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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. A good set of 8X42's will be all you need for hunting/marine/bird watching. Go with the most expensive glass you can afford. If you don't want to spend wad's of cash on a set of bino's have a look at some of the mid end Vortex optics or Leupold Olympics. Remember with bino's, the more expensive the set, the better the glass, the clearer the picture.
  2. He's trying to see how many bleeding heart C&R's there are that will chime in and say "I'd NEVER play a muskie that hard, because it would surely never survive after such a long fight, to play a fish with such inadequate tackle is irresponsible and you should be hung for it."
  3. The difference is probably the 9-12 foot rod that the keep loaded up when the fish is fighting. The scenario the OP is talking about is UL rod's, 4-5'6" rods don't load up quite as well.
  4. I don't know anything about Musky, but with ANY giant fish on light tackle, all you're gonna do is spool your line and lose your lure. Better to keep your spool of line, lose the lure and fish and keep fishing for whatever you were intending to fish for. Especially if you have 20$/per spool Braid on .
  5. They're the exact same rods, except the Premiers are made in America.
  6. X1 billion for a St.Croix I have used/own the Triumph series, Mojo Bass and Legend Tournament Walleye and will probably have a Legend Extreme or Elite coming. For the price the Triumph series can't be beat...not quite the stiffest rod's out there, but a 5 year warranty is nice. For reel's you can't go wrong with Daiwa or Shimano. Daiwa Exceler or Regal XiA for the lower end and Advantage-A for the higher end. Shimano Symetre's and Saro's are nice as well for mid range reels. You'd have to pick a power/action and reel size that suits your kind of fishing.
  7. My uncle says they still have 16+ inches of solid ice on Ranger...maybe go for one last hurrah out there?
  8. Hey I seen your boat over on Walleye Central. Can't wait to see some full body shots . And some eye's!!
  9. I'm sure it will do just fine. What'd you get anyways?
  10. Whaaaaaaat what kinda croix?
  11. Extra fast action means the rod isn't going to bend as smoothly through-out the entire length of the rod (Arch shape). It will bend only towards the tip which translates to a very stiff, sensitive rod that you can feel the most subtle bumps through. It also means when you go to set the hook, more of your power is going to go down to the hook instead of being absorbed from the rod.
  12. In previous years I've always owned 6'6" Medium Fasts so thats what I've used for vert jigging. This year I'm really trying to fine tune my Walleye gear and the unanimous (spelling?) agreement from most reputable Walleye Anglers is a 6'0" to 6'3" medium fast or extra fast for vert jigging under normal circumstances. The reason for such a short, fast rod seems to be for quick, STIFF hooksets with a tight line. A longer rod also gives you little control over your jig and less sensitivity (more rod for the bumps to have to move through). That being said I don't kno wif I wanna shell the money for a 6'3" Croix Legend Elite Med, X-Fast or a Loomis 6'1" Medium Fast GLX Walleye Series...
  13. Can't wait to try out my St.Croix Legend Tournament Pickeral on such fish
  14. I've also been told they're quite anti-handgun and things of that sort Lebaron as well. Maybe not a big deal to some of you, but it is to me.
  15. Agreed . Keep it up TJ!
  16. Im not in a minimum wage job and I don't blame the company for it's employee's being stuck in one. I'm just trying to put together how you figure Canadian Tire is such a wonderful place to spend money. But I suppose it's not like there is any other stores in North America offering dirt cheap rods/reels, automotive parts and accessories, etc, etc. It's all produced offshore and that's what I stated was my problem with big block companies in the first place...that and crushing small businesses.
  17. So like I thought. CT's company pockets, first class hotel and airfare for our MP's and govt. officials and minimum wage for everyone else. I guess the American dream isn't 2 cars in every garage and a white picket fence. More like a bus pass and a slum apartment.
  18. What I meant by that was, what does their "profit staying in Canada" support besides Canadian Taxes and CT's upper managements pockets? I'm not saying I know more about this than you or anything. I would just like to know. If I come across snobby I'm sorry that's not what I'm tying to do.
  19. Sure a sliver of their profit stays in Canada...the rest pays for their entire inventory of junk exported from China and other Asian countries. I'm interested to know how much of that money stays in Canada? How many Canadian jobs is "Canadian Tire" supporting? Well...if you read the bottom of 90% of the stuff they sell...not a whole lot. The only Canadian job's it supports are the stores employee's...and they treat them real good don't they...kinda like how well Walmart and McDonalds treats their employee's. "Gee sir, how does minimum wage, and no benefits sound? Ya we'll give you just *barely* enough hours to keep you classed as Part-time!!!" God bless Capitalism!!!!
  20. Walmart, BassPro, Cabela's, Cambodian Tire, etc are everything that is wrong with this world and one day it will put us all in the poor house. Soon everything will be built oversea's and we will all be crying that there's no jobs when in fact it was our own personal greed that drove everything to be built off shore. I'm not saying "shame on you" for shopping at any of them, because I do it myself. But I personally think we should all be ashamed for supporting such companies....
  21. You got that right Frank. I never understood guys who fish out of a 14,000$ boat or who fish with 450$ rod/reel combos being so cheap as to not keep a relatively full spool of line that costs 9-20$ or a hook that costs cents... People...the line and hook...IS THE ONLY THING KEEPING THE FISH ON!!!
  22. Holy crap...it's GCD!! Where have you been you backwards redneck?
  23. I change my line out when it gets down to 3/4 of the reels spool. That's braid or mono, and either is changed atleast once a year...line is one of the cheapest expenses an angler has, AND it's the ONLY thing keeping your next trophy fish on...why skimp? Also get int he habit of clipping 1-3 yards of line off before every day of fishing or after catching a big toothy critter. Nothing is worse than losing a fish cuz you were too lazy to tie one measly knot!
  24. I was just down at the local river tonight to try out my new Croix rod. First cast with a 2/5 oz. Cartreuse/Silver Cleo...BAM. 'Bow on! Made a little jump and shook his head at the same time...off the hook and gone . Should have never cheaped out and ran mono as opposed to my normal braid...
  25. See, I knew I worded it all screwy . Thats what I meant...that equivalent pound test in Braid is MUCH thinner than it's equal pound in Mono (8lb braid is MUCH thinner than 8lb Mono). What I thought could be contributing to not sinking is that the OP has DRASTICALLY bumped up the pound test and his new Braid is quite a bit thicker than the old mono he had on. So that would appear to him, that the braid is not cutting water as good as his ol' trusty mono! Understand what I'm trying to say?
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