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Everything posted by PikeMolester

  1. absolutely amazing. I'm from Montreal and wanna take trips to some Ontario lakes. What lake are those bass pics from? (can send in a PM)
  2. man i wish I had partners like you guys
  3. you guys must all be too busy fishing to know whats going on in the world. Ill share some documentaries if you wish lol thousands more turtle doves dropped from the sky today in Italy. This is not an isolated incident
  4. its not just there...there are thousands of animals worldwide showing up dead. Birds and fish everywhere... I find it suspicious that a man in bush's and regan's government who specialized in chemical and biological weapons was murdered and dumped in a dumpster a few days before all this happened...weapons testing is my guess.. Here is a map of all the recorded epidemics. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=201817256339889828327.0004991bca25af104a22b&ll=28.921631,5.273438&spn=141.542315,12.304687&z=2&iwloc=0004991c2e41cf55affcb
  5. glad to hear
  6. can i order one for free like last year?
  7. Pete is my stinking hero. What I would give to be taken out with the Musky Ninja...
  8. they r not canadian..they r russian immature kiddies. no doubt we sat back...but for a Canadian team...our goalies were not up to par
  9. still a dream destination for me. One day....
  10. you need to chek out GOLD RUSH ALASKA!
  11. not illegal in many areas in the states too
  12. I can't tell if you are being serious or not lol But I have been getting fishing mags with that add for a few months and found it hilarious. And I own 2 miniature poodles...
  13. GREEN fishing is just a stones throw away...
  14. I'm sure a few of you guys have seen the commercials on WFN. I think I'm going to order some. Has anyone used them before? I'm just scared the loop will pop right out of the limestone when snagged up abit. Curious if anyone has any comments about the quality of these sinkers. http://rockybrooksinkers.com/
  15. saw advertising for the 832 3-4 months ago and can't wait to get some.
  16. I break any rod I drive 15 minutes to Shimano fix it place here in Montreal and they give a new one. Tis why I will only buy shimano (maybe G loomis one day lol)
  17. these fish are crazy
  18. I might have caught a nickel largemouth when I didnt really care or think of weighing 2 years ago. But for now a legit 4.8lb smallmouth on a Strike King Series 5 sexy shad
  19. good job man. I never smoked but lost 50 pounds since april 2010. 251 down to 199-201 daily. Just eliminating those doritos, jellybeans,beer and doing 20 minutes of cardio daily will do wonders. But I'd do alot more to get your cholesterol down if you are a heart attack candidate
  20. HATE LIST Boston Toronto Philly but we been smoking toronto and boston the last 4 years..philly beats us up...I think TO will make the playoffs this year. Or they should at least
  21. WOW incredible. I can't wait to make it to Simcoe and Erie. Imma move to Oakville. Right in between
  22. Didnt fall for it...Dave has done this before on April fools I think..
  23. Ya I can't wait to use them...unfortunately it will probably be next season.
  24. ya im sticking to light braid and fluoro leaders...I don't care about the tying... I hate fluoro
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