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Everything posted by PikeMolester

  1. it was alright. No idea why they'd show freakin HALIFAX for the premiere.
  2. I hate Price with a passion since the day we picked him up and I don't think we will make playoffs for next two years because of him. BUT...you can't bash the HABS on one pre season loss just cause of your hatred for them. You are obviously just projecting your frustration at the LEAFS getting destroyed for as long as you've been alive and the HABS making a deep run and making history last year. LEAFS will never have enough heart to come back and slay Ovi and Sid like we did.
  3. what the hell is wrong with that first one?
  4. man I love those tiger smallies. beautiful
  5. I am going to be a scrutineer
  6. I got WFN recently too..Its pretty awesome. Bell don't have it in HD tho...sucks
  7. You are all old LOL. 2004+ "Christian" Metalcore! I challenge you Pink Floyd nuts and old guys to give these songs a listen? They are still melodic and not over the top hardcore cause even I can't handle the crazy hardcore metal bands these days. Devil Wears Prada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-hxJKUy0No As I lay Dying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9668AS1NzG0&ob=av2e We Came As Romans Confide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSd6OJ3agow&feature=fvst Miss May I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPVbtM9-3Jo
  8. I'm really excited to be involved as a scrutineer. I can't wait!
  9. had a few panic attacks
  10. this isnt even gonna be close
  11. Sending email right now! Very interested. Live in Montreal, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue to be exact. 10 minutes from Valleyfield and regularly go to St-Francis but Ontario side.
  12. Musky pic or it didnt happen lol
  13. I've used 10 inch ribbontails,crazy legs chigger craws and multiple goby baits hoping to catch a monster on St-Francis. But nothing yet. I ought to try tubes and lizards
  14. Ya the first one is the closest to 5 I ever got.
  15. Some from shore here in Montreal.
  16. I am still yet to land my first nickel smallie. Biggest here was 4.9. Missed landing a big pike and didnt get pics of every fish we caught but its a start. This one came up from 15 fow and hammered X-rap. First bass on slashbait/jerkbait.
  17. not necessarily cancer. I've had bronchitis 9 times and pneumonia 2 times. Severe pneumonia is enough fro certain "streaks" on my xrays
  18. I love throwing that exact Glidin' Rap
  19. ya i wanna see the brown too
  20. beautiful smallie
  21. 7 lampreys? wow thats horrible. If I ever need to how should I go about removing them? And I'm in Montreal...you need to take me musky fishing! Where abouts do you go?
  22. thats a crazy average size for ur walleye...
  23. I turned over the cushion so it was fine. All the poop was on the back of the chair.
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