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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. I think that from now on, if someone wants to read one of my musky posts they will have to send me a double cowgirl in the mail first. Roy, can you make that happen... please!!!
  2. Most of my fishing is in the Kawarthas.
  3. I think that even if we made people take the two minutes to sign up to be able to read posts, most would still just remain as lurkers who just read but don't post...
  4. So basically the maps will look prettier LOL, and I suppose the 3D view could help in finding certain structure. Sounds good for an extra $35. I saw those features on the Navionics site but wasn't sure if you had to have a high-end system like a HDS or if it would work on my Elite 5.
  5. Currently running the Gold, and it is OK, but I want more detail and 1' contour lines. I will be running this in My Lowrance Elite 5. Can anyone tell me the differences between the premium and the platinum chips? It looks like the lake lists are the same, and the HD lakes with the 1' contours are also the same. The price difference ($165 vs $200) is not a big deal, just wondering what extras the platinum has to offer. thanks Peter
  6. It's not his fishing skill that makes me watch, that's for sure lol... but seeing exotic critters with huge teeth is certainly cool. I also get a laugh every time he loses a fish and the sad & dramatic music plays for the next 10 minutes as he stares at the broken line thinking "Why... WHY?? WHYYYYYYYY?????" The catfish episode from the states where he went noodling was funny as hell... he measures a 50lb catfish mouth, and says "This could fit a human head for sure... they could be killers..." OH THE TERROR, I WILL NEVER SWIM AGAIN!!! I still tune in as often as possible... lmao @ myself!
  7. Hey Toad Hunter, I looked at that unit last year, the price was pretty good for the features and wattage, but decided to go a level up with the Elite 5. I have been pretty happy with it, no issues. Hope it serves you well! Peter
  8. Just finished making a couple muskie leaders... a 12" for casting and a 24" for trolling. It was fun and they turned out great! I used all the good stuff to make them... 130lb Seaguar fluorocarbon 300lb test heavy duty swivels with welded rings Big-jon double-barrel crimps #5 Stringease stay-lok snaps Shrink tubing for sexiness... steamed on to not damage the fluorocarbon.
  9. Found the 130lb fluoro today... and the right crimps. Will post the results after I make a few sexy leaders! Trojan tackle trolling tower is being made as we speak Also have a new rod on the way... Lew will approve! Will post a pic when I get it. Need to get up to Shimano this week for the reel tune up... and to radioworld for that map chip. Almost ready to rock and roll! Only 15 more sleeps!!!
  10. I used to troll with my 7' Compres and did OK, but was always worried about the rod snapping when a big one would hit. Last year I picked up an 8' Okuma EVx musky rod that has fiberglass in it - absorbs a bit of that initial impact, especially when the weather gets cold in the fall - and it is now my go-to rod for trolling. As for the length aspect - if you only had the two rods to choose from, I would make the 7' the trolling rod and the 8' the casting rod - the 8' should give you better casting distance, hooksets, figure 8's, etc.
  11. MUSKIES HATE THEM Oh wait, muskies bite things they hate just for fun!
  12. Think coat of muskie slime should do the trick!
  13. Tackle purge has been added to classifieds I may still add more muskie lures to the list in the next few days.
  14. If you are interested in a nice musky setup for a very good price, I would be willing to sell you this combo for $220 (About $80-100 less than retail) Shimano Compre Musky 7' MH Musky rod, used three times (I can get the model number off the rod if you want) Abu C4 6600 reel, brand new with box and papers - spooled up this morning with 200 yards of 80lb Powerpro I will throw in a new Bass Pro Shops neoprene reel cover I just got a quote for a Trojan Tackle trolling tower and need to free up some cash lol!!! Let me know if you want pics. Pete
  15. LOL Greg! Me too - met some great people on this board just by selling stuff! Got the leader clips today - Gagnons had them. Could not find any 130 lb fluorocarbon however... checked at Sail too. 100 lb Seaguar was the strongest I saw. Not sure if the crimps I saw were the right ones either - they were made by Berkley and I think they are designed for steel wire. Wayne - if memory serves, some people even add a modified treble hook at the top of the leader to catch weeds and keep them away from the lure. I think the shrink wrap just looks nice - gives the leader a more finished look. Because muskies REALLY care about that lmao! Sad part is that I will probably do it anyways!
  16. Got my 2 new reels spooled up and the 2 shimanos respooled this morning... all tackle trays, boxes and bags are now cleaned and organized... check the classifieds soon for a tackle purge!!! Mike - good tip!
