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Everything posted by bucketmouthjohnny

  1. The orkin man was a nice guy and did a great job!! so far so good, nothing going in, will check on it periodically over next day or two but i think the yj's have bit the dust, literally!! Thanks for all the input fellas, and especially to you Brandon!! John
  2. The ORKIN MAN is coming at 5 pm today!!!! If i could have got to the nest i would have killed them myself but seeing as it is not accesible, instead of me spending 30 bucks on sprays and killing a few workers and not accomplishing anything i decided to go the pro way! I will post results later Plumma, i hope you are feeling better!! Gary, that is a huge nest!!!
  3. Well, i have 3 price quotes, two are similar at around $115 plus that BST err, i mean GST. one was for $340 but gives you a perimeter shooting and 6 month warranty. The first two are big major companies, they offer a 2 month warranty but the 3 rd guy told me to make sure what those warranties actually cover for that price. The wife wants em gone, i want em gone even though they don't bother me, they are right above my front door and mailbox which could become problematic to visitors or else i would just let them live. Brandon is in the profession and helped me out greatly, thanks Brandon!! i still want to hear back from you via the pm i just sent you. here's hoping to being BBBBBBBBBBBusy doing other things this weekend instead of worrying about these b's
  4. Thanks guys, unfortunately i cannot access the nest or it wouldn't "bee" a problem. I am not going to take the soffit down. I read about the dust and that seemed to be my best option but the one i wanted is not for retail in ontario and most of the other ones you need a license to use. I am going to put a clear caulking after around all my soffit where it meets the brick. I did the back several years ago and never did the front, stupid me!! looks like this pro isn't going to contact me, time to call another one. pikehunter, the foam, does it say it leaves a residual? cause the wasp killer definitely doesn't. Is it available a CT? thanks all, would really like to find some of that dust though as i have researched it, and it seems to be the best. John
  5. Hi all, got a small problem, as you can tell by the title. I have a yellow jacket nest in my attic. They enter at the front door where the soffit attaches to the brick and use the same mortar joint to get into the attic(well, not exactly the attic, they are in the drop part for the soffit).I went into the attic to see if i could locate it, but only heard the buzzing and could not see the nest as it is blocked from view so i cannot douse it with wasp killer. I have sprayed wasp killer all around the soffit and killed a few workers but shortly after that dries up its the 401 again. I have contacted a pest controller for a quote and am waiting for it but wanted to know if any of you have had similar pests and how you handled it. Has anyone had an exterminater rid them of a nest? If so, what would /should i be looking at paying for this service? Thanks for any advice (other than don't get stung , lol), hope to soon be YJ free, John.
  6. Buckets, buckets, buckets , and smallies, and no pike? hmmmm, i might have to ckeck that out!! Thanks for sharing, nice pics!! ps, i agree with you on keeping the fish, if i want a feed i will keep the 1- 1.5 lb fish if they are plentiful Are your arms sore? What kind of structure worked best? ie, deep(10 fow) weeds, timber, docks, slop (is there any)?Thanks for sharing!! John
  7. One Elite Bassmaster Angler that fished on Erie called that gulp alive, "crack for bass". A lot of the pros that fished Buffalo had a jug. I'm sure it works, just like about everything else, i might try a jug on vacation on Rice.
