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Everything posted by bucketmouthjohnny

  1. Now I know why I don't swim in lakes Just kiddin, but man, helluva a monster!!!! Congrats Mike !!! AWESOME CATCH!!!!!!
  2. Probably, like everyone else, I never heard of it. There is a Lake Gibson in the Niagara Region, but never heard of one in Muskoka. Must be a real small lake? might be speckleds or lakers in there? Have fun!!
  3. Thanks Charlie, but although I am quite the handyman and licensed electrician, I do not want to do the floor. My buddy who is a tile guy is being an ###. I asked him for a ballpark figure, and he said a grand, i said you got to be kidding, than he said 900 bucks, never got a straight answer so i was wondering if there was any professional installers out here and what i should expect to pay one so professional to put in the subfloor, and install the tiles and grout, using his/hers thinset and grout which would be in the $/sq. ft. the tiles are 13"wavy edge, so roughly 50 or so to lay.
  4. Hi everyone, I am currently redoing my bathroom. All baseboards, door casing, subfloor(exisiting with vinyl) Toilet, vanity will be removed. I am wondering if anyone can give me an approximate price to lay subfloor (what would you recommend for subfloor, i have 5/8 tongue and groove ply as main floor), and ceramics on 60 square feet. I have the ceramics but no grout, thinset etc. What would be a nominal charge per square feet to install the sub and tiles and grout? You can pm if need be. Thanks, John
  5. NY State Bass season is open year round,even inland lakes, C&R only and artificials only as well. Starting first Saturday in May, there is a special Lake Erie trophy season, one fish (smallie only, no largie) can be kept if 20 inches or longer.The regular season opens up 3 rd Saturday in June . Try fishing the breaklines, (ie, 18 drops to 26 fow, or the rock piles, there are tons of them from 18 -45 fow)most rock piles on the gps maps do hold fish and there are a ton that are unmarked. Most of these fish will be prespawn till the full moon in May. Than you can expect some slow fishing for a couple of weeks. Like metioned above, tubes, drop shotting 3 -4 inch baits , grubs, jiggin spoons, and when the fish are located in the 20 fow and less, deep diving cranks, jerkbaits can get you some fish. Remember, the trophy season is only for Lake Erie, not the upper river. Good luck, John.
  6. The upper is fantastic, you have largemouth/smallmouth, pike, muskie and even the odd sheephead/rock bass. I have had some phenomenal days on it for sure but the average angler in a normal everyday summer day would most likley encounter 10-20 bass and depending on where fishing, a muskie and/or pike would be common. Smallmouth in the upper river run around 2 lbs on average with many fish in the low to mid 3's and some over 4 lbs. There are also largies available with avg. around 1 1/2-2 lbs with some real hawgs but those are the exception. The muskie I encounter while fishing bass are usually in the 4-12 lb range and have seen 2 giants , one around 20 plus lbs and another that was around 30-35 lbs. I have aslo caught numerous pike of similar sizes as to the muskie with one sited that would have been an easy 15 lb plus. You would generally be fishing shallower water in the upper as compared to the lower and more structure fishing in the upper. Hope this helps. John
  7. Hi ya Brian, I know the feeling bro!! I was away from this site for a few months too, just too busy with other things. i try to check in every so often to see what is happening, boy oh boy, I wish i could find the time to fish as much as some members , for sure. Didn't get on the ice this year, same as last... But once that erie ice and upper niagara is open up i am definitely taking advantage of the C&R open year round bass season in Ny waters!!!!! Hope everything is going good Brian!!! John
  8. Don't forget the linens charge, $12-25 per BED!!! The last place we stayed at had a freakin perkulater coffee maker. $1300 +++++ for the week and i had to set this piece of crap up .... needless to say, i didn't have coffee in the morning till i got back at 10 am. I was in the office and this 70 year old man was asking where the coffee maker was, lol, the lady told him it was this silver rocket looking thingy. My bro inlaw's was missing the filter thing, i came in on day one and he had some coffee for me. I started to drink it and half way down i got a mouthful of grounds... nice!! I hate extra costs but like some have mentioned, i look into all costs, and form my price from that. Good luck, and yes those private cottages are nice, we did a few recently, just watch out, there is a security deposit and you have no control over what they nail you for. We were nailed $40 for BBQ gas which in the ad said bbq included and said nothing about refilling it (we had one that stipulated we had to fill tank at end of week, but not this one) and the owner came around the cottage every day, his son came with a huge dog on friday around dinner time and sat on the private dock, didn't we pay for this.. another one we rented said the depth at the dock was 3 -5 fow, it was more like 1-1 1/2 fow and i had to get in the swamp and move a log or two just to be able to moor our boats, had to use trolling motor to get in and out as we were in a log filled swamp, cottage was nice though but you had to vaccuum, dust, clean everything and be out of there before 10 AM or risk losing some/all of your security deposit, kind of stressful wondering what the owner expects is clean before deducting money from your deposit.. Good luck, we are still searching for an ideal setting where we want to go back every year.Going on 8 th year now John
