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Everything posted by Lunatic

  1. ya,move. then that town expands....move again to another one, untill that one expands too. all the cityits invade!! anyone seen waterdown the last 10 years? its not what it used to be. the song- write about it - lynyrd skynyrd
  2. most people listen to tunes, we listened to music untill the cut off time as well, it just wasnt crazy loud dance beats like it was a rave. i just gotta start camping up further away from anything toronto.
  3. didnt say all were "rude and cocky" i said the urban families who go out and become cocky. not all who buy a boat or whatever are cocky. but hey if you get cocky,see ya on the news
  4. I have them in the boat but most of the time i do not wear them. I find them bulky and annoying. and i hate sweating in them, i find that they do make really good seat coushings Of course if it gets rough i put it on. i can swim and if the boat were to tip or whatever im sure the jacket wouldnt be more then 3 feet from me to swim to. I think the big increase in boating and water accidents come from what we call ' cityits' all the urban families who get into boating or fishing and become cocky. i remember when we used to have a cottage up muskoka and it used to be great,lots of fun and the local police were veryyy cool about certain things,like having a 6 pack on a tinny ect. all the party kids from the city come up,get drunk and go swiming or boating,and end up on the news. now the police are strict up there. speaking of cityits, we had a bunch across our camp site on the weekend and they had loud techno and dance music blasing all day and night. what kind of camping is that!?!?!?
  5. Another question. Is it weedy there? will i be able to drag tubes on the floor or use crank baits with ease or will i be making all setups weedless? like a vallens lake deal where the lake is all weeds.
  6. Always my favourite plane growing up as a kid. used to go to the air shows at mount hope when i was younger with my dad and i was always found around that bomber. i also used to make delieveries to mount hope and and got to be up close with the lancaster and other planes on a weekly basis. I could just shake my head every time i saw it sitting there with "Shell" gas logo on the tail fin. i know the purpose of it. but still,i cant wait for all the very rare war planes to become flying bilboards
  7. they are at chapters. i went in there to read up on oxtongue lake,got the info i needed then left.
  8. Thanks for the tips. i'll put them use
  9. Hi, a few of us are heading out to emily pp to camp for the weekend and hope to get a lot of fishing done. ive never been there before. If anyone has been there,what can i expect for atmosphere,what fish are in the area, any tips where to start or an area to concentraite on? my gf hasnt caught anything aside from some bluegill and catfish and is starting to become discouraged,which will mean less fishing for me,this is her first year fishing so im hoping she can pull in a bass or something to keep her encouraged. we will be probably renting a canoe to hopefully increase those odds. any help would be great thanks
  10. Ugh! ugly fish. sooo......what they are saying is all we have to do is feed them uncooked nuts to kill the carp ehhhh....
  11. 1.spro bronzeye frog 2. jig heads 3. white twister tails 4.mepps black fury 3 5.senko worm i chose these for good reason. i cant live without the spro i can use the senkos and twister tails with both the jig heads and the mepps black fury. giving me a few good options for a wide variety of situations.
  12. gotta love those frogs!! they are my go to bait.I use a spro bronzeye most often. although they are on the expensive side they do work really well. i lost my favorite one to a pike on my last outing. so i only had the black frog left that was brand new so i worked it in a bit and fished using it the whole time. i had 12 or so LM blow up on it. i was fishing really thick heavy weeds. i didnt land 1. haha i either lost them in the weeds,or i didnt get the hooks set in good enough. i usually land 8 times out of 10. but i had fun and it appeared that i was the only one getting any action. keep the pics coming!
  13. It was nasty. I basicly live right next to the redhill express,king exit and it was completely flooded. i didnt know about it because i was lounging around the house nursing a hangover,then got a call from a friend telling me to run up the street and check it out. then got a call from my girlfriend who was on her way home from work telling me she was stuck up on the skyway (she was on it for 3 hours or so) i checked it out and it was something else. when i got back home i went to my basement and it was soaked. so spent the rest of the day trying to dry it all up,made sure i got my guitars and power bars etc off the floor. no serious damage. soaked carpets thats about it.
  14. Ya,my gf was stuck on the top of the skyway for 3 hours
  15. Thanks for the tips. not sure how good anything is gonna go with all this rain and flooding.
  16. I have some friends camping there with their family for the week next week and ive thought about stopping in for a visit and to get some fishing done. Anyone fished there or camped there? On the website it says it has bass,walleye and pike. any area hot spots i should be looking at? what baits are you using and what technic? any info would be helpful and greatly appreciated. thanks.
  17. if you're 16 years old, i have 2 cheap shimano quickfires that are older than you and i have never serviced or oiled them even once,and they have been tossed around in dirt,water and concrete,and still work like the day i bought them. My main reel is a 09' shimano sahara,and i love it. so about 17 years ago i bought a 50.00 shimano rod and reel combo that still works great to this day. which means i paid for the name and it was worth the 50.00.
  18. shocking.....................someone actually routing for seagulls!? booooo!!!
  19. do NOT put your name on that list. my dad put it on that list still gots calls sometimes more. i saw a news special last year about that list. the telemarketing companies get that list of numbers not to call but in fact you basicly just gave them phone numbers to call. you handed your number right to them. the only people that acess those numbers on the do not call list are.....telemarketers!!
  20. wow thats sucks. i usually only buy shimano rods and reels, and ive never had to use their warranty,and hope if i ever have to i dont get this kind of run-around or i will switch compainies in a heart beat. ive busted 2 shimano rods in my life time and both times were my fault so i never pursued warranty. but if when i do,i expect my warranty to be valued.
  21. Best to go to local tackle shops and pick their brains, they can tell you some good spots to fish,what to use and when to use it. canadian tire might be good for prices and i sometimes buy tackle there but no one there can answer any questions for you. as for bass pro shops, stay away from there. it is like heaven.soooo much stuff and not enough money haha plus they are really helpfull too. got some pretty good walleye tips from one of the old timers there. dont be afraid to ask the local tackle shop guy for advice. whenever im in an area i dont know much about i stop in the local shop for a few nic nacs and advice on the local lakes or rivers
  22. i like to use braided line (30lb test) and a spro bronzeye frog and i toss it in the nastiest weediest areas i can find and watch all the bass smash my bait. using mono line like you have, fishing weed lines with jig heads and twister tail grubs works best for me. or maybe a mepps with a worm or grub. you can catch bass any time of the day,of course best odds are morning or night. but there have been times ive caught more on super hot days mid afternoon then i have in the morning. another good lure i like is a floating rapala jointed minow in green. caught alot of bass and pike on that lure and ive owned it for 17 years. good luck
  23. Might have something to do with the money order scam thats been going around. someone tried to pull that scam on my friend thru kijiji
  24. east end, parkdale s the other end of the city lol
  25. Is that so? haha ive been eyeballing some areas that i think may produce some bass but the redhill express is going right thru it. what area of hamilton are you in?
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