  8. hey Grant, register a free account at photobucket.com, you can upload 3 pics at once into your own private library there. than when making a post on here, just open up another web page to the photbucket library and click on the pics you want to post, they made it even easier to tell you which url to use for forums/ website etc. you copy the url and paste it on your post here, that's how i posted my pics. let me know if you have any problems. oh yea, and they must have resized them automatically John
  9. Thanks guys, Johnny bass, man, i wish i could fish as much as you do, my day came and went,now i am married with one child, i enjoy reading your reports!! I tried the deeper weedlines in the 8 foot range but only had 2 sunnies come by and investigate. Seen a few fish surface, they looked like bass but never got em. Roy, yea, i can cover water quick enough but she was starting to howl and knowing i wanted to be off the water around 3 pm basically limited my running to within that bay, except for the Bull run that ended up being a turnaround and waste of valuable time, lol. Brian, if ya bought a triton you would have one of them jk buddy!! i think my cousin is hooked on fishing now, next up for me is a family vacation at Rice starting on the 18th, gotta find a few eyes so i don't have to fillet up a few bass for our fish fry. ps, maybe i can sneak out to the upper niagara river for some action before vacation? Take care guys! John
  10. Nice pics Grant!! Great to see you had a great time!!! Glad I could be of some help, cheers! John
  11. Hey Dutch, i just finished reading my ny state reg booklet i just received and it is the same as your pa regs. i have filleted some fish to find the yellow parasites but most fillets only have a few and are easily taken out with the knife tip. Like it says, cook it good in hot oil and enjoy!!! mmmmmmmmm extra protein
  12. Well, i had to head up to GBay area to roughin the electrical for my cousins basement. Figured on a full day work for friday and a full day of fishing on Saturday before heading home before my daughter went to bed. (promised her i would tuck her in) Worked from 9 am till 2 am Friday and still needed to finish a few things early Saturday. Finally completed the rough in and headed to Victoria Harbour, launched around noon. After wasting 20 minutes fishing close to the launch , gunned it to one of my favorite spots, started catching right away, nothing overly huge but still worth the effort of towing the boat up for a work/fish two day get away. Damn, that first bite was awesome! Here is a couple pics of the fish we were catching Thought we could get bigger fish in heavy weeds so started working shallow, nothing.. We started to make a run to the next bay over but upon getting into it, it was shallow and white jugs were starting to pop up, thought the better of it and headed back to vic harbour, another 20 minutes wasted, DAMN! Went into some good lookin junk and only had one small bucket slap at my frog, another wasted 1/2 hour. My cousin said why don't we go back to where we were catching fis, duh, what was i thinking.... we headed back there and once again started catching fish. I kept saying to my cousin i can't beleive there is not smallies here. Well, we snapped off our last prerigged tubes so i gave him a drop shot rod with a 3 inch white plastic fin s fish. he sets the hook into this decent (very close to 3 lbs)smallie All in all, around 15 or so buckets and one decent smallie (big fish of the day). Most of the largies were 1- 1 1/2 lbs with a few over 2 lbs and one 2 1/2.Nothing huge but when you only have a little more than 3 hours to fish, well worth it!! Next time I head up there for the basement finishing we will allot more fishing time and hopefully get to honey harbour. ps, lots of gar pike seen, some real big ones too , pushing the double digits weight wise. And an osprey flew by us with a 1 lb bucket, lol! Hope you enjoy, John pss, lesson is, when you are on fish! stay on them!!! especially when you are fun fishing with limited time, after that smallie (which was a double header, i had a bucket on, we called it quits) i got to thinking we could have expanded our boat coverage a little bit on our main area and may have found better fish, oh well, like they say, you always learn every day, peace!
  13. Hang in there, it gets better, than worse than better than worse, but its all good!!!
  14. Oh, i hear you Rich, i think domi fish was asking if you had to choose between only using cranks or soft plastics, which would you opt for. btw, how is the little one? sleeping through the night yet?
  15. If i had to choose between a crank and a plastic for bass ? plastic all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all i need is a tube as well, you can rig it so many different ways and it always catches fish, not sure why you keep them off your hook Rich? Last resort? you sure you aren't suffering from insomnia from the new born Cranks obviously catch fish but have limitations, especially in da slop!
  16. I'll be up there as well, gotta a job to do on Friday and towing the boat, plan to put in at Victoria Harbour, does anyone know how the public launch is. I know it isn't really a launch but i had no problem a few years back, has the water dropped any more? Anyone suggest a decent launch that doesn't charge $20? Also, if anyone can pm me some areas with depths to find walleyes i might give em a go, dragging grubs more than likley. If not i will be more than happy pounding the buckets in the harbours (vic and honey). Thanks for any info, John. ps, leaving tonight, can't wait for saturday!!!
