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Everything posted by MuskyGreenHorn

  1. Is that legal? How much depth do you need? Can't u use docks, wouldn't that be safer?
  2. What a Hog Lloyd. Looks like you guys enjoyed some great times, very jealous, thanks for sharing.
  3. Wow, guys please go tear this lady a new one at the meeting. I saw their both at the fishing show and I kept a wide berth in fear that I may be encouraged by security to leave the show if i paid that both a visit. Just rediculous. My buddy and neighbour decided to go and talk to them. He talked to a women and was telling her that he fishes rice a ton and he lives nearby in elizabethville. She then tried to ask him to come stay and enjoy the resorts and talk about how great the area is. He had to laugh, he said "lady, i am 10 mins from rice lake, why would i stay at a resort." I guess she knows the area really well eh..... Nice to see good old Ben spoke up and the paper got it right this time though.
  4. Spiel those stonefly immitations are insane, I have seen a lot fo the real thing and those are just incredible. What in the heck did you use for the legs? Do you sell these things? I would drift these suckers under a float for sure. And about the suick copy. Nice job man. It is one of the most copied muskie baits and for good reason, they work. How hard is your finish? sounds like it would stand up better than what is on the real deal. Gotta love sustom one off colours too. I woudl also liek to add. What if it was just a repainted suick, but it was some kid you did it and was really proud of it... Nice....Use your head. And there is something to be said for custom paint jobs. Some muskie lures work so well (suick is a perfect example) the paint gets chewed right off of them and it takes talent to repaint them properly and effectively. Custom painted muskie baits I have seen recently like nimmer swimmers, harbour masters and hose baist can go from anywhere from $50 to $150. I don't have the talent or the paitence to create these babies like you do, keep up the good work.
  5. Nice fish everyone, this is great, fish porn for sure. Here a few of me and the guys up on LOTW last season. The first 2 are me, I am 6'6" and I hate how small dudes make fish look bigger. The third pic is of a guy who is like 5'7" with a 4"7, looks bigger than the 49" in the first pic. The forth one is 46" the guy is also liek maybe 5'7". And the last one is my buddy with a 51", he is about 6'3" 6'4" maybe. Well just for fun here are some little guys. I know of quite a few that got caught on LOTW last season, nice to know they are thriving. The first little stinker was only 20" and hit a 10" Jake being trolled at 4mph, talk about aggressive. Check out the gorgeous markings on the second one.
  6. I will post a couple from my home comp tomorrow, i am working right now at the ol' stud farm. Some beasts there guys. Anyone wanna give up the location of their catches?
  7. Chatillion are definately the most accurate but also super pricey as pointed out. A berkley or rapala scalw is more than sufficient to get a pretty close estimate. As a rule of thumb the greater the max weight a scale is capable fo reading the less accurate it is. A 15lb scale is probably accurate with a couple of ounces and a 50lb oneabout +/- 4-5ounces. Never hang large fish vertically to weigh them as you can damage thier vertebrae. The weight hanging like that can pull the vertebrae apart especially if the fish thrashes and squirms. Their weight is supported when they are in the water and that changes when the are hanging in the air. You don't need a craddle, you can definately use your net.
  8. 10+ year old curado (what a champ of a reel) and a newer 7' fenwick. 6' light berkley series one with shimano sendona 1500, i swear i can feel walleye fart near the jig in 30 fow with this thing. 7'6" Okuma Heavy EVx Musky Rod and shiamno calcutta 400TE. Its a bit light for a lot of stuff i throw, but man it is a treat to fight big pike and muskie on, the drag is so silky smooth, best reel i have ever owned of any style/type ever....
  9. Wow that is gorgeoues, who did the work for you?
  10. Almost Kinda creepy. I saw on teh news a while back that if ended up in a street level shot, which people were, you could get it removed.
  11. Very interesting. I actually worked on a study to chronical the ups and downs of Lake Erie about 3 years ago. What this acticle doesn't point out is the massive strain the sport fishery in Ohio puts on the lake. I have no problem with it, everyone is entited to their limit, but people here in Ontario really have no clue what its like on the other side of the lake. In the 80's sportfing harvested as much and even more in some years than the Ontario commercial fishery. The population using that side of the lake is enormous, I think they would be wise to cut back bag limits
  12. oooooppppsss! Does the weather man ever get anything right?
