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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Is this question for real?
  2. Look kinda like the old Salmo lures
  3. It's legal. It counts towards your daily possession limit of that species. As long as you aren't transporting them from fisheries management zones to different FMZ's, and as long as you aren't releasing them in a different body of water from which they came.
  4. I used to keep a small kiddy pool in the back during the summer as my fish pond. lol In it I had bullheads, rock bass, sunfish, largemouth, gobies and perch at different times. The best survivors were bullheads but as fall neared they for some reason died, full of worms. I have to say the most entertaining with rock bass though. I was absolutely astounded by how well they could hide, in the most unlikely places. Sunfish were rather boring, they just schooled and circled the middle of the pond until I fed them. Gobies died almost instantly. The perch got attacked by a raccoon and the largemouth was really sluggish, but was entertaining to watch him feed. I ended up releasing him in the fall back to where he came from.
  5. After weighing my options over my next musky reel I decided to spend the extra couple bucks and go for a Shimano Cardiff. All I read were good reviews from other fishermen, but they were mostly bass guys. I see a lot of musky guys using them so I figured it's a safe bet. Anyone else here use them? Would like to hear if I made a good investment for this season.
  6. Who puts up a $15,000 reward for a dog. For god's sakes, you could just buy 150 REALLY nice new puppies. People in Toronto and the things they spend their money on.
  7. Safe eating aside, some C&R would sure be nice down there. Hated seeing so many breeders being taken last time I was down. Glad your tourney is live release Steve! Wish I didn't have to work or I'd be there.
  8. Welcome! Glad to see another member no matter what your species of choice. I'm another carp enthusiast through winter and spring.
  9. Compre's are sweet. My flippin' stick is a Compre. If it ever breaks, I'll definitely buy another one. Worth the extra few bucks.
  10. I've tinkered with many different ways of storing musky lures since tackle boxes don't exist large enough to carry these baits properly. I've stuffed them in boxes which results in hook tangles, hung them on buckets, more tangles and baits fell out, drilled holes in the top of the bucket which helped a bit, but the baits were still so close together they hung up all the time. Very frustrating. Well it looks like I finally have a solution this year. A milk crate and some coat hangers. Plenty of room for the baits, less tangle and I even categorized them into sections. Of course by the end of this year I will probably need 2 more milk crates for all the other muskie junk I will buy. lol But it works.
  11. I gotta say I already reached my biggest goal this year it's right there in my avatar.
  12. Catch a 20lb pike in LPB, 20lb carp in the mighty lynn, 20+ channel cat (didnt get any last year), 50 inch musky, and fill the freezer with perch. lol
  13. WOW is right! I hope there are still big girls there in the spring!
  14. Salted, not pickled!
  15. Long Point Bay, Lake Erie
  16. Last time I did a fish log (kept track of every fishing trip in a journal) I did like 268. That was a couple of years ago.. don't fish so much now.. maybe only 200
  17. Awesome, thanks for the info Chrispy! Looks like that will be my purchase. Much better than the BPS lower end round reels.
  18. Now that's livin' Nice fish!
  19. http://cache.valleywag.com/assets/resources/screenclean.swf Since I found this link, the screen has never been cleaner.
  20. Yes and yes, without a doubt - with tournament fishermen in mind. How do some say you don't rely on physical capabilities? Last I checked I can't cast telepathically, I have to physically move my arms to do it. Toss a musky bait for 8 hours and you'll really be putting your muscles to the test.
  21. Does anyone have experience with the Okuma "Instinct" baitcasting reels, experiences, good or bad? Am thinking about purchasing one and would like to compare it to some others I've been debating. Most importantly, does it have plastic gears. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  22. Wow, nice one. Glad to see the river is still producing!
  23. My opinion is leaning towards the latter when reflecting upon today's attempt at carp fishing. It was -27 out there with the windchill.. if that water was sitting still it would be ice! Harsh. Even if we did get hits, the extreme winds would have hindered our ability to detect them. But like any fishing trip, the fun wasn't in the catching. It was still fun to get out, even if it was a short trip. Now you can call us "The Masked Carp Crusaders"
  24. Hopefully those numbers stay up.. gotta make sure people are releasing the big females in the rivers to spawn!
  25. Maybe next we can do a poll on how many OFC'ers are over the age of 60..
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