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family guy

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About family guy

  • Birthday 10/21/1969

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    Trenton, ON

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  1. Also look for the navionics +. This chip will allow you to download the areas you select upto a predetermined amout of data so you can better customize the area you get for where you fish. They come with the standard gold data because of certian technicalities but are upgrade to the 1ft contours when you do the first update. Talk to the guys from navionics at the shows for more info, my information may be a little off.
  2. I agree. Go with the hds7 or better. I've been told the the hds gen2's will see a price reduction so watch for some good deals at the shows this spring.
  3. Good luck! Just remember if this isn't the solution don't give up. I must have quit smoking a hundred times but one time it finally worked and have been smoke free for 12 yrs. I to am now working on the weight over the last year of ups and downs and some persistence I'm down twenty pounds. I'm hoping to drop another twenty this year to get my goal. Your health is worth it but don't give up!
  4. As for the new navionics chips, the new chips coming out will have nothing on them with a built in key to down load up to 2g's in data( I believe 2g is the number I was quote but don't hold me to that) and then the user will go to the navionics website and down load the charts that they want. So you can create your own custom chip for the waters you fish. Great idea, long over due!
  5. What unit are you going to be using it on? Not all will run platinum+ or in some cases it will be very slow. But most of the maps mentioned will still have the same problem with viewing all the contour depths on a small screen. The Lowrance hds gen2 have dual processors and run the high detailed charts very well. If you have seen the mapping with selectable depth ranges high lighted in different colours, that feature is exclusive to humminbird and lake master charts. Lake master charts are only available for US lakes in the mid-west. I hope this helps. If you have more questions feel free to pm me.
  6. I have only done a little bit of carp fishing there(with success), but I have heard that there is good bass, pike and pan fish there. I even think that some of our ontario fishing celebrities have done some tv shows there. Try some google searches and you might find some of those episodes.
  7. Never had any of the problems that have been mentioned. This is not the line to use for top water because of its sinking qualities. I have used it for my flipping, pitching, jigging spoons, tubes and jerk baits. All with no problems.
  8. Awesome trout, thanks for putting the video together.
  9. Not much gets to me, but I couldn't watch much more than the first few seconds. Every anglers worst nightmare... I think I'll sleep with the light on tonight!
  10. Translation- We fished our butts off and didn't catch a thing!
  11. Lake Scugog, Port Perry. The water front has good public access and should have a good supply of pan fish with a shot at a Bass.
  12. Great report and some really nice lakers!
  13. You are correct and the ones at CT have a large single hook up front and a treble trailing.
  14. Believe it or not but dead bait can be the key to early season gators. 5-7" sucker minnows on quick strick rigs (2 smaller trebel hooks in series on a wire lead, scene them at CT). You can present it in a couple different ways, just cast it out and let it sit on bottom or suspend it just off bottom with a slip float or let it sit on bottom with a small slip float above it to us as a strike indicator, don't use any weight unless in deeper water and fish close to the enterance of the bays, deeper depresions in the bays or creek channels. This is a big fish technique so use equipment suitable for the larger fish in your area. After spending a week in northern Manitoba fishing early season gators I manage to pick up some good experience, the small jacks would nail anything that moved around the edges of the bays, but we only picked up the big sows (40"+) when we started fishing dead bait on the bottom in the middle of the bays. We were shallow enough to see the large dark outlines move in on our baits, which could be scene very easily against the dark bottom, watch the bait disappear and the line start moving, our hearts would start pounding as we lifted up on the rod, becuase you new that all hell was about to break loss! I hope this helps and have fun with the 2.5 year old, I have one 7 and one 4 and they are both hooked on fishing which makes it easier to get more time on the water, I also have a 2 year old that will get initiated into this addictive persuit this year.
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