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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. I don't know what the tat should be.... but the way we are doing things now is not working is it? I think a lot of the problem is there is NO LEADERSHIP that you point to as a good role model anymore from anywhere. (except for those of us lucky to have family that provides it.) The simple fact is you can no longer point to the police, clergy, reporter, politican or business tycoon and say that those people are honest and that being like them is a good thing. It is pretty hard to try to get citizens to be honest, and hard working when it is all about the easy way out these days for everyone.
  2. Lew you hit the nail on the head. I went for a job interview one time to be cook in a county jail. The guards called repeat offenders JOB SECURITY and thought it was funny. The judges and lawyers make a lot more money off the "system" than the guards so imagine how much they rejoice that some people just keep doing the crime without really doing the time. The reason for that is a a lack of space in the jails the reason for this is no politican wants to tell that in order to make us safe from this type of crimminal they will have increase taxes to build more hotels for the criminals. I say how about just doing this. If you get caught doing a simple property crime then you get a high tech type tatoo on the side of your face naming you what you did.... When a certain number of years have passed if you have been a good person you get the "tatoo" to disappear. That would let everyone know what kind of person you are and would cost a lot less than putting them up in "hotel" for their sentence. Of course a ton of kids would want to have a similar tatoo just for kicks so it would have to something unique.
  3. I sympathize with you.... How were other people doing? I never mind if I am out fishing and no one is catching anything either and I don't do very well. Since late spring things have been strange when it comes to fishing this year I find, mainly the big fish especially bass seem to be in different areas. This fall I have been rainbow fishing 13 times now it took until the 10th to get a bite much less a fish. I would say that for 7 of those trips the conditions were what you BEG to have, but only 4 fish were caught on those days for 40 plus anglers. On Thursday the 6th I went again only because I had caught a hen on Tuesday finally and wanted to try using roe.... The conditions were crap too hot, water too slow and clear, wind from the wrong direction. I got there late after working all night and had to fish a part of the river that is all snags. I got 2 fish in 1 1/2 hrs and no snags. I only bothered fishing there because I was waiting for people to leave so I could move to the "good" spots LOL. The 30-40 people who got there at dawn to the best spots were being skunked. I am sure there were going just like me what the heck is happening here? It was just way too strange.
  4. That hit pretty close to home.... especially today. Two weeks ago an uncle called and asked if I would help them move. Since the last time I saw them was when I was helping another aunt move I was going to have to say yes. However I wasn't too worried because at that time they said the next move they would do would be to a retirement villa. So I said yes and right after I did he said you won't need to bring the work van because there is no driving. While still sharp of mind I knew it wasn't going to be fun after all. They were moving UPSTAIRS in the house they rent, (the landlord promised to put in a stair lift because my aunt has had two knee replacements oh joy). I lost count after the 70th trip down the 30ft driveway and up 18 stairs. The funny thing was when we got finished my aunt goes I would like to thank you kids for helping us out.... One nephew was 53, the other 49 and I am 45 it is all relative I guess.
  5. Congrats on catching your first steelie on a pin. Now that you have the dreaded disease and are hooked I will give the best tip you can get for steelheading..... Before you leave home in the comfort and warmth thereof take a few pieces of 1/2" pipe insulation cut the exact length of a pocket you wish them to go into. PRE TIE about 7 hooks to your leader material (extra long as you can always shorten it for the conditions) per piece of pipe insulation and wrap them around it secure the line to the insulation with small pieces of tape. I actually use the smallest pre cut labels Staples sells for doing this. I always carry at least 3 pieces of the insulation so that I have around 20 hooks pre tied, (very useful when my Dad who is too arthritic to retie himself and my neighbor can't see well enough are fising with me) On the tribs with zebra mussels on the bottom it is not uncommon to have to retie 4 to 5 times per person. If you are going to fish Lake Huron tribs you will find this an invaluable aid, when it is dark, 30 below and or the wind is gently wafting along at 50KMP.
  6. Exactly since only northern pike, walleye, smallmouth and largemouth are mentioned they are the only fish it is permitted with.... I have however heard some people mention thinking they can do it with bows and salmon. Which, caused me to give them a little blast of reality.
  7. Yes it is legal to fish for musky with the conservation licence this has been covered on here many many times. The real question is it moral to fish for them? Only you know for sure. The CO might charge you but you would be able to beat the charge in court, since the regs DO NOT prohibit you from fishing for them with just the conservation licence. Just another reason they should scrap the conservation licence all together in my opinion. To me it is no different that people who continue to fish after getting and keeping their limit of any species. You are LEGALLY allowed to continue fishing if you immediately release any fish of that species you catch, but I have always considered that morally wrong myself but to each their own. Here is another question since you are allowed to keep a musky with a sport licence and it is allowable to cull certian fish for better ones if you have a live well. Could you do that with musky legally? Umm that is if you have a 40" live well to keep the fish in till you got a better one....
  8. I like mine a lot. They do cut wind surprisingly and are very breathable. For the price and convience of being able to fit them easily in a small space they are a great product. Not sure what the other poster meant by them not being good in heavy rain. I was pretty comfortable in mine a few times when guys wearing heavier gear were sweating from their gear not being breathable. Sometimes that is worse and makes you more uncomfortable than the rain LOL
  9. If you want both the rod and rifle..... Check out the streamside rods at Angler Outfitters in Woodstock. Under 100.00 bucks lifetime warranty that is OVER the counter you WILL be amazed by the quality of them..... That price should leave enough in the Xmas budget for someone to give you the gun also LOL. Fun to dream isn't it.
