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Everything posted by bucketmouthjohnny

  1. Sincere condolonces to John's family and friends. I never met John but I could tell in his posts he was a thoughtful , caring individual, the kind we need more of in this world, not less. God Bless you John, John
  2. no need for an " IC " rated potlight to have vapour barrier installed above it, here in Niagara. hammer in the four rails,if you have 2 foot centers, you might have to add a piece or two of 2x4 so the metal hangar bars don't un hook, hook in the wires, vapour as normal, right over pot, incl, hole, i have seen the hole cut and tucked (preferred by most), i have also seen it left uncut for drywaller to roto out with drywall.insulate all over the pot in attic, no need to worry about fire, etc... we use contraste pots for the majority of our jobs. It is a building code issue, and could possibly change from region to region, i know several years back, St.Catharines wanted all ic's to have a vapour barrier formed around it, one or two potlight reps came down and satisified the stickler and now that issue is no longer one here. Check building code for your municipality.... Enjoy!!! John
  3. I am not sure what the price is for the other 2, but i would get the HDS 5, if you buy before march 27? you get a $50 mail in rebate as well. It is expanadable for future purchases, has a split screen for map/sonar, and as mentioned already, 2 year warranty.I talked with Lawren from Radioworld (he was a main cog for lowrance for many years and if anyone was an expert, it would be him)) and he doesn't suggest having a DSI as a standalone finder, it just doesn't show fish very well.If you can afford it, go with the HDS unit.
  4. Smally, that panel upgrade price,$1,500, i think that is for a 60 amp to 100 amp service change, incl. panel and 20 breakers. We charge around 1,200,upwards of 2,000 for 200 amp, depending overhead/underground and some other variables. If that's for a straight panel change, WOW, i better get up to the Hammer for some business!! That's some good coin for less than a day's work!! A straight panel change from fuses to breakers , with a permit and inspection is around $850 incl, 20 breakers, any more breakers needed is extra. Don't forget the HST!!!! We do like making holes you'll need to account for a mudder most likley. If it is Knob/tube, you should gut the drywall, at least on o/s walls and change everything, this will cut down electrical bill a little and add a drywall/tape/paint/insulation... it is probably not insulated well on o/s walls as is.Don't know if you guys have enrgy audits ? For the few plugs on inside walls , they can be fished in possibly from attic/or underneath, depending on style of house with minimal holes. As far as NY state insurance? No clue ? I have been in some houses in buffalo area(friends/family) and one still had a 35 amp service, but was just experiencing problems recently.I told her she needed to get a NY electrician to change service and gave her ballpark figure what would be a fair price. Or, get a gas oven, not sure which way she went
  5. As a master electrician (licensed in ontario), i can assure you 100 amp is plenty of power for most homes under say, 1,800 sq. feet but the sq footage isn't the barometer, use is. If you have a hot tub o/s that sucks 50-60 amps,or electric furnace(you would already have a 200 amp) you better upgrade, if not, an electric stove/dryer etc will all work properly on a 100 amp service.If you have electric baseboards that were wired in later (if wired in at time, there would have been a calculation done to assure enough power at service), you might need to get an electrician in to make sure you are not overdrawing, i mean, the main breaker would trip if this was the case though.If you have a tripping main, you better upgrade. The easiest/safest and to the ontario electrical code to change all outlets to 3 prong receptacles is: Replace all breakers, other than your 220 volt ones (only use this gfci for 220 volt where water is present, hot tub), with GFCI breakers. The neutral will trip the gfi breaker on any short. People, do not forget, the neutral is bonded with the ground.Is it better to have a separate ground? Yes, but not necessary according to Ontario code. another method is to :(not the prettiest) Take all your 110 volt wires out of the panel box and rewire each one into a utility box,(iberville 1110 box), mount the box close to the panel, now rewire a new 14/2 to each utility box containing each ungrounded wire from the panel. Get however many GFCI receptacles you need, make sure the black/white wires from the panel go on the LINE side of the gfi screws, and the ungrounded black/white go on the load side. Now you can swap out all your 2 prong receptacles with 3 prongs and you will still be safe. one more method, is to find the start of the circuit in a receptacle for each circuit. Swap out that plug with a gfi , connecting line and load wires as mentioned above, than you can replace all other outlets on that circuit with 3 prongs. This method would be the hardest to figure out for most homeowners and if it is knob and tube, forget it. Personally, i would go buy the GFCI breakers and do that, it looks much more professional and neater and might cost you over double (depending on make of paneland how many circuits) of what it would to do it the second way.But the time consumption is minimal, maybe an hour and a bit to swap out the breakers. ps, you could run 14 (you might be able too use 16 as well, i don't use this method) guage green coloured wires to all your outlet boxes and tie them in at the panel or to the ground wire with approved clamps. It all comes down to accessibility, cost , but you CAN have a safe electrical system with two wires following these methods. Good luck !! John
  6. Everyone is right on about UPS and FEdEx. If it gets delivered (this has happened to me)and if there is a price tag you have to pay to receive it, just say you don't want it and return to sender. Than you need to inquire about a refund, but I wouldn't throw even $10 more on top of $20 shipping to receive a product. The store should know shipping policies and thus should refund your money without prejudice upon receiving their goods back. I bought $60 worth of fishing stuff two weeks ago, $18 shipped via USPS, had it within 7 days, no charges!!Of course the order was wrong and two products were defective Hope everything goes well for you?!!!
