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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. All I know it was Damn Cold when exercising or instructing Advanced Winter Warfare in Paulatuk, Coppermine, Iqaluit, Tuktoyaktuk, Inuvik and twice the Northern Tree lines in Fort Providence. For that matter even south in Wainwright Alberta and Saskatchewan. Tidbit... There are very few Eskimos that know how to Build an Igloo. The Eskimos ( Eaters of Raw Meat) that I met, Prefer Eskimo vice Inuit. They have also stated that the Polar Bear is not Endangered like the Crazy Lefties are BSing about. As a matter of fact, they are afraid they will not be able to legally hunt them. They are Pissed. Got this first hand from working with the Northern Rangers who were our Guides. Thanks to them caught my Biggest Laker, hand lining a huge plastic Jig on Husky Lake, The Locals call it Eskimo lake Between Tuktoyaktuk and Inuvik. They taught us how to fish, we taught them how to shoot military assault weapons. Like every good Canadian, when the sun is shining and there is no wind, you get used to the Cold.
  2. Then there is interviews with the Inuit, that say leave them alone to hunt their Polar Bears as they have done for years. Yes they do travel many Miles to find them. Its always been like that. Your Squid theory, Maybe there is more food in BC, or its too hot South. Man this is like sitting down to Jehovah Witnesses. They have all the answers, Memorized the Bible, Never wrong, But, I, am going to be struck down by God because I am an Evil non Believer. Now dont call me names, it hurts my sensitive girly feelings.
  3. Hes CIA Ha Ha Ha Ha
  4. Ha ha ha good one, It should of been Jack, Gilles, Elezabeth or Dion with their votes. Tell us another one. Really if you look at it, we should have only three parties. We are looking like Europeans Everyday. No Wonder. The East should get over their Parania of Harper. No he has not proved to be a Racist, No he will not Arm all Canadians, No he will not move Ottawa to Edmonton, Hes probably seen Obama more than Bush. No he will not stop immigration, mabe toughen it I hope.
  5. http://www.fishinggeeks.net/ Whats going on in this world, two world Records.
  6. LOL I'm 50 and not naive
  7. Your Marijuana example is over exaggerated as usual from the opponents. Lets try raising sexual consent to a minority from 14 to 16. I think it has passed already thanks to Stockwell Day. Can you imagine someone having legal sex with your daughter of 14. That is absurd. One of the bills held up by the opposition is the curbing the power of judges to sentence convicted criminals to house arrest rather than jail time on a variety of more serious crimes. No your Maryjane example is not one of them. We are talking about Breaking and Entering (see how you feel if your place of safety and you have been violated) Auto theft, and Violent sexual offenses. These are all thought out Bills that the lefties criticism is what you have mentioned. Oh my God, we'll be like the Americans. Also there is another Bill for automatic prison time to 10 years in serious cases. All in all, at this time there are too many criminals getting away with murder with no deterrent because of our current criminal system. At Least he has done something. Did I mention Arctic Sovereignty thanks to your Global Warming Panic or Prediction. Yea your right. Bad Link but thanks for forcing me to do some Homework. read and weep Buddie. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...me=&no_ads=
  8. Yea a waste of Tax Payers money. A Coalition of citizens ( Lefties) taking our elected Prime Minister to a Kangaroo court with the tax Payers money. That is Pretty desperate.
  9. Awesome report and nice pics DR. Now stop correcting me on my typing skills.
  10. LOL Im sorry DR, if your talking about me. My fat Fingers got used to feeling for trip wires and fuses in sand and snow instead of the key board, thanks for bringing that up, Ill try my best to be as good as you.
  11. Read on Buddy. I agree we need these Bills. As far as being like the Americans. Typical Whacky lefty reaction. Read on Buddy http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianp...81COa1o4pM5Z9cQ By the way, Im amused that you love Lurking at my comments.
  12. Yea I feel for ya Man. They let me back in. But there is hope, Im sure the complaint to MOD Pms are already happening. There is hope for you.
  13. Are you talking about the same Iggy that Flip/Flops. The Guy that never paid Canadian taxes for 26 Years. All he talks about is his Resume, His Books. The Guy when questioned on his Policies, he says .YOU WAIT AND SEE. Ill vote and hope for the Guy thats been called a Racist, War Monger, Bushlover, The Guy that got us into Afghanistan, he wears Sweaters, Has Hidden Agendas, but Horror of Horrors, Pockets the Biscuit instead of eating it during a funeral. I forgot, wants to take the Arts away from Quebecers. Hes my man, just hope his get tough on crime Policies start getting through once the opposition is out of the way.
