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Everything posted by landry

  1. hey glen. i think i am going to keep my sd card as i can still use it on my console unit. I will PM you if I change my mind - sorry about that.


  2. I just bought a used hut (clam 4600) and it was a great deal and in great shape - BUT - there are no vents on it??? I am assuming that I need vents to run a heater? Should I cut vents and hand stitch mesh on it or what??? Help! Landry
  3. I actually got the box at rona as H.depot was out of stock. If u want pics just PM me with your email and I will send it to you. Landry
  4. I am not much of an icefisher, (mostly just like taking my kids out for panfish and perch) so you can take this for what it is worth but: I just tried my elite 5 lowrance unit on the ice and all i can say is - wow! Jocelyn at Angling Outfitters sold me the ice transducer and battery set-up at a great price so I could use my boat unit on ice. He knows his stuff - sent me to home depot to get a 10 buck toolbox and I mounted the gimbal mount on the lid, drilled a couple of holes and now I have a tackle box/sonar/gps unit all in one for much cheaper than the new lowrance soft ice kit bags. This unit may be better than a flasher but that is a hotly debated topic. The split zoom mode provides bottom zoom up to 4x and you can see your jig in real time on the screen and amplitude scope bar (like a vertical flasher). I was teasing panfish and crappies up from the bottom and could see them closing in - my kids loved it - better than the wii:) I think this (or a flasher) increases panfish success on ice tenfold - at least for me. It is hard to tell where those tiny jigs are and when u can see your jig and the fish it gives you a huge advantage. Any unit would work too - I am sure Jocelyn could find a ducer that would fit humminbirds too and he has ones that fir eagle and lowrance units for sure - cost about 150 for whole setup. Plus I used the gps to pinpoint the better spots, which may save me some drilling next time with the auger. Landry
  5. I am pretty much settled on buying this thing now as I am sure I can rip off a sled for close to nothing. i'll be fishing in luxury soon:) Thanks everyone! Landry
  6. I would love a flip hut but can't justify it - I am not a hardcore ice guy - just want to get my kids out chasing some panfish and pike once a week or so. I am thinking about building a simple ski sled to strap this hut onto - anyone tried this? check these out at this site. I don't know how to post pics??? ski sled
  7. I thought they were designed to pull folded up - guess I have to factor in the cost of a home- made sled / ski setup???? Rats. What does everyone think of this shelter? Seems like a good price - if it is a good setup. Should I wait for a 2 man flip over to come up?????? Can those be pulled on foot at 80 lbs??? Sorry for all the questions - but thanks! Landry
  8. I have a used clam 4600 lined up. It is 75 lbs and just like the clam 2000 (only twice as heavy). It folds into a 48" by 32" by 10" high flat rectangular bed. Does anyone have experience pulling one of these or something similar by hand? I fish on puslinch lake and like the far shore - of course - so the walk is about a kilometre. I am about 5'8" and fairly fit but will this be okay or a struggle. I saw where some people have made supports with skis - does that help much? It is 100 bucks - is that a good price seems okay to me??? Opinions. Will be picking up on Thursday unless I hear that this is too heavy... Thanks Landry
  9. i live 4 mins away and know the lake very well - fish it regularly. where the crowd is, is the only real deep area in the lake but that area is a lot bigger than the crowd - walk right past them heading from the marina. pop some holes away from the crowd but not too close to the far shore with cottages on it - weedy pretty far out. The lake is polluted with small panfish and perch!!! Hard to find the bigger ones but with a flasher u will get a ton!!! Use the standard tiny stuff with a couple waxies. the crappies are scattered as usual. the walleyes are not numerous. there are tons of small hammer handle pike - but they r not as reliable. I would set a tip up for pike nearby and then just have at the panfish/crappies - really small minnows have been good for pike so they say. Landry
  10. I want to use my lowrance boat unit on the ice too - but I need the power cord and transducer for my LMS520c. Doesn't the lowrance kit Ppp-16i come with all of the cords, battery and transducer though??? A transducer costs 80 bucks and I am sure the lms power cord costs 30 - that is 110 plus tool box costs... A home-made one for my LMS520 would be 120 or so right? Am I wrong on the costs of making my own? landry
  11. At 209 - just buy it. I had the fishelite 642c (colour gps/sonar) and it was an effective unit - until it got water in it. So buy that one and avoid using it in a harsh downpour. At 209 you can't go wrong. My sonar was very sensitive and the gps was fine for me. Lowrance/Eagle took care of my warranty by replacing it with a new elite 5 unit - great customer service (for me anyways) BTW - I have a 2009 Navionics Hotmaps Premium (canada) SD card that I no longer have a use for, if you want to buy it for that unit. PM me if interested. It is not a micro sd card and the elite's have moved to that now!!! Landry
  12. yes - for sure. I always bring a shovel and some salt though.
  13. Very good info here - except I doubt RIV will do anything re: titles for you. RIV only deals with trailer recalls and you getting it safetied (sort of) at Canadian Tire. I have done it twice and it was easy. PM me and I will give you more info or my phone # if you need help. It is worth it - you should be able to save a ton!!! Landry
  14. do a google search using "sitemash" and "lund" - this will take u to jaxed.com where u can search for the specific model u r looking for everywhere in U.S. on Kijiji and Craigslist - check daily as the new ones are added to the top and good deals go quickly. Bought my last 2 boats this way and they were a steal! The farther away from the border - the better the deal generally (but not always).
  15. Wow - this got pretty technical. More pound thrust is always a good thing. 56 lb is still low for a 16 footer IMO. Running that unit in 12v mode would be a step up from what u have. You could rewire with 6 gauge wire from Home depot and go 24v or u can just hook up two batteries in a parallel circuit to get more operating time in 12v mode Landry
  16. I was there - pontoon man is there often and he is quite the character. Often runs 2 lines per person in areas where only one is allowed. I saw someone doing repeated circles around a fish too - it was hilarious. My buddy yelled "doesn't your boat have that optional 'neutral feature' on it??? He just looked at us. We howled!
  17. Hi Greg,

