran in for that touchdown and I literally whipped the phone on the ground LOL!
  5. I'm a huge Ticats fan. Been suffering for a looong time, man oh man does this year feel good! Anyone else out there a closet Cats fan? Perhaps an OFC gathering at Ivor Wynn sometime this season?
  6. As is the case with all outpost camps the outfitter has a land use permit from the mnr to operate a commercial outpost on the lake. Beyond that the lake is surrounded by crown land and anyone can access it and fish, camp, etc. There's an unwritten code of honour amongst outfitters that they won't fly into each others lakes. They are "his" lakes in the sense that he's more or less the unofficial caretaker of the resource, both for his own commercial interests and also out of genuine care for the state of the fisheries. There's a big difference between say an outpost camp 100km north of the Albany river waaay beyond the last logging roads and an outpost located in northern Algoma near Chapleau. Make absolutely no mistake, if locals found out about the quality of the fishing the lake would be decimated. If you'd like to read an incredibly interesting book check out Trespassing In Gods Country by George Therriault. It's about the life and times of a well known Ontario outfitter and bushpilot and he touches on this very topic. His son still runs air ivanhoe out of Folyet...great people and outfitters btw. Cheers
  7. Just a suggestion but you may want to re read my statements. As I mentioned several times I've told numerous people the specifics about the trip via pm.
  8. Sorry but that's kind of funny. I can envision my wifes reaction in the same situation LOL! Even now when the phone rings she says "You get it, it's probably one of your fishing friends" If the phone woke her up in the middle of the night there'd be hell to pay.
  9. Thanks for that insight, very interesting. That's a shame then Craig. Personally I've always enjoyed reading what you had to say. You may not remember this but I met you a couple years back at the Catt. At that time you said you were freelancing for several different Stateside mags?
  10. Hey bud don't you realize that the government installs those chips at birth!!!! You better believe it. If you wrap tinfoil around your head you may be able to deflect some their probing rays. Respectfully yours, Lundboy (oops I mean solopaddler yeah that's it!)
  11. Over the last few days I have received several negative comments from some members both in reply to my post and also via pm wondering why I didn't include the details on where I went on the fly in trip. I tried to explain my reasoning in my trip post but this explains things much clearer and I thought you might be interested in reading this. The following excerpt was copied and pasted from an email sent to me last night from my outfitter: "If you could please do me a huge favor in return I would ask that you don't give out the lake name of the camp you were at. The problem is that once people find out about an amazing fishing spot they will go to incredible ends to cut trails or will fly their own airplanes in. I've seen it happen many times and the outcome is never good. We protect our lakes hoping to pass them down to our children one day. The reason flying in is so amazing is the fact that local people do not disturb the lake but when the lake name gets out it can be disastrous. Imagine as a customer, paying to fly in, only to find other people already fishing your private lake. People may also walk the river during the spawning periods and disturb the eco balance of both lakes. I am really truly impressed that you had the foresight not to include the lake name in your report saving me a lot of grief. Thanks again so much!" Yes I have provided the info to some of those who pm'd me asking. Not all though, only those who I either knew or felt I could trust. I've run into the same negative reaction before from members who want info handed to them. Perhaps this might help make them understand. Cheers, Mike
  12. I've only camped there as well bud, but yeah your right it's a great lake. Moreso for walleye than anything else though. http://www.rayscamps.com/
  13. True. What many don't understand is you rarely just "stumble" onto this kind of fishing blindly. I did a huge amount of research beforehand: phone calls, emails, checking references, talking to mnr biologists, pouring over maps and satellite images, etc., etc., etc... Nothing was taken on chance. I pretty much knew beforehand the fishing would be good.. This is the same research I've done for every trip of substance I've ever done. I've actually got an entire filing cabinet at home with info I've collected on hundreds of locations over the years. That's the entire key to success right there.
  14. C'mon though, you know as well as I do average size like that is pretty rare. I've never seen anything like it on a small inland lake...
  15. Pretty much do that everyday on the QEW on my way to work. Nothing worse than A types in their Beamers who think they own the road swarming around everyone like killer bees...
  16. Seems to me it's a sign Barrie is thriving and that's got to be good. Hey listen, my town of Grimsby is ridiculous as far as traffic and parking within the town goes on a daily basis. You take the good with the bad that's life.
  17. As a matter of fact yes. If I had wanted to post the location publicly for the entire world to see I would have. Is it too hard to understand that I might possibly want to go back there one day? Is too hard to understand that a lake like that is vulnerable and can be fished down? FYI I have fielded numerous pm's asking me the same questions you have. The vast majority I've supplied with the info, some I have not.
  18. So what's wrong with that? Back in my day we'd do that on purpose for it's antiseptic qualities! There 'aint nuthin' a good tinkle won't cure and don't you forget it!!
  19. Now that made me laugh more than Daves lame joke.
  20. What I've always wondered, let's say you've got a high end inflatable model that's never been inflated. How do you know 100% for sure that it actually will inflate when you really need it?
  21. Well done lad, the old pic's are great and those are some nice healthy pike there. The pic of the boats in the rough water made me shudder. When I was at Kesagami the boats were always my pet peeve. Such long heavy boats and so underpowered with 9.9's. In heavy water you'd sometimes get stuck in the troughs between waves with no power to get out....not much fun.
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