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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. So far this year I've caught the following on Tube Jigs in the river I fish: Longnose Gar Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Rock Bass Walleye Pike I was wondering if anyone has had success using Tube Jigs for Rainbow Trout (Steelhead)??? I know they'll be running soon now that the fall breeze is in the air and rain is in the near future. They do feed on crayfish and small minnows so it would seem to make sense. Thanks Laszlo
  2. Never have I fished a day that the bite was on so well for so long. I was like a kid in a candy store. It rocked!
  3. Total Hours Fishing: 6 Total Fish Landed: 19 ***NEW RECORD FOR A HALF DAY OF FISHING*** 13 Smallies - Largest 14" 5 Walleye - Largest 16" 1 Largemouth - 14" What a day. The bite stayed on the entire time I was fishing. Tube Jigs all the way. Just changed up the size and colour when the bite slowed down. Don't have days like this too often. Usually average one fish per hour. The larger fish did elude me though. All the walleye were about this size consistantly. All the smallies were around the same size as well. Now it's time to wait for the Rainbows. Oh...what's with all the styrofoam containers??? I must have seen at least 30 of them all over the place.
  4. quiz: it's green. it grows
  5. Bass opener 2009. Calm morning, clear sky and success with my first try at using a Texas Rigged Chigger Papi. Self held photo out on the lake by myself loving every second.
  6. just slightly larger then the 12" browns i'm used to catching.
  7. no path no waders just bush and river
  8. I think I just figured it out. Must have been on the wrong side of the river.
  9. I tried that trusty tool you speak of before I left but it doesn't seem like there is access. I did find a way to get south of it by a couple hundred yards and the same above it.
  10. I went for a walk with my dog Ida along the Credit River today. I was looking for the Streetsville Dam to see some Salmon jumping. Is there a way to get right to the dam or do you have to wade the river to get behind the Mill. I couldn't find any paths / roads to get to it. I did adventure different parts along the path from Eglinton all the way up to Bristol Road. It's a great path considering your just outside the city. Any info would be great. Thanks.
  11. 1) Musky 2) Northern Pike 3) Pickerel / Walleye 4) Smallmouth Bass 5) Largemouth Bass 6) Rainbow Trout 7) Brown Trout 8) Rock Bass 9) Sheephead 10) Perch 11) Sunfish / Bluegill / Pumkinseed 12) Redhorse Sucker 13) Common Carp 14) Mooneye 15) Hornyhead Chub 16) Channel Catfish 17) Crappie 18) Longnose Gar 19) Tiger Musky 20) Sauger 21) Saugeye 22) Ling (Burbot) 23) Splake 24) Brown Bullhead Catfish 25) Yellow Bullhead Catfish 26) rainbow smelts 27) Atlantic Salmon 28) pink salmon 29) coho salmon 30) king salmon 31) Tullibee/Cisco/Lake Herring 32) Bowfin 33) Madtom 34) White bass 35) White perch 36) Gizzard shad 37) Bigmouth Buffalo 38) Brook Trout 39) Sturgeon 40) Warmouth (sunfish family) 41) Goby 42) Aurora Trout 43) Skamania Trout 44) American Shad 45) Whitefish 46) Silver Bass 47) Sculpin 48) PINOOK SALMON!!! (hybrid) 49) American Eel 50) Crucian Carp 51) Mirror Carp 52) Goldfish 53) Conook Salmon (hybrid) 54) Lake Trout 55) Rainbow Darter 56) Silver Pike (or blue pike or grass pike???) 57) Fallfish 58) Log Perch 59) Longnose sucker 60) Arctic Char 61) Chain Pickerel
  12. 1) Musky 2) Northern Pike 3) Pickerel 4) Smallmouth Bass 5) Largemouth Bass 6) Rainbow Trout 7) Brown Trout 8) Rock Bass 9) Sheephead 10) Perch 11) Sunfish / Bluegill / Pumkinseed 12) Sucker 13) Carp 14) Mooneye 15) Hornyhead Chub 16) Channel Catfish 17) Crappie 18) Longnose Gar 19) Tiger Musky 20) Sauger 21) Saugeye 22) Ling (Burbot) 23) Splake 24) Brown Bullhead Catfish 25) Yellow Bullhead Catfish 26) rainbow smelts 27) Atlantic Salmon 28) pink salmon 29) coho salmon 30) king salmon 31) Tullibee/Cisco/Lake Herring 32) Bowfin 33) Madtom 34) White bass 35) White perch 36) Gizzard shad 37) Bigmouth Buffalo 38) Brook Trout 39) Sturgeon 40) Warmouth (sunfish family) 41) Goby 42) Aurora Trout 43) Skamania Trout 44) American Shad 45) Whitefish 46) Silver Bass 47) Sculpin 48) PINOOK SALMON!!! (hybrid)
  13. thank you for the kind words. i was taking a more loose approach.