  13. At the opposite end of the specturm you will run into people who think they own the river. Don't get pushed around being a newbie. I always love when you are on a crowded river and someone thinks they own the river. I grew up fishing the ganny and the lower sections can be so crowed opening day that you will befishing shoulder to shoulder, guys taking turns to fish a run or a pool. In those cases all thats really expected is enough space to cast comfortably and that you wait your turn. If you pay attention you will see if there is room or not for you to fit into the pecking order. If its uncrowded river then yes, always keep moving, find your own spot. I try and give a wide bearth when passing by so I don't spook the fish.
  14. Workin' Nights at the farm doing foal watch for the next 30 nights... Who else is burning the midnight oil?
  15. Your question got me thinking, because I don't own a proper crimping tool and I don't like crimps anyway. Man I love the guys from the next bite. The have the perfect solution, its called the canoe knot. Check it out.
  16. I use a knot and crimp them. I only use 80lb floro though. i am gonna upgrade to 100 this year though. I am not sure what teh knot is called, but I copied from a store baught floro leader that was 130lb.
  17. Good point raf. i just Picked up a 8"6' XXH Okuma. If it where a st. croix it may only be a XH, just. The same goes for shimano compre musky rods. i had the chance to use an 8' last season rated H, felt like it could have been an XH. Most musky rods do have fast action though no? Please feel free to correct me and discuss the power ratings of the various manufactures.
  18. Definately not too heavy. If you want to throw big baits, you need a rod like this. Big double 10's and 13's, big bulldogs, big jakes and believers. It makes casting them easier, way easier. And I would not go less than 80lb braid. I mean technically speaking 40 or 50 lb is strong enough. When you start throwing big baits that are 6, 7, 8, 10,12 ounces and you backlash on a cast... well good bye lure. I have lost lures casting even with 100lb braid. 100 seems just too stiff though and 65 too thin, i really recommend 80. If you don't plan on tossing big baits though the XH will be overkill. Also would be great for trolling big baits. These newer longer rods are much more flexible than you think, the old 5-6' rods taht were the norm 20+ years ago are the stiff broomsticks you want to stay away from.
  19. I love when he says, "this thing needs to go on weight watchers." That was a fatty.
  20. Yeah its a pretty good deal.
  21. I'd like to mention back reeling. I know gusy who swear by it. I am not a fan, but it works. what teh point of paying for a nice mooth expensive drag just to crank it down and reel backwards. Some front drag reel are now doubling up on teh drag washers as well, making them even smooth and more powerful. Okuma calls it dual force drag, washers in 2 spots esentially. I have never had a problem adjusting front drag on the fly, but if i do its a minor adjustment as I have my drag set before I start casting.
  22. Everyone else has got my answers covered. Guess thos etrout are already cruising teh lakes edges waiting for the ice to break up.
  23. Good call Ace. Spend the 5 bills on some deep sea fishing!
  24. I haven't stayed many places to be honest. When i go away to fish, I camp or stay at someones cottage. Are you looking fro something quiet or do you midn it being a busy cottage lake? I mean you don't have to go very far from peterbprough being in the heart of the kawarthas. I am always giving the French River huge props on here, I love it there, its like being much farther north for some reason. I east corridor of Algonquin, from Bancroft up to Barry's Bay west to Haliburton and east to pembroke. Nice area and less busy the mukoka hunstville side. The only place I have experience with on the French is bears Den lodge, nice owners. I also hear ristoule is very nice. Come on people, someone else has to have some suggestions for this person!
  25. I agree with what some people are saying, you get out of it what you want. The seminars are great, I saw Linder and Maina, both great guys and tehy gave away a ton of nice stuff. I think the show is great for teh kiddies. I see a lot fo peole just walking around dazed. They do a lap of the place and then go, now what? Sure the net is a great place to find deals and pretty much see everything at the show right in your home and at your finger tips, but... The show give syou the opportunity to stop and chat with teh people behind what you see on the net. I love talking to lodge owners and tackle reps. One that note, I am dissapointed that there are less tackle companies then there used to be and less lure makers and rod builders and such. I mean no shimano, no abu garcia, no hummingbird, etc etc. In the states all the manufactures have displays at the shows and guys who make lires in their basements and custom rods. I know why they aren't here. $$$ The show charges insane amounts for floor space. I used to go and talk to a shimano rep and then go talk to abu. It was great to be able to have them trying to win me over. There are deals to be had at the show and they used to be better becuase their were more retailers there and they had to compete more.
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