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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. hey my 2001 honda 40hp is acting up again... idles fine trolled for musky 4-6mph no problem... but only had about 60 percent power... normal top speed is 30mph and i could only get 20... but if i played with the choke i could get 90-100 percent power and speed(27-28mph) i have clients at noon tomorrow and need help real bad... not sure if its an O2 censor or something... anyways any help would be great cause its gotta be fixed by noon tomorrow if possible... both gear and motor oil have been changed recently.... any ideas fellas????? mike
  2. thanks everyone i truly appreciate your kind words... everything seems to be ok... and a night a work and a nap today have soothed me down a bit....
  3. He wont go out of fear of losing his drivers license... He just redid his licence 2 months ago... He's of the mindset he'd rather die at home early then waste away in a nursing home or hospital...
  4. I love the stories of musky pushing 60 inches and days with multiple 10lb walleye.... He just has a hard time remembers the names of spots and how to fish em... So my knowledge helps smooth out his stories...
  5. Well I got a call from my brother today telling me I had to go check on my grandpa because he thought he had fallen.... I got there at the same time as my mom and we headed in the house to find my gramdpa lying in a doorway with multiple cuts and covered in blood... This is the first time I've seen him as a week old man... It's a very difficult thing to see... My grandpa is a local fishing legend that is respected by all who know him.... He was a lifetime guide who worked with the MNR on musky studies and was in multiple magazines... He is an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed all aspects of fishing and hunting.... It's sad to see him in a condition that prevents him from doing what he loves... And I now see how hard it is for him not being able to do what he loves... He even said he was ready and wanted to die while lying on the floor... This was one of the hardest things Ive been a part of... The family is gunna try to pull together to help him do the things he wants to do but not be alone... I've think ive convinced him to let me take him shopping on Fridays in the states... He loves going over to shop so he can brag about the deal he got on cottage cheese...lol... But if something happens when he's alone over there he would be in a real bad situation... He goes once a week on his own... So hopefully he will take me up on my offer... We got him cleaned up and bandaged because He wouldn't go to the hospital... But I think we did ok... And he was in a better mood by the time we left... Back to telling fishing stories and he was proud of the big musky and walleye we caught last weekend... Anyways... I just needed put things into words... Thanks for listening Mike
  6. Perfect time to head east for musky or walleyes...Lol
  7. TILLERS rule..... In my opinion the ONLY upside to a console is staying dry... But my guidewear takes care of that... And there are huge downsides... Like back breaking pounding in big waves... Tillers you don't feel much in the back unless your boat flies... Huge loss of floor space... Very tricky to COMFORTABLY troll rod in hand... However... In December in quinte a full windshield would be nice... But I'd prefer to man up for the few days of discomfort for the many days of tiller enjoyment... I have buddies with consoles that don't/cant fish certain ways because it's a PITA.... There's nothing you can't do in a tiller... If your a great lakes/ open water troller... Then by all means go console... Other then that id say stick with tiller...
  8. I found a bunch of old glass Coke and Pepsi glass bottles in the river while snorkeling... They musta been covered by sand for 50 years... Then when the current was right the sand was swept away and I found em... They where from the 50s if I remember correctly
  9. Wow... Your limit is 10 trout each... That's a lot of trout.... Nice catch
  10. I use hi vis yellow in original fireline for jigging walleye and love it... Walleye aren't bothered either...
  11. i gotta ask how much did it cost for the reel and the custom work?
  12. Lmao!!!! Who told you my secret weapon...?
  13. Lemme know when... Maybe we can meet up one day
  14. Anything that runs at high speeds...woodies... Stalkers... Jakes... Depth raider... 4-8 mph in the summer... And run em high... They'll come up most days... The 48" I got on Friday my bait was 10 feet down over 22 feet of water... ...
  15. I shoulda stayed here... My brother caught this...
  16. Day 3 FAIL... Beat by the Ottawa again.... Maybe you guys can photoshop to make this fish bigger...?...lol
  17. Thanks.... That's awesome... I might just do that... If your feeling better I have room for one more in the boat... 16133636453
  18. Yup 48 inches Had 3 hours to put one on the boat... I was told I had 10 minutes left before i had to head back when she hit... Best fight I've EVER seen from a musky.... Cleared the water 2 times Peeled 20-30 feet 4 times
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