  14. 1) Musky 2) Northern Pike 3) Pickerel 4) Smallmouth Bass 5) Largemouth Bass 6) Rainbow Trout 7) Brown Trout 8) Rock Bass 9) Sheephead 10) Perch 11) Sunfish / Bluegill / Pumkinseed 12) Sucker 13) Carp 14) Mooneye 15) Hornyhead Chub 16) Channel Catfish 17) Crappie 18) Longnose Gar 19) Tiger Musky 20) Sauger 21) Saugeye 22) Ling (Burbot) 23) Splake 24) Brown Bullhead Catfish 25) Yellow Bullhead Catfish 26) rainbow smelts 27) Atlantic Salmon 28) pink salmon 29) coho salmon 30) king salmon 31) Tullibee/Cisco/Lake Herring 32) Bowfin 33) Madtom 34) White bass 35) White perch 36) Gizzard shad 37) Bigmouth Buffalo 38) Brook Trout 39) Sturgeon 40) Warmouth (sunfish family) 41) Goby 42) Aurora Trout 43) Skamania Trout 44) American Shad 45) Whitefish 46) Silver Bass
  15. This thread is for species people on OFC have 'caught' in Ontario. If it were just what species we could 'think of' then I could have just listed them all in the beginning. So... Any other species to add?
  16. Musky Northern Pike Pickerel Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Rock Bass Sheephead Perch Sunfish / Bluegill / Pumkinseed Sucker Carp Mooneye Hornyhead Chub Channel Catfish Crappie Longnose Gar Tiger Musky Sauger Saugeye Ling (Burbot) Splake yellow and brown bullhead catfish rainbow smelts Atlantic Salmon pink salmon coho salmon pinook salmon king salmon Tullibee/Cisco/Lake Herring Bowfin Madtom White bass White perch Gizzard shad Bigmouth Buffalo Brook Trout Sturgeon Warmouth (sunfish family) Goby Mud Puppy Aurora Trout Skamania Trout
  17. we are up to 40 something species caught in ontario. any more guys?
  18. Musky Northern Pike Pickerel Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Rock Bass Sheephead Perch Sunfish / Bluegill / Pumkinseed Sucker Carp Mooneye Hornyhead Chub Channel Catfish Crappie Longnose Gar Tiger Musky Sauger Saugeye Ling (Burbot) Splake yellow and brown bullhead catfish rainbow smelts Atlantic Salmon pink salmon coho salmon pinook salmon king salmon Tullibee/Cisco/Lake Herring Bowfin Madtom White bass White perch Gizzard shad Bigmouth Buffalo Brook Trout Sturgeon Warmouth (sunfish family) Goby Mud Puppy the last four being the most recent updates. keep it goin' now... any other species???
  19. While I was out river fishing (wading) with a couple friends this weekend I came upon a group of people that I just knew would leave a mess behind at the spot they were fishing. As we were wading up river we heard a group of people (about 8) on an island talking and yelling at the top of their lungs at 8am. Everyone else we passed would say hello and if they were a group they couldn't be heard from far away. Not these guys. Not even a nod and some of them were casting towards other fisherman wading with their bait landing just a few feet away. We continued passed them and fished up river pretty far and I said to my friend "hey, lets check their spot out on our way back, I bet they left a bunch of garbage behind." Sure enough they littered the hell out of the island and my buddies and I picked it all up. Too bad they were long gone because I would have loved to call the MNR on them. On a positive note, rarely do I come across a group of fisherman like this but just a reminder to those of you who don't get it (I do realize 99% of us on this board don't need this reminder) take your garbage with you and put it in a garbage can where it belongs.
  20. so far these are the combined species between all who posted. let's keep the list going and see how far it can grow. Musky Northern Pike Pickerel Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Rock Bass Sheephead Perch Sunfish / Bluegill / Pumkinseed Sucker Carp Mooneye Hornyhead Chub Channel Catfish Crappie Longnose Gar Tiger Musky Sauger Saugeye Ling (Burbot) Splake yellow and brown bullhead catfish rainbow smelts Atlantic Salmon pink salmon coho salmon pinook salmon king salmon Tullibee/Cisco/Lake Herring Bowfin Madtom White bass White perch Gizzard shad Bigmouth Buffalo keep in mind this is fish caught in Ontario only.
  21. Modified my original post and added the Longnose Gar I caught for the first time this weekend.
  22. I too am having trouble finding the larger smallies that I found quite easily earlier in the summer. Still get the odd couple but landing into a bunch within a few hours is just not happening. Sounds like the river system I'm fishing is alot smaller though. Only gets 6 feet deep. Hooked into my first Longnose Gar this weekend though!
  23. Sorry guys no pics. The story... Saw two guys fishing together. The one friend went to remove the hook from a fish his buddy landed. His friends line was tight while he was removing the hook and when it came out it snapped right at him (the one removing the hook) and got stuck right in his ear. I got out my snips, cut off the barbed end of the hook and it came right out. No blood, little pain.
  24. Helped a fellow fisherman remove a hook that got caught in his ear today. He said he was an OFC member along with his buddy. Just wanted to say good luck with your ear man. Hopefully no infection. Laszlo
  25. I just read a couple long articles regarding these issues. Seems like there are a lot of different opinions going around. Removing dams seems to solve some issues and create others.
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