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About lookinforwalleye

  • Birthday 12/21/1956

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    Orangeville, Ontario

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. Order a carb rebuild kit from Amazon which was okay, some of the kit would not fit....anyways replaced the float and needle valve and gaskets and gave it a real good clean and now she seems to be running pretty good....Thanks!
  2. Hi Brian...I sold the bass boat a few years ago wasn`t using it enough...I just received the rebuild kit from Amazon so I might go to the trailer tonite and work on it tomorrow... Nice to hear from you!
  3. The second video is the one I used as a reference...it was very helpful. Thanks
  4. Yes it definitely has been apart before. I have the seat and the valve but the wire to attach everything to the float was not there, the float looks like the original cork version. I was not sure if that open should be there but it does make sense that the fuel flows in from there...I plan on getting a kit and rebuilding it.
  5. Looking for a little assistance...having issues with my mid 70`s 15 HP Evinrude...it starts but will not run. I pulled the carb apart and cleaned it up but I think it needs a rebuild...the attached picture shows what looks like a hole where the needle valve goes not sure if that is normal or has a piece worn and broke off...also the wire that connects the float to the needle valve was missing...Any assistance would be appreciated.
  6. let me know what your internet situation is and if you want further info...glad to help!
  7. yes I get HBO and every network from coast to coast...every sports network you can think of...every news channel....every PPV event...every movie channel known to man...hundreds of 24/7 VOD channels to stream all the old classics, Bonanza... Hogans heros...Green Acres...All in the family...Sandford and son etc.etc.....I will see if I can get you some info, in the mean try this free option... ustv247.com keep in mind with streaming you consume a lot of data....I stream movies,sports,tv shows and go through 500 gb minimum....unlimited internet is must and I would suggest at least a speed of 25 mbps.... And there is nothing wrong with Kodi....Kodi is just a media player, all streaming devices are not created equal there are good ones and there are bad ones and there is a learning curve but its not all that difficult....you do not need Kodi to use IPTV or stream movies/tv....and yes cable/sat/cell phone bills are crazy and that`s why I cut the cord several years ago!
  8. There is crap load of them some good some not so good...I use a cheap iptv subscription and it`s fairly reliable only cost about 6 bucks a month....There is like 9000 channels and a lot of international stuff, all the big PPV events....lots of VOD.... It`s not perfect but it works for me as I do not watch a lot of live TV....
  9. Jailbreak a Firestick...that`s funny...
  10. Your IPTV guy did not do you any favors believe me apparently that was available on Google Playstore, some people are saying Google shut it down and came right to their device to do it......TTV still works there is a work around, I had mine back up and running in 10 minutes....There have been lots of changes in the past few days and there have been numerous updates/clones come out, there is one called EU TV that is showing a lot of promise.
  11. Hi...There is a work around available for TTV...PM me and I can get you some info.....
  12. apparently not as easy as it sounds and not cheap either....
  13. Finally got my trade...Got an older 15 HP Evinrude with electric start that should work fine!
  14. Yes I think so, I am having some health issues lately and I don`t need a heart attack pulling this cord and it is to heavy for me to lift on and off the transom....
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