  9. I'm in, not sure if can make live draft but will try, if not, may the auto pick be my saviour.
  10. Well, heading up to my cousins again for a little work and hopefully a little more fishing this weekend. Has anyone been to the Victoria Harbour Public launch lately? I know it is not the greatest but if anyone has been recently could you give me an update asap, thanks, John. ps, hope to file a report after, this time with some monsters!!!
  11. kennyman, that's good to know that it was probably a one time event that i witnessed albeit several years ago. I could just imagine if this huge gathering showed up once a weekend and did this, there would be no way a small area like that could sustain that pressure for to long. ps, step on the track, break your momma's back
  12. I fished there once many years ago, will never venture there again. I witnessed the most bizarre method of fishing. Around 10 people fishing on big innertubes (about 6) with 2 or 3 big baskets , inner tubes were all tied together. they would catch a fish , no matter size/species, went into the big baskets, than two guys from shore would paddle out in a canoe and grab a basket at a time. They would than bring it to shore and a few woman would carry it off to a few other men/women and they would clean/gut? them. than they would be tansferred off to a another group that had a fire going and they cooked em up i'm guessing.this assembly line went on for several hours as the adults did the work, the kids were running rampant throughout the area. I thought, jeez, if this happens every weekend, this place is gonna be fishless real fast. Don't know if anyone else has seen this assembly line of sorts at other places but it sure looks like a great way to destroy a whole conservation area
  13. Gerritt, just relooked at the pics, i have a suggestion for you. You might want to run a 1 inch pvc from the rear to the front for the trolling motor wiring, unless you are putting the battery up front. If so, than might i suggest running a 1/2 or 3/4 inch pvc pipe for future electonics because i am sure your starting battery is in the rear.you would need 2 90 degree bends tobring the pipe just past the floor. food for thought is all, John.
  14. That's great Gerritt, i knew you wouldn't have just mounted it to 1/8 inch alum. but i have seen many guys do that.5/8 mg ply is plenty solid enough!! Now, where are you putting the steering wheel jk, it will be a lean mean fishin machine!!!
  15. I'd rather eat kawartha walleye for sure, almost like eating fresh berries or ones you find in the trash That said, i won't turn down either
  16. Gerritt, looks great, especially that brown bottle one thing i noticed about the trolling motor, is there enough support for the bracket mount? or are you just screwed into the thin aluminum? if so, depending on lakes to be fished, you might want to beef up that mounting area with some thicker alum or a steel plate. How high are you bringing the floor up? are you going to put an elevated front casting platform? Keep up the good work!!!! ps, also with the power dive trolling motor, you might want to support the collar close to the head so it doesn't bounce/flex and possibly crack. A lot of guys with kotas use a ram mount, not sure what type though.
  17. I have fished Rice maybe 10-12 days before and never seen a toothy critter, but i know they are in there, just probably not in the >8 fow i am fishing I will be trying deeper weeds for walleye/crappie/bass on my vacation this time around so i guess i might have a toothy critter encounter. Pigeon on the other hand is loaded with them.
