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About rapala14

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    Port Hope

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  1. I have a Mossberg 500 and would highly recommend it. You can get the combo (smooth and rifled barrel) for about $400. My buddy has a Browning BPS and loves it. I've shot it as well and would highly recommend it. You can get this shotgun for around $400 as well. I wouldn't recommend getting any 870's. My other buddy has one and it jams frequently. Hope this helps!
  2. I take it that diet pepsi thats beside the grill was photo shopped in just in case the ministry came on here right?
  3. Right on. Nice fish. I've tried the Pingatees for salmon with no luck. Might have to try'em for steel
  4. I got stopped 4 or 5 times this year. Once by the MNR and the rest by the OPP. MNR has always been very pleasant to deal with. Never had a problem with them. I've had the odd OPP officer power tripping/having a bad day or something, once or twice. Had one tell me he was going to give me a ticket for not having my lights on... and the sun was still up. Ended up just giving me a warning
  5. Haha forgot to add that Roy... that last post is "just my 2 cents"
  6. Sorry Roy, i didn't mean any disrespect or to poke fun of the struggles that Port Hope has. I didn't mean to imply that my fishing success for trout and salmon is more important than the towns prosperity or safety. I don't keep and eat all my fish (MAYBE/if one or two a year from Lake O or any of its tributaries). I live in Port Hope and have for 14 years. I see the struggles and hear the concerns first hand that the town has. I read the back and forth articles in Northumberland Today (and when it was Port Hope Evening Guide) between FARE and others. I am very confident they (AECL with the help of the CNSC) can remove the contaminated soil safely and relocate it in its new home. Which happens to be the old bailey's automotive site. Here's the problem i have with this particular article. They did a municipal wide clean up of all the contaminated fill from Eldorado (any material that was "X" amount of counts above background radiation... radiation is everywhere) back in the early 80's. If moving this low level radioactive waste is going to kill/severely harm us when we move it NOW, why weren't there major fatalities or major spikes in cancer from towns people and/or workers back in the 80's when they relocated/moved it? People are, understandably (i certainly am), afraid of the unknown. Radiation is definitely one of them. Just to put things in perspective and how much EVERYONE deals with low and high level radiation on a daily basis here are a couple fun facts. Alot of painted glazed plates are over 100 counts above background (because of the glaze, paint, or combination) which means they are technically low level radioactive waste. For all the guys that quit smoking, GREAT! Here's another good reason to stay off the cigarettes . If you were smoking over a pack a day you were getting over 1300 millirem per year of radiation. To put that in perspective, OPG employees doing radioactive work are only allowed 1000 millirem per year. The contamination of the soil and lakes from ALL industry is bad. It happens all along the great lakes and thousands of lakes and rivers around the country. People are afraid of Port Hope because (like Roy said) of bad publicity... and this article along with many others (including the bias episode of W5) is definitely bad publicity. I want this clean up to be done and negative stigma around port hope to be done with it. BUT i want it done safely and effectively. Sorry for the rant, but i thought i should explain myself.
  7. Gotta love fear mongering. But hey, if ridiculous articles like this keep people away from fishing the ganny... gonna make salmon and rainbow fishin that much more enjoyable and easier for me.
  8. We will be taxed until the government gets the perfect/near perfect equilibrium for making max profit. Its like gas prices. If the price of gas is "too high" people stop driving, find other ways of getting around or just cut out certain trips all together etc. If the price of gas is "too low" they're missing out on profits. But if its "just right", people are still doing all the things they want but pay maximum price. As for the price on plastic bags... thats bull. I don't recall a price drop in any groceries since paying for plastic bags. Or a program put in place to help the environment with the monies made with the implementation of this price on plastic bags. The reusable shopping bags is a great idea. I'm glad people do it. Keep up the good work! But to make people pay for plastic bags all of a sudden and put it under the facade of "going green" is ridiculous. This is the kind of crap that spawns the tire tax and oil filter tax. Give'em an inch and they'll take a foot
  9. Good on you for helpin the boys out. Hopefully they learned a valuable lesson.
  10. I see it all the time at the ganny. Pick up a net full of timmy hoès cups all the time. And thats not even considering the line and lure packages.
  11. I love how in Nothumberland TODAY it reads "Catch limits will safeguard panfish resource: biologist" extra emphasis on BIOLOGIST. Not "Some persons OPINION that there should be no limits because I think there are lots of fish in Rice Lake and this is the way its always been"
  12. My brother and buddy both have the 10'6 model and both really like it. Mind you they are using it to cast hardware. dunno what its like for drifting. I havent handled the 10' that you have but i'd agree with the previous posters and say it might be a little heavy, unless your casting spoons off the pier. But hey man, its your world, if it feels right to you and you like it... power to ya. As for a reel, Shimano seharra is a clutch one to go with. incredibly smooth drag, well built and just an all round great reel.
  13. I use Trilene XT (preferably in clear) for throwin hardware (kiwik fish/flatfish, spinners, spoons etc). Great knot strength, super abrasion resistant just an all round great line. Haven't tried the super braids for steelheadin yet. Probably should give it a shot haha
  14. True, they are North American made but keep in mind... The vehicles are ASSEMBLED in Canada and the United States. Still DESIGNED by Toyota. Wouldn't matter where they are assembled, they'd still have the same problem if they were assembled in Japan.
  15. Rock n roll, country, metal/80's hair music all have a place in my cd player when headin to the lake. For all you boys that have the ol' lady raggin on ya for goin out fishin you gotta have "Brad Pailsey - I'm gonna miss her" playin!
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