  17. Thanks for all the input guys! Time to break out the $$$ lol! Thanks for the link Geoff, I really like the custom towers that Trojan tackle sells, but haven't called to ask about pricing yet. Wayne's idea about rubber dipping has me thinking about making my own... I found a really nice hook file at Sail the other day, as well as a wicked pair of fishing scissors... so those are taken care of. Andrew - how ya doin man! You get out on the weekend at all? Radioworld huh, I will check them out. I did really like the chip in your boat last summer. I am also considering starting to make my own fluorocarbon leaders this year... I think there is some $ to be saved there for sure. Buy a spool of 100lb Seaguar, some of the previously mentioned clips and some heavy swivels, and learn how to tie the appropriate knots ( I have heard that crimps are not the best idea?). I think it would actually be a fun little project, as well as being able to customize the lengths. 24 more sleeps! Peter
  18. Thanks Lew - thought a regular file would do the trick, just was wondering if there was something specific out there to do the job. Tightlines is right down the road from my work - I will check them out for the snaps for sure. I figured Shimano would probably be my best bet - after all they would have the parts right there. The reels are still working fine, but I have had the Calcutta TE for 3 seasons and the Tekota for 2, and want to keep them running well for the long run. But what to do with the Quantums... hmmm... Mike - they were rubber coated for sure, but just the top part where it holds the reel. Keeps the reel from getting scratched up. They were mounted on a custom little tower made out of machined aluminum - something like a downrigger tower? Was really solid and made it very easy to adjust the rod angle and direction. Pretty sure it was from that place in Woodstock - anyone know the name? I'm good in the lures department... been collecting some new weapons over the winter. However I am still interested in those ones we talked about that you had for sale if you are passing this way anytime soon! Peter
  19. It's less than a month until my 10 day annual muskie trip There are a few items I would like to add to the arsenal for this years trip, but would like a little advice/feedback from the muskie experts on the board. 1) Does anyone know of a tackle supplier in or near Whitby that sells just the clips for the business end of the fluorocarbon leaders? I have picked them up from JB's before, but it's a bit of a hike now for me. I like to replace them every few days of fishing as I find the metal gets fatigued after multiple lure changes. 2) What is the best file to get for sharpening muskie sized hooks? I have one of the small carbide ones from CT, and it works great on smaller hooks, but I think it's time to get a proper one for the big lures. 3) I was out fishing with Geoff from this site last year, and in his boat he had the Salty rod holders on custom towers. The rod clamps on saltys were coated in rubber - protecting the reel finish - he told me where he got them, but I forgot. Somewhere in Woodstock I think? Does anyone know, and have any idea of a price? I would love to upgrade to these. If anyone knows the approximate price that would also be sweet. 4) I think it is probably time to get my two Shimano baitcasting reels tuned up (Calcutta and Tekota) - where would you guys recommend? Take them to Shimano in Peterborough? I seem to remember that there is someone good in Orillia? I have taken reels to Aikmans in Missisauga before, but it's pretty far for me now, and to be honest was not very happy with the turnaround time nor the end result in the reel. I also have four Quantum Energy spinning reels that could use a little TLC... they have taken their share of wear and tear casting muskie sized lures before I converted to baitcasters in the last few years. Would like to see how much it would cost to get them running smoothly again - if even possible. 5) What would you guys recommend for a mapping chip for my Lowrance Elite 5? A packaged chip came with it when I bought it from LeBaron's, and it is decent, but I really would like the one that has the 1' contour lines for the Kawartha lakes. Again I heard that the guy in Woodstock might be the best option for a chip - as he takes trade ins? Any info would be appreciated. 29 more sleeps until slime time!!!! Thanks so much for any help and info guys. Peter
  20. I have two 7' Shimano Compre MH musky spinning rods - they can cast anything you will ever need for big pike, and I have landed some big skis including my pb 48" on them. They retail for around $130 - if you want one of mine it's yours for $80. I use baitcasters primarily now. Send me a pm if interested! Pete
  21. I have the exact same motor but a 2006... it is very easy to do. The first few times I did an oil change it WAS very messy... but I came up with a little system that eliminates virtually all the mess. I stack up a couple milk crates on either side of the motor, then put a wide board across them. This 'shelf' is just under the height of the oil drain bolt. I use an automotive oil drain pan, and place it on that shelf just under the drain screw. 99.9% of the oil ends up in that pan. For changing the filter, I stuff a couple of rags in the space underneath the filter - if you don't, oil will run down there and it is a PITA to get out. If I can remember, changing oil and filter requires 1.9 litres of fresh oil afterwards, 1.6 is if you don't change the filter. Peter
  22. Hey Greg, your 43" PB ski that you caught the first time out with me doesn't count - as I am classed as an (un)professional guide LMAO KIDDING KIDDING KIDDING I'm with Lew - if you accidentaly catch a fish OOS while fishing for something else, it is still a PB. Will you ever get credit for it in a fishing contest? Nope. Break a record? Nope. But it is your PERSONAL best catch of that species. Now if you catch it intentionally targeting super vulnerable spawning fish like bass... that's just unsportsmanlike and PB takes on a whole new meaning (you choose!)
  23. Yup, filter thru the lowballers and TALK to someone before making a long drive there to buy an item. Price your stuff just right - knowing that people will usually try and offer you a bit less than what you list for and actually want to get for it. I have sold TONS of stuff thru Kijiji, Craigslist and this site... and find it the easiest and best way. I bought my first boat on Kijiji too with no issues (Other than the fact that the boat was a Tracker lol!) Also met several great fishing buddies as an added bonus!
  24. Geoff : You'll shoot your eye out, kid! (And probably try and take out a wasp nest too!!!!)
  25. Help fishgreg reach his muskie goal this summer... and in the process, get my 50! Ok, my other goals or fishwishes include any or all of the following: 5lb largemouth (PB is 4.75) 40" pike (PB is 37") 30lb salmon (PB is 20ish) 25lb channel cat (PB is 22) Get my first topwater ski Catch a LSC ski Catch a Rice Lake ski Make it to the Lakair GTG/fish Nipissing Explore 3 new Kawartha lakes Try open water whitefish/lakers on Simcoe Try for Quinte walleyes in the fall Catch a gar
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