  18. Decided to take the wife and daughter out for a boat ride around 4:30 on Sunday to a local river, Chippewa Creek. just so happens all the rods and gear are in the boat Well we finally stopped in one of my number 3 or 4 spots and of course Dad had to get a rod out,and my little girl had to come up front and watch me, notice the banana, (they are not bad luck) well, shortly into it, i hit a big rock bass and brought him in and than had a small pike come flying out of the water as i took my bait out, so, i dropped it back and watched this feisty baby smack it hard, my daughter watched me and asked me not to hurt him My daughter got interested so i took out a rod for her (crappie/sunnie rod) but the two sunnies and two small largies wanted nothing to do with her. She than started to hint what time it was, So, after i consulted her on worm colours she told me to put the red shad on (her favorite colour), so we motored back towards the launch and i asked my two girls, if they minded me stopping at my number 2 spot, and they both said YES!! My wife put the pressure on saying, "don't waste so much time, just hurry up and catch something"5 minutes in boated a small 10 inch bucket, than moved 50 yards and spotted two keeper size hanging off a stump, dropped in, whammo, nailed the one. Shortly after, nailed the other one. Now the girls were getting excited, so was i Threw up to one of my favorrite targets, tick, slam, in comes this bad boy and one pic with my daughter beside me Not a monster but a real solid 2 1/2 lber Well, that was almost the end, as it was getting close to dinner time, wow, 1 hour and a bit of fishing. Not bad i thought. But here is the best part guys, and don't forget to use it. My wife wanted to head in but i told her it was too shallow to get up on plane (yea right, 6 fow ,lol)so i would have to move us deeper with the trolling motor and of course fish as i did this, well, don't i bang 2 more 1 plus pound buckets and see another 3 better ones, God, if there was only more time.... I did try to slow down but my wife is a sharp woman and gave me that look and asked, are we deep enough yet? Hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed my time albeit too short for my liking with my family on a boat ride with a little fishing in between. John ps, hope to have a report from family vacation on Rice next week. need to desperately bang a few hawgs next week!!!
  19. ... back in February
  20. Hey Brian, that is the way a fellow by the name of Steve showed me how to do it. I used to do it straight to the main line but my God, after a few hours it was yuck yuck, macka muuckie!!! I have had no problems with the 2 way swivel and no twist on main line, which saves me a few dollars and i don't think costs me any bites. ps, you callin me old i just turned "40"
  21. First off, get yourself a small 2 way swivel, yea, yea, you don't need one but you will be changing your line nightly without one, it really twists the line. i usually tie my two way swivel to my tag line (flouro) about 2-3 feet or so of line(can always trim later)first, so you can tie a palomar to that. Than you need to attach the other end of the two way swivel (don't cheap out on this swivel either)via a palomor knot. Of course to tie it, all the tag end (3 ft of line)has to come back through. so now you have a 2 way swivel tied to main line, and about 3 feet of flouro hanging on other end. now its time to tie the small (#1 i use for 3 inch or 1/0 for 4 inch baits)hook, either a mosquito hook or like brian said, the owner drop shot, they all work well. i really can't remember which way to put the hook through the loop of the palomar before cinching so it stands up, maybe someone else can, otherwise you can experiment till you get it right, you have a 50/50 shot. i like my hook at least a foot below the swivel, so you can now tie the hook using a palomor knot to the tag line. when you are done that and the hook point is pointing up when you put some weight on the line (if it is pointing down, do it again and reverse the way you threaded the line through the eye while tying the palomar)you take the end of the tag (leader line, fluor) and feed it down through the hooks eye which will help keep the bait straight for a longer period of time. now you attach your sinker or drop shot weight (bell sinkers, pencil leads work too) to the line where you feel the fish are located off bottom. typically, you want your bait (hook)about 6 inches to 18 inches above the weight. Of course, it all depends on where, what you are fishing for and type of structure. If you desire your hook to be more than 18 inches than you might need a longer fluoro leader. If you use braid as your main line i think you can get away without the the two way swivel but for mono, unless you want to untwist or respool after every day, you should use a two way. There should be some illustrations on different methods on the net, try a search. Hope this helps, with a little practice, you will be tying them in seconds!! Good Luck!! John
  22. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, looks mighty tasty!!! Will be up on rice all next week, hope to get me some of them sweet crappies!! and maybe a walleye or two... Thanks for sharing!! John
  23. Congrat's Mark!! Enjoy the prize!!!
  24. OMG, he looks like a miniature Dave Mercer with that shirt !!!! Nice Fish!!! Keep pounding!! John
  25. I have one on my bass boat, the bigger one, for my globalmap 3300c. she has flopped down a few times but for the most part if she is nice and tight , will not move. I have fished under extreme weather and still have my unit, can't believe you could fish or travel in worst conditions than i have already done . I strongly recommmend the ram mount but for the console, i do suggest the bigger (1 1/2 " ball?). ps, i like it as i can loosen and swivel it so i can view it from the front deck, i am too cheap to put another one up front just looked at Dan's and his is a suction cup, i drilled mine and fastened it onto a flat surface.
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