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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Not really as long as it aint country
  2. And they would be alot cheaper without the import taxes inorder for the Crap cars to survive on huge salaries. CEOs, Engineers, Sponsers, Plant Workers, Unions so on and so on. Heres a good one. Now the Second Hand Car Dealers want money. Worst crooks of all, my heart is really Bleeding.
  3. Havent heard that in Ions. Great tune. But I want more of this stuff
  4. I like his show in that he is his own cameraman. I can really get under my Wife's skin when shes watching Survivor or Big Brother and i tell her that there is a camera crew around them with lights and makeup as well as a perimeter fence and the animal scenes are shot in a zoo. Very Realistic!
  5. You may have a point, that could open a can of worms. Apparently Avery never even got a hearing or Tribunal whatever its called. Anger Management? What the, seems he was more joking than angry. Now the NHL will have to come up with a Book on words and phrases you can not use. Wow, an NHL Human rights commission run by Bettman. Guilty till proven otherwise.
  6. Despite all the treasonist Bickering, Demonstrations by Young people against the war in Afghanistan, I don't know what they are worried about because its not their sorry asses , because there will never be a draft for them. Its Amazing, That we Keep producing Heroes from our (My) Country who will look you in the eye, and say because it is my Duty to do so. We love our Country and are proud to serve.. ( for the most part) Tidbit.-- The Taliban the enemy of the Afghanistan Government, have been killing our Soldiers by planting Explosive devices instead of standing up to a firefight as they have lost every engagement against our Soldiers. We learn that Booby Traps key tactical advantage, is there is none, other than to Break down the Morale of the Enemy, in this case our morale. This is why it Pisses me off to hear crap of pulling out before the job is done. We will give them a Victory and Canada has never lost a War.
  7. Gotta say one of Canadas finest Writers and Guitarists
  8. Ohh so that's whats going on. I don't see that here yet. But I sure did when I was on Leave, I will just say somewhere in Europe as not to offend anyone. I swear they were Girls. Shes a Man/ Hes a Woman types.
  9. Do you think that maybe its so low now, that maybe a government or Consumers group might now put some control when it does go up. It will because one thing is a sure Bet, Panic and Greed.
  10. I think the Coalition had it Right by forking Billions into the Auto trade before the Americans make a judgement and before talking to the Big three in Canada ( ONTARIO) on how they are not going to drain that money. It really makes sense don't it. Ahh, lets put Billions into the forestry, do you think they may reopen the dead Pulp mills in Sask. I know one thing, thanks to the Fab three, the Unions have gotten Horny now and of course they think its a great Idea. Greed and stupidity.
  11. Great, I just hope that those Carp in the Aquarium don't make it in one of our streams for someones supposed Good Luck or whatever reason. Its been done before.
  12. Yea I got a SS Tourney for $20 at a pawn shop in Petawawa, paid for it then ran up the road out of siight quickly. Thought I stole it. Anyways I priced an extra spool at LeBarons Ottawa and found out it was $30. Never did Buy one. But I have one for my UltraLite 750. Yup, excellent, simple Reels. Fantastic Drag
  13. Did anybody care what Phaneuf may feel. At least its not sloppy thirds that Avery could of stated. It could be worse.
  14. Like someone said, the ole classics had some meaning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH46SmVv8SU A classic that most of us older folks waltzed when we were young
  15. And do you know what really makes me want to Puke. The Coalition actually convinced the not so smart, that a Bailout (Stimulation package for the big 3 and forestry) is what our Economy needs before Congress has even made a decision for themselves. SUCKERS.
  16. Take a happy pill and stop pulling the you, said, "You People" card out and making a derogatory comment. I know exactly what you were insinuating. Are you going to take everybody's statement and pull it out of context for attention? Nothing I hate worse than a man that denies what he says or means. Are you really that Spineless? You remind me of a Jellyfish. Like I said, I agree with what Beats said to you. he has no Idea what he said could seem offensive. I think your just trying to jump on the Bandwagon with Rich. By the way I hate carp, they are garbage fish. What do you think. oh, Merry Christmas, is that offensive to you.