  17. I'll be waiting for a report come august 2!!! lol, unless of course you are catching up on Glad everything worked out!! peace
  18. Glad I could help, Craig is lightning fast! Good luck on Sturgeon, I have seen the list of pro's entered and there is a ton of great guys registered for that tourney so I think you will be in good hands no matter whom you draw, just don't know if the fish will co-operate though. Go get em and enjoy the day, should be an awesome event!!! Best Wishes Deg, John
  19. Yes, as far as i know it is defintely happening!! Here is number/email, Phone # 905-640-2277 Email - [email protected] I will try to get one of andy's right hand man to address this, John.
  20. I hear guys tell me they catch 10 -14 lb buckets almost at will in local areas, pass the salt please i try not to talk to these guys too much. I am sure there are a few hawgs in southern ontario that might be 10 pounds but with today's technology i am sure there would be a newspaper article, biggest bucket i have seen was around 7 1/2 pounds in a tourney no less. sure would like to see a pic!! ps, maybe it was one of them floating carp in scugog that was 11 lbs
  21. Long time shimano guy, but must admit, the most bang for the buck is the daiwa regal 2500, has 10 ball bearings and spare aluminum spool for around $40 +/-, solid reel! oops, for pier fishing salmon, yea, go with a bigger reel or grow webbed feet real fast , lol
  22. Looks like a great time Charles!!! A future slop buster???? On the life jacket front, I had to buy a new one this year for my 3 1/2 year old girl as she weighs 42 lbs now. I tried the buoy o buoy at walmart but the top strap is not adjustable and nearly choked Emily when i put it on her, damn, i wanted it to fit, it was only $19. But, as you can tell, if the child is not comfortable, they won't wear it, so off to canadian tire, $39 later i had the greatest jacket for her, it was even barbie and pink, and fits like a dream, she loves it, thank God!!! Her old one is a coleman, and she liked it alright but obviously it was only for up to 30 lbs. Have fun with the little one Charles!!! John.
  23. You should try all of the above mentioned methods. Ask a close neighbour, friend, or someone you know that bass fishes and they should be able to show you what,how, and where to employ different techniques. Is there a bass club close by? You can learn a lot in a club as well as make new friends and fishing pals. There is also illustrations online, type in texas rigging, it will show you hooks, baits and how to rig them. My favorite for thick weeds, or matted vegetation is a jig n pig or texas rigged tube/worm rigged on a 5/0 wide gap(tube) and offset worm hook (worm,straight bait) and i pitch or flip them into the heavy weeds, (you need a heavy enough bullet sinker, or jig to get you down) using a medium heavy 7' flippin stick with at least 17 lb test mono or 50 lb braid. I think a 7 inch black or purple power worm and a 3/8 oz bullet sinker would be a good starting point, be careful though, it will become addictive and the sky is the limit on colours/baits/weights/hooks/line/rods/reels etc... As for hints, try points of islands and shore, shoals (these are usually timing areas). If the weeds are not so thick, just rig a tube jig on a standard tube weight with a thin wire hook and toss it into the weeds and when you feel a weed , rip it a few feet and feel for a bite on the fall, it will most likely feel like dead weight, but sometimes you will feel a tick , thump, or your line will actually jump or move. For this, a 6'6" to 7' medium to medium heavy spinning rod with a fast taper to extra fast (i like this taper) with 10-12 lb test would be my choice. GOOD LUCK!!! John
  24. Congrats Rich!! Your life will definitely change now, and so much for the better. You will see life in a whole new perspective and respect for your parents will grow every hour and every awakening cry you hear in the night. Yea, there will be some restless nights, trips to the doc at awful hours, poopie diapers, vomit, and loads of other non inspiring duties, but in the end, IT IS SO MUCH WORTHWHILE!!! ENJOY RICH!!!! Best Wishes, John
  25. Ditto for the first two replies!!
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