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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. Just finished raining hard here in Etobicoke. Finally!!! Give it a day or two and let the fun begin. Hopefully the holes I fished (in the river) in the spring that dwindled down are back to the trusty spots that produced schools of fish.
  2. I'm hoping the river is good to me this fall!!!
  3. Still haven't gotten a smallie out of the river over 17". If this happens in October, that would be the perfect way to finish the bass season. Well...there's also November but my modivation to wade decreases majorly.
  4. nicely done! those walleye are big for the river. i can't seem to get one bigger then 18" out of the river i fish.
  5. Your bang on there. Seems my wife Anna only has the tolerance to be fishing with me about 1% of the time. Then there's my fishing protege Andrew, her younger brother, who can't be ripped away from time playing hockey and golf. Then there's my dog Ida who can't be trained to take a good picture if her life depended on it.
  6. Thanks Rich, but the mighty Musky found a way to avoid me once again. I guess that's what fishing is all about. Next year...
  7. Still some fishing to go for me this season but my trips up north are done and some rivers I fish will be closed next week for the year. Biggest Walleye - 24.5" Largest Largemouth Bass - 19" Biggest Pike - 28" Largest River Smallie of The Year Largest Smallmouth Bass - 19.5" Nothing really huge this season but great numbers. Maybe my best since I was a teenager. The smallmouth bass fishing was unreal this year. Usually I target Largemouth but couldn't get enough of the smallies. Regardless, a lot of time in the outdoors loving every moment. Hope you enjoyed... Laz
  8. The cameras used are great & some of the slow motion footage is awsome. I'm sure you will enjoy.
  9. Check it! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODQ0MDg4MDA=.html?full=true
  10. After reading everyones responses, it seems most find it important to have the right to reveal fishing locations and or bodies of water. I thought some may have felt the same as myself but clearly not. Naturally I respect everyones opinion. Thanks Laz
  11. My favorite secret spot has not been mentioned but the specific very small town close to it has. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about. Over the last two years the area seems to have may more fisherman and many I've asked have said they found out from the OFC forum. Obviously this leads to more fishing pressure = less fish.
  12. Thanks for not biting my head off. Maybe I'm alone on this one.
  13. Your right, some of the largest / most popular lakes could be the exception. eg: great lakes, simcoe, nipissing. I don't think this would make the board bland at all. For me, veiwing reports with pics and a story is good enough. The location itself isn't all that important to me. The reason I brought this up was influenced by a few fishing buddies I have. They don't really use the internet that much and don't know about OFC. To all that I mentioned OFC to, it seemed their first reaction was negative, mentioning that it would seem that sort of thing would be bad for the fisheries. They have a point.
  14. The terms state not mentioning 'specific' locations or maps. I'm refering more to the entire body of water....PERIOD. Meaning don't mention a tiny stream all the way up to a Great Lake itself. May seem extreme yes, but may be worth consideration. Thanks Again Laz
  15. Some may get all upset about this but I just wanted to throw it out there. Who feels that fishing reports done on this board should not mention the body of water and keep it just about fish caught and so on??? I myself have mentioned where I fished in the past but lately have decided not to. Personal messeges seem like the right way to go with this reducing the mass amounts of people getting access to spots, members and lurkers. I think this should apply regardless if the body of water is already popular or not. A heavily fished area will just become even more heavily fished. I would like to hear what the admin's think about this subject. Thanks Laz
  16. Stonefly, I laugh out loud as well and second that motion. The Humber does suck. Well...most of it anyways.
  17. sucker carp catfish chub i've fished it 20 times or so as it runs through my backyard right behind humber college. let's just say i've given up. about 1 chub every 5 attempts. i gave up.
  18. After work yesterday I decided to try a new spot to fish. I have fished this river before but not this section. Total Hours Fishing: 3 Total Fish Landed: 4 Largest Fish: 10" Rainbow I aslo caught another tiny rainbow, tiny brown and what I think was an atlantic salmon smolt. This little guy was doing his best to avoid me. Just before calling it a day I saw a Brown Trout that must have been 14"-18" stuggling to swim in a large pool. I watched for 5 minutes as it swam in circles. I was able to walk right up to it, touched it's tail and it slowly swam away. Not sure exactly what was wrong. Didn't see any noticable fungus or hooks in it's mouth. Hope you enjoyed. Now I'm off to fish the large river again before work.
  19. Back in June we listed our top 5 baits for a multiple species lake in Ontario. Has your choices stayed the same or has the season changed your selection. I know mine has changed slightly: 1) 2" Purple Tube Jig 2) Texas Rigged Chigger Papi Plastic Crayfish 3) #3 Mepps Spinner Silver Blades / Hooks Dressed in Black 4) #5 Mepps Black Fury with Hooks Dressed in Yellow Tail 5) Medium Sized Big O Crankbait by Cotton Cordell in White Honourable Mention: White Twister Tail and Pink Jig Head, Spinner Bait with Silver Blades and Yellow Skirt.
  20. It's rare that I find myself wanting some rain fall, but if it's rivers you fish, at this point...we need it bad. Today just might be that day. 70% chance of rain and up to 15mm. Maybe a little more later in the week and GAME ON!!! Sure when temp. starts to drop and summer is ending we all feel like warm weather is far far away but when the walleye, smallies and trout bite picks up, it's all in the balance!
  21. Cool. My first Atlantics. I did think they were browns. Do they stay in the river or eventually swim into the lake?
  22. The wind was calm, the sun was out, so I decided to fish a local river targetting small trout. Hours Fishing: 1.5 Fish Landed: 6 Largest Fish: 12" Rainbow #1 Mepps Aglia Spinner Silver Hooks Dressed in Black all the way!!! Only got a couple pics of the Atlantic Salmon Smolts (at first i thought they were browns). The Rainbow was hooked badly so I just worried about getting him back in the water alive and didn't worry about getting out the camera and all that maddness. Yes there quite small but the antisipation of getting that 18" plus brown is priceless.
  23. This time of year I'm sure many of us come across fisherman snagging salmon in our local rivers and creeks. I will be one to admit that I did this a couple times when I was a kid (16 years old maybe). That was a while ago and with age now would never do something like that. Lately I've been going to Bronte Creek armed with my little #1 mepps spinner targetting tiny rainbows, chub and smallies and I see people doing this every time. I have a few questions concerning this. 1) If I see people snagging salmon, and I called the MNR, would they do anything about it? 2) Is it against the law? 3) Who's willing to admit they do it? 4) Who thinks laws should be made to prevent this? 5) Who thinks this is no big deal at all? Thanks Laz
  24. I think we all need to just relax here. Deep breath everyone. Ok, now that we're all calm let's think rationally. He's an older man. He's alone. If it was one of us in our 20's to 50's (some in their 60's) then this is a different story. Some of those kids look under 15. To me the best thing to be done here is to call the MNR. DONE! If you go back and see it again, call the MNR again. Hmm...thinking...starting a new post right now called SNAGGING SALMON.
  25. Thanks guys. I'm going to give it a shot later in the month and into Oct. You know when you get your confidence with a certain bait it's hard to switch it up but at the same time, sometimes a change is due. I will report back soon enough... Until then...dreaming of steelhead
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