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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. You will never forget your first big King. Too bad Huzzaba because you will never want to fish the banks for little Panfish any longer.Andrew good sportsmanship there, always let the guest take the first fish. You are a good guy.


    I enjoy the "hunt". The planning, scouring data on temp, currents, winds ect involved with Great Lakes fishing. .. I get just as much pleasure netting a fish for a friend as I do catching one myself.

  2. Out of fishermans again today with board member huzzsaba bright and early, We trolled for about an hour no hits , dipsie fires and huzzsaba gets to fight his first salmon ever and it was a screamer. Took the counter out to about 450


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    We make another pass over where we caught the fist one and the same rod fired not quite as big



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    After that the wind picked up out the east a bit so we headed in.... I can't remember my first king but I bet it wasn't that big Ali. It was a pleasure to meet and fish with you lets do it again sometime.

  3. I love greasers! Good job man!

    they piss me off..... Better than a white stripe.....honestly I've never seen. Lakers aggressive as this. Anything went down and they smacked it .... We thought Kings were Mxed n and had the dipsies out 80 on a 3 and they would crush it.
  4. Wow , best 48 hours of fishing in my life.


    Yesterdays lakerfest was fun and all but i don't fish Lake O for lakers. I've been itchin for some kings for 6 months. I've scratched the itch with browns, carp, and lakers but i needed to feel an angry spring king on the end of the line.


    problem was i diddnt have anyone to fish with...every one I called was busy on the Monday. Then I come across Donnely in my phone ive known him for years but we dont hang out as much as we should ...He is the kind of pal you don't talk to for months but is DFW......phone call made ... perfect he is is in.... we both want to loose a few braincells on Sunday evening so a 7 am start is settled.



    I was torn, to continue on with our sure thing laker beat down from the evening before of search for kings. A big moon and a high sun with flat water made the decision difficult. but we rolled the dice. set up shallow and trolled into the horizon avoiding the lemmings ( pack of 30 boats ) till we found some cooperative fish.


    we lost the first 2 fish halfway to the boat ..we sharpend some hooks and our luck changed






    landed these two pigs then the cookie cutters took over









    what a weekend and great start to the season







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