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Everything posted by landry

  1. It is nice that you mention John's name in a positive light. However, I think you crossed the line when u criticized Dave on a public forum behind his back!!! If you have a problem with someone, you should tell them to their face if you want to say anything. I would not want to read a criticism of me on the internet, behind my back. Dave is actually a really good guy and the farthest thing from an elitist. Landry
  2. I'd be annoyed too - why should u have to spend time to fix their mistake. Glad they looked after you. They are a well run business IMO. If the O.D. is too big and you sanded it down, it would have required extensive filling and re-sanding to look half decent as most pre-fab handles use poor quality cork which is then filled and sanded before it goes to retail. Landry
  3. they were all the rage but apparently had some quality/breakage issues - 80 bucks is worth the gamble IMO
  4. Ouch. That make things tougher
  5. Nice job Cliff!!!!!! I may see you next weekend if the weather is nice and everyone is healthy (wife has flu today!!!) We are planning a Sunday night stay over in Lindsay to do some fishing... my whole family (kids and wife) Landry
  6. You have a right to be annoyed as u were shipped the wrong cork piece for sure. Problem is - you are likely stuck with it unless they agree to send u a new one for free. I would just swap it at your local store - Kingsway Tackle in Guelph would gladly do that for you - I am sure. DO NOT hand sand it - that will go badly. Using a drill will work but then you will have to fill the holes/re-sand and end up spending lots of time due to their screw up - AND why should you???? I hear ya Call them back and tell them the O.D to prove you are correct. Landry
  7. Muddler is correct - no cork needs to be inside the reel seat. You support the reel seat with graphite arbors or masking tape - likely 3 or 4 with space in between for epoxy to run into. Just cut it and butt it up to the reel seat:) Now if the O.D. is too big then that is not cool. Try to take it to your local tackle shop and swap it for a thinner piece. I love Mudhole - have never had issues thankfully:) Landry
  8. My pop just passed away and we went through this same sort of thing. We sold his beloved organ for a song. He loved playing and singing for his family and it was a great organ and looked after but it was old. It felt wrong to sell it for so little but nobody wanted it and an older gentleman was really excited to get it.Unfortunately, I think you'd be lucky to get 1500 for it - not meaning to be rude. It is a very old boat and buying it would be a gamble or a lot of work and maybe more $ invested. Just my guess Landry
  9. I did that to my hinged trailer and lights work great again. I just took off old ground connection, spliced on a length of wire then attached it behind the hinge. i just drilled a hold on bottom side and used a small stainless bolt/washer/nut to fasten it. Lights are super bright and reliable again:)
  10. Musky is closed in May - FYI
  11. That Mike dude seems like a good guy. I enjoy his show - it's different.
  12. I saw u guys. I was in the black crestliner with my son. Landry
  13. It was terrible yesterday for everyone I talked to there! Many people got nothing! We had at least 10 bites - hooked up with 3 cats but only landed one 12 lber - they were biting light! My 8 year old son got an 8 lb walleye on cutbait and the cat though - funny! Said his knees were shaky. Fish that big take every ounce of an 8 year old's strength to land - like fighting a goliath grouper to them:) I think there are still lots of cats there. Water was 50º - about perfect. Landry
  14. I got a copy of my import receipt from CBSA today!!!! I am VERY happy. Their service was fantastic! Thanks for the advice/help everyone! Landry
  15. I paid cash!!!! A customs agent on the phone said they keep these receipts for 7 years and they "should" be able to find it. I am hopeful - if I can just get through to the person I need to talk to in "CBSA Records"!!!!! Landry
  16. you need 6 gauge for 24v - 36v I'm not sure Landry
  17. Keep your records for MANY years - see my post!!!! You already registered your boat at Service Canada. You need to finish the RIV thing at Cdn Tire - takes minutes (no appoint necessary). Then go to the auto licensing office and register your trailer/pay taxes/get plate. They know what they are doing. Bring your import forms/receipts with you and a copy of the U.S. title or trailer registration. Then you are done. Keep your records!!!! Landry
  18. Thanks!!! I will get in touch with you if they can't help me out. I have a call in at the records department in windsor - they said they should be able to find it (fingers crossed) Landry
  19. I bought a boat in the US 4 years ago. Paid all the taxes (PST and GST) at the border. Sold that boat two years later. Bought a new boat since then, (still have this paperwork). NOW - I get a letter from Ministry of Finance saying that I need to prove I paid PST on old boat!!!!! Problem is, I moronically trashed the paperwork for the old boat as I do not own it anymore and it is LONG GONE!!!! No visa or bank records to prove my purchase either!!! Anyone run into this? How did it work out? AND - is it possible to request verification/copies of paid PST through the Canada Border Services Agency??? Do they keep this stuff on file?? I really would rather not pay PST twice on a boat. Thanks Landry
  20. It's just a late season - I think it is just starting up. We are 2 - 3 weeks behind IMO Landry
  21. • Definitely two!!!!!! • You only need one for a 55 lb 12 v trolling motor UNLESS you hook them up in a parallel circuit. Hooking up 2 in this manner will give you more power than you will need for a long day of fishing. You can NOT hook two batteries up in a series circuit as this will fry your 12v motor!One good battery will resist vibration better but it will still not last for a hard 10 hour day on the trolling motor - at least not compared to the 2 battery set-up. • And yes, drifter is correct - batteries should be not be up front. I put mine there to balance my rig but I put a thick layer of foam to soften the bouncing a bit. • I have tried both routes - go with 2!!!! Landry
  22. Dont think so
  23. Can you see them feeding and flyfish for them there?????
  24. • Saw this thread and decided to go for it. • Bought it at Walmart - The unit cost 50+ bucks but included this year's fees ($20 bucks annually) plus 10 bucks for a canadian number per year. So - next year I will be paying 30 bucks for the year and this year it costs me 70. I am paying Rogers 35 a month right now BUT that will be cancelled tomorrow! • It installed easily and was working in 5 minutes with good sound... on my MAC. • The catch - your phone will only ring if your computer is on - not in sleep mode. If it is in sleep mode, the call will be immediately forwarded to voice mail (without an audible ring). Voice mail was easy to set up and it is forwarded to your email (u can listen to it there) or you can retrieve it through your cell in another location too. SO, if you put your computer in sleep mode a lot like I do to save electricity then you will have to check for voice messages thru your email regularly - not a big deal for me. Incidentally, the voice mail is great with the call going immediately to voicemail if u r offline and the caller can leave a message VERY quickly (no annoying delay/wait). • We really don't use our home phone much anyways. If anyone I know wants to get me immediately then they will just text or call my cell. The magic jack line will take care of doctor, dentist... calls and messages throughout the day just fine. Thanks for hiliting this product on this forum:) I think it will be fine for our needs. And it saved me 35 a month (fishing $). Landry
  25. If I can do it anyone can!!!! Square aluminum cross bars and some wood plus outdoor carpet and it will be as solid as a rock!!!! Why pay someone??
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