  14. Oh Boy, you got that right. I dare you just check out the comments on the CBC Website when a Soldier Dies. Check it out. There are Soldiers in Theatre that read those Posts. There are computer terminals for Entertainment when they do get a chance, Its just sickening and downright Treasonistic on those comments. As far as Duty to vote and how lucky we are. Any Soldier that's been overseas will tell ya, Gad, is that ALL YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IS VOTING? I found out that Soldier, is a Bad word now in this country. I just made some more enemies on this board.
  15. LOL, no its employment insurance, or Retirement uh uh uh Insurance
  16. We call it Oil Sands ( Crazy Lefty's and Environmentalists call it Tar Sands, Sounds Dirtier) , also I was talking to Scug. For your info I did read some of the Links, However, I also read some of the links that are opposed. Myself, I dislike anyone that is two faced that are broadcasting these issues. In other words if THEY have a problem with how Canada or our Neighbor, or the World is working, do something ( just dont Force me). Lead by Example. Sign a contract that you will have absolutely nothing to do with, fossil fuels, Carbon emitting machinery, anything to do with nuclear reactors including medicine, X Rays, and TV. Anything man made causing your ice to melt. Also I Apologize if I hurt your feelings. I'm a straight up guy that says it like it is. No hiding around the corners. WOW, the word Smug hurt your feelings eh. If I called you sitting so vain, you would call that a name calling right. But since you brought up the name calling, Your personal attack on me ( Im proud to say I never Pmd a Mod to complain) only proved to me how weak you are and proved exactly what I said when you, corner, disagree, or even disapprove a Lefty, Pacifist, or Doom and Gloomer, Ill even throw an Environmentalist in case hes a Righty. Tar Sands are Awful, how about all that Pollution in Ontario. Have you forgotten Acid rain, or is that not the in thing anymore. One must look at themselves before criticizing or telling others what to do.
  17. Sorry, but what bugs me more is wasting money. tell me, what issue has been brought up that is worth another 300 million and the 4th vote in five years. Pure Greed on the PM Wannabees.
  18. Be careful Scug, remember you and those Fossil Fuels can cause World Hunger. Example, food farming into Ethanol causing Higher prices and shortages etc. Then you have those nasty Oil Sands, opps I mean TAR Sands. Great for our economy. Then you have the Third World that you expect to follow your suit and idiot themselves from progress and feeding their own. Remember, I never called you names. No need to get nasty. However I do believe in ourselves and we will strive ahead without panic. Now only if we really can cut down on the Global Warming and cut all that Pollution in Southern Ontario and North Eastern States with all that Manafacturing, Population and vehicals. Lets debate that instead the oil sands. I get it, the West is expendable, not too many votes up here.
  19. Huh. Never liked the song till I moved here. however all the Prairie towns they mention is truely awesome. Even your Home town Mooseamen. No Doubt spelled wrong.
  20. Just found the Link to the radio interviw. explains why no pictures yet and how they caught it. http://www.newstalk650.com/audio/brent-lou...t-weekend-50lbs
  21. http://www.fishinggeeks.net/ Huh, they just started guiding this year. and fishing in the dark
  22. My all time favorite lake is Wolf Lake, between Lac LaBiche and Cold Lake. A couple of Hours NE of Edmonton.
  23. I laugh to your face, now go whine to the Mods
  24. They were on the Radio today and I only caught a few words. From what I understand, their official pictures are being sold to protect them from what I understand, from other users claiming their fish on their lake of choice. You know how fast that picture can spread around the world. These guys have a charter business and he said, that there was only one customer that they had this year that did not catch their Biggest ever fish, but he did catch a 30 lb rainbow. These guys have only been fishing the lake for 7 years. I know there is a controversy about the trout being escaped farm fish, but never the less, Dief is a Huge Lake, and they still have to find them. These guys are either fishing superstars, or Phoney. By now I would think they would of been caught.
  25. Since your so worried and Smug about it, why dont you do something. Sign a contract that you will not indulge in anything that is believed to lead to Global warming. Ill see you in Afghanistan somewhere naked, barefoot, digging in the sand with a stick, forging for food. Remember, anything you eat must be raw as a fire will leave a Carbon footprint. I betcha your so smug, that you sit in the dark once a year with your kids like their your little disciples telling them how good you are for the world by doing it once a year, and how I'm bad because I think its a load of crock. Like I said, I smell an election, thats why this crap has raised its ugly head. The Crazy Lefties are crawling out of their holes and spreading garbage.
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