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Everything posted by Gregoire

  1. I am looking for a digitigal and hard copy map of the LOTW. I have browsed several web sites and have a few questions for those of you in the know. If I buy a digital copy of the map can I zoom in and print specific parts of the map? Which map viewing software is the best for this ? What hard copy would be the best to order? The reason why I am asking is because I would like to print off maps of small sections of the lake, specicifically the Northwest Angle, and be able to put them in a binder. I have the navionics App for the iphone...is there any way I can use the app to do what I want done...I am specifically thinking of taking screen shots and maybe emailing them to myself. Thanks for any Help Greg
  2. Cancer is a scourge on the human race too many people are lost to this disease. My deepest sympathies go out to you.
  3. Just my personal opinion. I got out last summer in a few good storms and can't imagine what that would have been like in a smaller boat but when it's smooth and there are no weather systems coming in it would not be a problem.
  4. It may surprise you but locating fish on the troll in lake Ontario may be easier than locating them on a shield lake. However I would be hesitant to take a 16"er out there.
  5. I agree with the ice out advice. Later in the season try troling deep deep wholes of the lake. I would put the riggers down 40 and 60 feet to satrt trolling flashers and spoons. If you are marking fish but not hooking up swith colours up, or try running meat or jointed rapalas.
  6. That looks like a new record brookie lol
  7. I'm not a steelheader and don't fly fish, but that was a great post, full of wisdom that was aquired through what must be years of practice.Thanks for sharing.
  8. I always seem to be wacking the tips of my rods and am worried that I am damaging them. It's just funny for me to see the pros on the shows throwing around rods but I guess that is easy to do if you aren't paying for the rods. I guess I am also wondering how careful you guys are handling your rods in the boat especially if you have a bunch with you.
  9. Just to add: I am wondering how carefull you guys are in the boat with your rods...I know this is an area that I have neglected in the past, although I have never had a rod break in the boat. I am just interested about this subject as I find myself buying more expensive equipment and want to make sure that I am taking care of my equipment properly.
  10. Didn't want to hijack Garry's thread about the new rod design. One of the things that I kept thining about after reading the thread was how to protect your rods in the boat. It seems to me that these new rods are quite sensitive and it would be worth protecting them any way you can from being tossed around and such. Just wondering what you guys do to protect your rods when they are not being stored...so I guess I am talking about while traveling and while in the boat.
  11. I have a small bungalow so I assume 60000 is small.
  12. Cool. Thanks
  13. That would be awesome. If it works out you can pm me. Thanks.
  14. I need 60000 btu and an looking for an efficiency rating of 95+. Thanks for all the replies.
  15. That quote seemed high to me as well. I already have A/C so that is one less thing to worry about.
  16. I had a guy in today who quoted me 6 grand for the job. The furnace is a trane xv95 that was quoted at 3900 and the removal of the old furnace and the oil tank is 850. The labour cost are 485. I spent the day on the phone today. I just wanted some input as I have no idea what the differences are between types of furnaces or how much the job should cost.
  17. I have the money put away for a new furnace and need to get it done soon to qualify for the Eco audit anyway. I'm just looking for a general guideline as far as cost as I have no knowledge on this topic.
  18. Thanks for sharing. Makes me think I should spend some time chasing gators in winter.
  19. I'm afraid that swapping out the motor is beyond my limited ability as a handyman. I did examine that option but it would cost at least a couple of hundred dollars, and that is money I'd rather spend on musky gear.
  20. Great read. Thanks for sharing.
  21. When I returned home on Sunday morning the house was unusually cold. Turns out the fan on our 25 year old oil furnace is dead. I was hoping to burn off the oil before swapping the old furnace but looks like that plan is not going to work. The furnace is still working and giving off ambient heat plus we have some space heaters that are doing a good job of keeping the house warm so I can shop around a bit. I'm just wondering how much I should spend on a new gas furnace. Just for a little added info: we live in a bungalow in East York and I am looking for a furnace that qualifies for the Eco audit rebate. I am also looking for a price that includes the the disposal of the old furnace and the oil tank. Any information that you can share with me is greatly appreciated.
  22. Great looking dog and kudos on the rescue. Hopefully Molly proves to be a great fishing buddy.
  23. Thanks for sharing and putting things into perspective. I got home in a horrible mood after going to 2 different malls and waiting in line for way too long but I am spending time with my wife's family tonight and driving to Montreal tomorrow to spend my last Christmas with my parents in the house I grew up in. That is what matters the most. Thanks again for reminding me what Christmas is all about.
  24. What year is it? Where am I?
  25. Nice ski's thanks for sharing. I'll be in Montreal over Xmas in case you wanted to know
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