  17. The Eastern Division got together to form a coalition and Decided that the Maple leafs won the cup and not Detroit. The three owners signed an agreement despite opposition from the Cup winners ( The proven cup winners) and their fans. It was later revealed that the Leafs owner struck a Deal with their arch Rivalry the Ottawa senators giving them a guaranteed second spot in the division forfeiting games if needed. Mtl would be guaranteed Ottawas and the Toronto's Top Draft picks. Detroit was left out during the negotiations despite an overwhelming opposition and have no Idea on what deals were struck behind closed door. John Ferguson Jr was one of four wise men to help the three current owners form the quick coalition. Haa Got ya.
  18. Thanks for your critique, you cant trust the pros because they are bought out. I would look forward to hearing more. Thanks
  19. Sloppy seconds, havent heard that since I lived in the Shacks (Barracks) Of course it was Guy talk with guys that are not your oversensive guy wannabees now. Im starting to like the little guy. Hes got nuts to say that about Phaneuf.
  20. Thanks for posting, always looking for good movies and this one looks like a Winner
  21. I thought Id look up the word Racism and found nothing here that would put you in that Category. Just oversensitive new Canadians I suspect, trying to cause problems again. Don't know why they would feel so inferior, Papa told me Jews considered carp a delicacy. Im sure someone will find that offensive too. RACISM 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races
  22. Oh GEE WIZ. Tis, Tis, Tis. Id like him to play for Mtl and put some fire down their throats. But alas, they may have to play tough hockey. As far as his comments? Anybody ever hear of locker room talk. His only problem is he invited the reporters. Nobody ever said he was smart.
  23. My Old man used to catch them in the St Lawrence and sell them to Jewish restaurants in Mtl when he was a kid. Told me it was considered a Jewish Delicacy Found this on the Internet Gefilte fish (filled fish) was traditionally made by cutting fish into parts. The bones were taken out, the skin removed, and the flesh chopped fine and mixed with eggs, salt, pepper, and onions. This mass is then replaced in the skin, dropped into fish broth and simmered. Modern preparations omit the skin, making quenelles. While traditionally made with carp, gefilte fish is made in other countries according to what sort of fish is available, including cod, haddock, or hake in the United Kingdom, carp or pike in France, or whitefish in the United States. Polish gefilte fish is particularly noted for being sweetened, an unusual flavoring in other eastern European Jewish communities.[176]
  24. Hey, thats what Don Cherry said about him last year but not in those words. Yea, what he said was funny.
  25. I think this is way too important to get locked as maybe we can share some feelings from the West. As you may know I had rejoined the forces in Order to help the next generation of Soldiers. This involved Tuesday nights and so far 90% of my weekends on a minimum wage salary of which I still haven't been paid. Tonight I gave notice to my Commanding Officer that I may terminate my service to this Country possibly in the new year. He doesn't have to know this, but I am truly disgusted on the situation of our so called leaders that have made a mockery of me or anyone else that serves. I cannot and will not serve politicians that are either Separatists, A citizen of France that the people have already voted against, and a Power seeking Union Socialist, who would make us soldiers look like Cowards in the face of the Enemy. I apologize to all those pers that I criticized for not voting at the last election. My Public Apology again to ChrisS. I am disgusted at the thought of backroom deals with Separatists. My meagre pay can go back to the Block Lovers or a Stimulation Package to the Auto Industry or Dead Forestry. I am going to lower my Canadian Flag in Big River and raise the Saskatchewan Flag. If and when I do get released, I will be forced to allie with the Western Separatist Party, which is now gaining momentum, because this is the Canada I never voted for or want. Am disgusted to wear the Canadian Flag. This my feeling as well as many of my peers that have been Loyal to you and this Country. If any body sees Ralph Goodale, tell him the people of Saskatchewan want to talk to him!
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