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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I do remember that article! I was very fortunate to have the chance to fish with Swan several times over the years, he was the reason I made my first trip there 30 odd years ago. FWIW I'm headed back next week for two days if you can get away. Only on weekdays. I was there Thurs to Sat, and Sat was an absolute gong show even lower down. Love the Filson vest!
  2. As long as it's not sand it's fine. A quick flush and spin in the water and any silt is cleaned out. I was waving up at you Rob.
  3. Was able to fish one of my favourite rivers in Michigan last week with 3 friends and had an absolute bonanza! We drove through monsoon rains to get there and it rained off and on all day the first day on the river. This bumped up the water and brought a huge run of fresh in. Thursday while the numbers were great we all caught a mix of large dark holdover fish as well as a bunch of fresh chromers. Friday was insane. Almost all fresh fish, and some were quite large! We fished from daybreak until 8:30pm that evening and caught fish consistently all day long. I'm not normally into numbers but it was the best day I've ever had walk and wade fishing this particular river. Well over 70 fish landed by my group with 28 put on the bank myself. Many, many more fish were lost in the heavy current. As a steelheader these are the kinds of days you dream of! Most of the fish were caught on a mix of beads and roe with long leads in the 10 to 12' range, tons of shot and 12 to 15 gram floats to get down in the powerful current. Some were caught casting hardware which is always a blast. Can't wait to get back!!
  4. Check out this lodge on the Naknek. Just under 2K per person per week self guided including meals, cabin, boat/motor and gas. Pretty great value! http://naknekrivercamp.com/index.html
  5. With that kind of budget the skies the limit! You're practically in the right price range to fish Kamchatka in Russia as well. Just curious why kings though? You'd likely have way more fun with rainbows and cohos. Dave's right on, the Bristol Bay region is where it's at in AK.
  6. Right in the mud. It's deceiving it wasn't as bad as it looked in the picture. Chartreuse bag, pink yarn.
  7. Did you book the lake I suggested?
  8. Was a great day on a couple of different rivers today! After such a long cold winter it was a pure joy fishing in such warm temp's. Lots of fish, lots of bent rods and lots of laughs - best part is there's more on tap for tomorrow.
  9. That's a pretty generous offer James! PM sent
  10. Just to be clear the outpost isn't on Memesagamesing it's on a nearby back lake. I do love that lake though, one of my favorites.
  11. Overstock Bait always has killer deals, I use them all the time. http://www.overstockbait.com/
  12. Here's one that "may" be perfect for you. Parolin's cottages on Memesagamesing Lake north of Loring Ontario (south of the French off hwy 522) is a good one. The owners name is Tom Beck, he's a great guy and a friend of mine. He doesn't advertise this, but he has a REALLY nice outpost camp on a back lake that never gets fished, it's the only camp of any kind on this lake. He's been trying to get me to come up and fish it for a few years now but I don't ever have the time. It might be worth a call. It's certainly within your driving range and would be within your price range for sure. If you call just tell him you heard about it from me otherwise he'll wonder. http://www.parolinscottages.com/
  13. This popped to mind
  14. Pretty cool. Number 3 is amazing.
  15. Nope, fly in's is what I do but I'm working directly with more than 80 outfitters planning and booking trips for people.
  16. I can help with plenty of suggestions (it's what I do). Email me directly at [email protected]
  17. You guys are such rednecks - love it LOL!
  18. I fished it and did very well! Also directed dOUG on the board (what happened to him???) to this outfitter and his group went twice I believe. Best thing to do is call me direct to discuss. (contact info is on my website)
  19. Right here. Flatlining all over this entire area was very productive. (For those that don't know this is a fly in lake )
  20. fwiw the north end of Dayo in behind those islands was a great spot for us last spring.
  21. Congrat's to both you and Andrea! I can't believe how much he looks like you, wow!
  22. Well I fished the very same lake in early June last year (remember it a late ice out) that he'll be fishing this year. We caught lots of fish flatlining but caught just as many trolling leadcore. The fish are not always deep in the spring especially on bright bluebird days.
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