  10. Raven still makes it and I don't know if it still works great because I can't catch anything this year. It does however make it a lot easier to keep track of your line. Especially when the other guy has to fish sitting right on top of you. It makes it easier to cut his line off of yours with the clippers when he snags you for the 3 time.
  11. The weather here is dull raining heard thunder recently. I am glad I got a burst of energy yesterday after doing the weekly Saturday morning work and then home chores. I went steelhead fishing during the break in the weather for 11 hrs and got skunked. I would have upset if I woke up this morning and it wasn't crappy weather LOL.
  12. I have only a few rods and I like all of them for different things, but for the best sleeper rod I can't decide between two of them. So in no particular order here are my two. I lucked out and got in on a deal when a store was closing out their Swan Company Noodle Rods. A friend picked up an 11.5ft emerald for me at 80.00 bucks!!!! For value it is incredible. Far exceeded my expectations and is better than many 300 or 400 dollar float rods I have seen. I also got a black for 100.00 at the same time but that one is still in the wrapper so I can't say how good it is. I wanted a good perching rod and was totally blown away when I got a wally marshall BPS Signature series 8fter. The rod is awesome I use it for perch, bass, pike and walleye. It just has one flaw the reel seat is all plastic and if they had of went for a decent graphite seat and charged another 10 bucks for it this rod would be as perfect as you could get in a manufactured rod. It is so sensitive and yet it has great hook setting power as well. I have landed 20lb plus carp, 4lb bass and chucked 1oz weights all day perching with it. Someone mentioned reels? For the money you can't beat Pflueger President series reels. I have bought 5 now and can't find one thing to complain about with them so far. I fish 3 of them year round and just make sure I lube them twice a year. I put all my mitchells and shimano's away after I started using the Pfluegers.
  13. I have run 3 sets of those Michelin LTX M+S and they are the BEST all around tire I have driven in ANY conditions. They pay for themselves with the better mileage and durability over cheaper imitations.
  14. I feel your pain.... I have been winter steelheading and seen up to 100 bows just traveling in circles in gin clear water. That day I tried every spinner, spoon, fresh trout roe, super stinky trout roe, cured salmon, freshly frozen salmon roe, 4 different kinds of jigs 5 different fly patterns. I only had 4lb test leaders fluoro. It was so interesting watching them just circle around and around. When ever they got near your line they would just move enough to avoid it. They never sped up they never slowed down. It was like they were in a trance or something. A week later it was the exact same thing so I assume since the weather was stable all that week it just went on that way driving anglers insane. Then it rained and two days later it was NON stop action all day long in that spot as the water flow increased got a chop on top and got slightly dirty... I agree though once trout are spooked early night fall or early morning is your only hope.
  15. I really believe that the salmon are all but done this year if there were any real numbers left in Lake Huron... Then, again maybe they aren't all up past Ben Miller on the beds already too. Don't be shy if you head out go to the grain elevator harbour too and throw some spoons on that side. (Hint) If you see 3 to 4 boats down rigging in there that might be a sign it isn't over yet LOL.
  16. If there were bylaw officers who did work prime fishing hours it would more than pay for the officers time in most places.... The spot I fished today was actually fairly clean for a change. I really think that one of the biggest problems is disposable containers of every kind. It seems the more convience we get the more we as a society litter. When I was a kid we NEVER left returnables anywhere because it was a great supplement to our meager allowance. Maybe we just need to "tax" disposable containers to death before leaving them lying around kills us all? I am sure a .50¢ deposit on any can, cup, or bottle would go a long way to making people think before they just drop it where they finish it, and if it didn't I know a few kids who would spent time cleaning them up for the money got by cashing them in.
  17. the tournament was on at Bayfield google it and see if the results are up yet... I heard it was no better than the Maitland or Nine Mile but didn't waste the gas to drop by and check it out for myself firsthand.
  18. 2 fish in total caught on the Nine mile from 5AM until 11 when I gave it up... But there were only like 50 anglers so it was a good ratio LOL
  19. If it is like Nine Mile the biggest hint is save the gas and stay home LOL
  20. 3 to 4 feet off the bottom might be the only place fish are hitting at any given time that is why a small shot on the leader is a good idea so you can quickly adjust the depth. I had a very wise 81 year old fisherman, who by the way was out fishing everyone all ten times I fished with him, tell me just this spring the most important thing I have ever learned about steelheading..... "Son, the fish we are going after don't look down....."
  21. Umm for about 150 taxes in you could buy a stream side with a life time warranty and be more than happy.... Before you OVER spend on something else do yourself a favour and check them out at Angler Outfitters in Woodstock.
  22. I consider myself a conservationalist and a lover of all wildlife, that being said I have no problems with the cougar being killed. Mainly, due to the fact that any cat that would allow itself to be seen in an urban area has to have something wrong with it. Whatever, was wrong with it would make relocation improbable as it would probably just seek out another area with humans around to get easy food sources. As mentioned before a cougar like that near humans is just a recipe for disaster. Cougars are definitely a top predator, but usually fearful of human contact (with darn good reason) so why was it just resting in a backyard? Too many people hear cougar and think "nice kitty" when the reality is those cats while being very majestic are just about the perfect killing machine. The average person has no concept of the power, speed, stealth and killing ability of these animals. The comparison of a rotti or pitbull was especially amusing. A healthy cougar looks at a rotti and probably thinks GREAT lunch is served.
  23. I don't think it will work for the high tolerance drinkers..... anyone remember the WKRP episode where Johnny Fever's reactions got faster the more he drank? Besides half the fun of coming on here early in the morning on the weekends is seeing who posted what LOL
  24. Lake Huron tribs are a waste of time right now.... But if you are into watching 40 other people get skunked too go for it.
  25. Quiet is just how the fishing has been......
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