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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. At least I'm not the only one... My wife thinks it's hilarious... The worst ones are day trips like quinte... I can't sleep... then I drive 2.5 hours... Fish for 8-10 hours then drive back 2.5 hours on maybe 4-5 hours sleep...
  2. We used to see lots when we would snorkel was kids... Haven't seen one shallow in a long time... This year however there seams to be a lot of eels... Been hearing of a few catches and spotted a few fishing shallow...
  3. Checked oil level and it seams fine
  4. Just noticed this... I'm not sure if this is related to the sound but now I have another part to get fixed... Leak where the driveshaft connects to the differential...
  5. Definitely getting above my knowledge of trucks here... Not sure exactly what that is either... I can get complete cv axles for $80 rack and from what I saw on YouTube I can replace them myself... That being said the cv shaft looks ok... Boots look fine...
  6. Ahhh Yeah really tough... But you gotta remember most bass guys aren't great at walleye... And most walleye guys aren't great with bass.... Last year it was 9.5 total weight that won...
  7. Ok So bearing assembly changed.... My vibrations at 70+km/h are gone... But the clicking sound is still there... And e brake and ABS lights are still on... I only hear the clicking when driving under 20km/h... I was also able to hear the clicking when I spun my front passenger wheel when it was still lifted.... Any thoughts...? Disregard... Vibration still there
  8. 6'4" and 280lbs.... He's kind of a little fella too... That's why I don't post many pics of me holding fish... Never does them justice...
  9. Nice catch... I've always wanted to try flipping for big largies
  10. Good morning... So yesterday was the annual 1 bass 1 walleye tournament put on by the Cornwall Lunker Club... This is by far the most challenging tournament I do because you have to devide your time between 2 species... And if you have a decent one of each in the well, what one do you try to upgrade? So it started out rough with a nasty thunderstorm rolling through around 5am.... I thought they were gunna cancel the event... but luckily it rolled through before the 7am start... but some damage was done... A lot of boats that register the morning of had backed out due to weather... Anyways... 7am we all go... PLAN A- hit some big shallow water smallies that are usually pretty consistent... NOTHING So now... PLAN B- we run 15 miles to try for a big walleye... Hit some of our best spots... NOTHING but a few small bass... So now... PLAN C- otherwise known as "we just might be screwed so let's just try to get some fish and have fun" plan... We hit a handful of spots that have been producing good walleye lately and caught NOTHING.... We are now at like 1pm and weigh in is 3pm... Then for some reason I decided to stop at a spot I haven't fished in years... To be honest I can't remember if I've ever caught a walleye there... Then it happened... 4 trolls produced a 4lb walleye... 6lb walleye... 6lb15oz walleye... And a 3lb3oz bass... We went from 3-4 little bass to a limit that had potential to win... The mood on the boat changed and we started heading back up river to try the smallies in shallow water again... We get to the spot around 220 and We managed 2 bites before we had to head in but no upgrade... We were nervous because our bass wasn't very big... We weren't sure if everyone else struggled or not... We ended up finishing 1st with 10lb2oz combined weight and also got the lunker prize for our 6lb15oz walleye 2nd was my cousins boat with 9lb11oz combined weight and also got the lunker prize for his 4lb15oz smallie 3rd was my brothers boat with 9lb8oz It was very close for the top 3 and a very exciting weigh in... Here's a few pics Releasing our big walleye
  11. I don't mind weather but lightning is no joke
  12. Might be cancelled now... Crazy lightning storm rolling through... Hopefully clears by 7am
  13. So again I'm up at "Lew" o'clock when I still had 45 minutes to go till my alarm... Im in a tournament today and every single tournament I do is like this... Can't fall asleep... Then when I finally do I wake up every hour.... My wife just laughs at me and says I'm worse then a kid... Lol Anyone else like me where fishing still gets you going like a kid on Christmas Eve...? Any tournament guys out there that have got over this...? Part of me feels rediculous for letting fishing wind me up like this... But another part of me likes it cause I get that feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve.... That pure excitement for something... Let's me know I still love fishing that much... Anyways Just killing time till I can head to registration ... Lol Mike
  14. I'd say change how you're fishing... I'm assuming here... But something tells me you all fished similar techniques on similar structure for the 3 days... Maybe?... There are big fish in nip... You just have to target them... I have spots and techniques on the St Lawrence River to catch me big fish... But I also have spots/techniques to catch me small eaters.... 200 fish in 3 days tells me you guys beat on schools of small fish and were having fun getting quick bites... And who doesn't like lots of bites right... Especially with kids in the boat... But sorting through dinks hoping for bigger fish is a mistake far too many anglers make... If youre not catching the quality of fish you want... Then move or try a different technique... My fun fishing and my tournament fishing are 2 completely different approaches...
  15. Hard to beat a jig and minnow... Most people over complicate things...
  16. Good morning I had an interesting experience last night... I caught an American eel while trolling cranks for walleye.... Now I've caught eels before while fishing perch with small minnows or catfish with a small piece of worms.... But I've never seen one on a crank... And I've never heard heard of an eel being caught this way...
  17. Ok... That's not so bad.. I took the brakes apart and filed where the tin slides go... I didn't know I had to do this when I did the brakes... So they aren't sticking anymore... Also I forgot to mention my ABS light and e brake light are staying on... I changed my e brake shoes and hardware today... And as far as I know the ABS sensor is in the bearing assembly... So bearing is making sense...
  18. Good afternoon So... 2005 F150 FX4 5.4L So I have a clicking sound in my front end... Passenger side... It has a metallic sound to it... A while back my passenger brake stuck and everything got burning hot... I got underneath and nothing felt loose or anything... The sound got stringer and more uniform in 4x4 Any thoughts?
  19. I've had both and I love my rollers... No wasted time in my opinion either... I'd put money on a put in take out race against bunks any day
  20. Yup... I stop as soon as my back rollers are barely covered with water... Almost always straight
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