    I told my friend about your boat and like every other boat I pass off to him, it is not right for one reason or another. He basically is looking for a barely used boat for 10 000 or less:) I think your boat is priced fairly seeing as that is a new motor. Good luck. Landry

  18. 4 strokes no - they do not get need to be fogged - but you should change the oil and also lower unit oil and do stabilizer. I just start putting stabilizer in during my fall trips so it is in the motor and tank already.
  19. Wow. Awesome job!!!!! Beauty fish! I find it annoying that the Musky Release Police always have to chime in some insulting release technique comment. Sometimes it is warranted but c'mon! (And yes, I use effective in the water release techniques and horizontal holds - so I don't need a lecture too)
  20. Hey man,

    Hope my musky size post doesn't offend you. i got on a bit of a rant. If you r catching that many big skis then wow- you are one good angler.


  21. I need to find some bigger muskies - pretty impressive numbers for some people here. I seem to wade thru a ton of under 40's with only about 30% being over 40 and very few above 44. I have started fishing elsewhere lately as I am getting greedier, but a 40" kawartha ski is still a lot of fun and a nice fish. I love the castability of the Kawartha fish - that is the attraction for me:)
  22. I think any Kawarthas fish over 44 is a very good fish!! Any fish over 40 is a nice fish and worthy of some high fives and pics. I fish the Kawarthas regularly and get lots of fish and you have to put a lot into the boat before you get a high 40's fish (although yes it could be your first). Over 48 is definitely VERY rare. I have only seen 2 fish firsthand over 50 in the K's and they were not landed - so they may have been smaller. A good angler I know, who fishes skis 20 days a year minimum, has landed one fish over 50" in 20 yrs (that is 1 in 400 trips), so when I hear Kawartha's musky guys say they got 4 over 50 last summer I just laugh. It is possible but mostly likely Bull. I think the "magic 50" number has become a ridiculous benchmark. It is a recent internet phenomena and just another ego-building bragging point. I would take a fat 48 over a skinny 52. AND, it makes me angry to hear Bob Mehsikomer measure a 49 and then proclaim "rats... well that's a decent fish anyways!!???" That just puts unrealistic goals in his viewers' heads and it belittles other's accomplishments. A trophy could be anywhere from, 30 - 50 inches depending on the person. If a trophy is a truly rare, almost never caught size - then a 50 in the Kawarthas is the number I guess - but who cares really - just go fishing and enjoy what comes your way. I just hope for a bigger fish than my PB, but I shoot for that for myself, not to impress others. I personally enjoy casting them up and the Kawarthas are great casting lakes. My PB is a very fat 46" fish that weighed 25 pounds (casting St. Clair) and I was very pleased. The next cast, seriously, I had a follow on my bait that made my 46 look small. True story. It was longer and grotesquely fat. The Kawarthas are likely the best place in North America for casting good numbers of decent sized fish (38 - 44). Americans come up here all the time from Wisconsin to run the numbers up on decent sized skis. Landry
  23. buy the variable speed 24v maxxum and be done with it - you'll be glad you went 24v. Lasts forever and chops weeds nicely.
  24. Say hi to him for me - Landry.
  25. Is that Johnny Williams in those pics. I played hockey with him years ago. Let me know!!!! Thanks. Nice fish!
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