  7. Hi all, round 3 (2 for us) started on Monday, we need a heck of a lot of the members to register and vote for the Catch A Dream Idea. FYI, The annual "Catch a Dream!" Kids Fishing Derby is an event designed to introduce children (associated with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization)to the great outdoors through the sport of fishing and boating. This event impacts the children by teaching them about sportsmanship, competition, the environment, fish habitat & camaraderie! It also affects all the boaters & volunteers who participate in a positive manner. The "Catch a Dream!" event gives them a venue to do their small part in making a difference in a child's life! We have been asked to take this program to other communities but currently lack the funds to do so! Estimated budget to put on each event is $8,000.00 so the budget for a total of 5 events would come to $40,000.00 Hopefully with this kind of funding we can make it happen! Here is the link : http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf7951 Please register on the site and than log in and vote everyday
  8. at 474 , who's gonna make it 500
  9. Looks nice Stoty !! ps, what does G2 stand for
  10. 434, last day, we need a big push !! please vote !!
  11. Up to 392 WTG guys !! One more day !!! 500 +
  12. my buddy had 26.5? they won 2nd had 22-23 lbs.I am sure Denis will post soon, after he wakes up.
  13. 231 !!! Good morning !! It's another day , meaning another day to vote Thanks for taking the time
  14. Well, they fished Sunday !!! Only thing i heard is a buddy of mine was out, over 40 fish and had 25.7 lbs for 5 bass. of course he never replied to me if he won or anything or even if he was in the tourney I had hoped to fish it but had too many things to do around here. always next year
  15. I used to like the CFL when it was truly Canadian and you could only have two imports. Now they force you to have a Canadian on your team . Is it better talent wise with the imports, yea maybe, but i think what was unique was the Canadian content the league had, homegrown boys.They tried and failed to sell it to the US using imports, so why not resell the Canadian content back to the Canadian people with the majority of Canadian players.Until that happens, I might watch the Grey Cup, but not definitely. They also could try to get some fantasy football interest, wouldn't hurt.
  16. wow, do you i just voted , 133 i think, still waking up
  17. I am posting this on behalf of David Chong and Ken LaPalm, the two men spearheading this venture to try and get the FREE extra funding to add more "Catch A Dream " Fishing Derby dates and locations. Aviva Insurance is funding some community projects and we're trying to obtain some funding for the "Catch a Dream! Kids Fishing Derby. The results is all based on votes received. You can vote up to 10 times a day. We need your help so please take 2 minutes, follow the link below and vote. http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf7951 only thing, i think you can only vote for one project per day, at least that is what happened to me. Please take the time to register and vote time is running out... Thanks all ps, sorry for posting so late, I just received the info myself...every vote counts though !
  18. LOL!! Good luck with the move Shaun!! I haven't seen your show lately? What channel /time/ are you slotted for? BASSMAN, 1 million!!! Now you could have a second career as a marketing agent GL!! John
  19. we used to take them out on the water and dump them in away from the camp.preferably deeper than a few feet.
  20. My condolonces to the Smith family and friends. May Lindsey now rest in peace.... Sincerely, John Scholl
  21. Congrats to all competitors , it was a real tough weather wise day on Saturday. My fish had scattered all over the place from the previous weekend but after doing 40 minute drifts and getting 5-7 bites a drift i was able to manage a good limit both days and end up 2nd. My partners weighed in 15 plus and 13 plus as well.I nailed a double digit sheephead too!! what a fight I have a lot of memories from this qualifier that will last my lifetime. My partners were nothing short of fantastic!! Also, have to thank my prefish partner, Sy, you found that area and than we disected it the next day, Thank you! Looking so forward to Champlain next year, John Scholl
  22. I fished it leisurely many years ago, there is some decent smallies in there. If I remember correctly, there is not a lot of weed, there is some lily pads, the smallies relate to these as well as points, humps, and rocks. It was a nice quiet lake, but that was like 20 years ago, yikes, i am getting old !!
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