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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Your reports always put a smile on my face dude... A great start to the year. Mike: “Silvio, what’s that smell?...Nooooooooo!” I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing BAAHAHAH!! DOU fill us in!! cheers HD
  2. Sorry, shoulda said co-habitated.. At least you found some time in which to get funky though!!
  3. Yip yip!! Rule of thumb... Trout will feed until there's a change in hatch, a front, or just plain until they go belly up!!
  4. That's demented!! I had a parr steelie smack a panther martin this weekend.. Was about to unhook it when I noticed another line leading into its mouth... On closer inspection, it appeared that the fish had swallowed someone else's snagged roe bag, and just kept on feeding, all the while swimming with about a foot of line hanging from its yapper!! Hungry little bugger...
  6. Atta boyee! Kewl way to hold a whistling trout. That creek looks pretty troutish too... I'd keep an eye out for drop-backs.. Next fish you hook into might give a good run!! cheers HD
  7. Just read this... Not sure if my reply was taken the right way.. Not even sure if you speak da french hein?! I wasn't trying to dispute how the fish was hooked, just hinting to the fact that it must have been quite a triumph to get the thing in.. Awesome brood stock fish!! LOL
  8. Superbe prise mon grand!! Vas falloir qu'on s'organise une tite expédition un de ces jours.. Merdeux!! merci de nous faire baver un peu... juste un peu hein?! HD
  9. You're a master with that camera budday.. Too bad about your son being ill.. I've also been immobalized in bed for the last coupla days with a bad bout of food poisonning.. It really sucks!! Hope ya still got my email address.. Keep in touch dude. cheers HD
  10. Atta boy Chris!! That's a beauty trout fer sure. Have the brookies and browns always co-existed together in that stream? I'm sure you'll find em next time. Keep us posted! cheers HD
  11. Doncha just hate working?!! You lucky sod.. Those are beauties! cheers HD
  12. Nice trouts budday!! All I was able to manage were dinks... Un de ces jours mec!! cheers HD
  13. Right on! Lots of fresh fish still... We usually only get into the spent fish dropping back where we fish.. I was surprised to see lots of steelhead still doing their thang.. After these last coupla days though, I'm sure the weather would have sped things up big time. Looks like I'm going to have to fain death during the week.. cheers HD
  14. That is one sweeet speck!! Looks like that lake has all the right stuff.. Veux-tu ben me dire comment y'a fait pour la rentrer?!! Right on boys. Congrats to you both! HD
  15. Yeah I know the feeling... My knees are shot and I've yet to turn thirty.. Tried yoga the other day with the missus (I was trying to show interest)... Forget that racket!! Great video, but someone outta counteract this one with a video of someone making a proper release, just for education purposes..
  16. I hear ya John.. Ya outta read Howell Raine's Fly Fishing Through the Midlife Crisis.. Puts a great perspective on things. always good to read your posts, even if you come off as being a buddhist.. cheers!! HD
  17. Lookit that steel!! WTG mang. cheers HD
  18. Yeah I bet it's sentimental value is through the roof! Always looking to up my arsenal.. Realistically speaking, I'm hoping to get something proper by the fall.. I'm banking Solo is gonna link me up!!
  19. Awesome picture!! Well done.
  20. Holy, that's a steal and a half brotha! Kijiji is awesome for that.. You gonna take break her in this weekend?! That's a sexy flat water canoe mang.... Those built in knee pads are purty handy too. WICKED!!
  21. Kewl!! Always wanted to fish the Notty... Whatcha gonna dou with the IM6 budday?!
  22. Duude.. do you need a big brother??!
  23. Where the heck is his creel?! Seems to me that if one should go after lunges with a yak, they outta be prepared... That's just begging for a hurting.. LOL cool vid though! HD
  24. Don't mention it! Some folks here are more than happy to oblige.. I was just in a good mood!! LOL Gagnon's should have the stuff, maybe not Seagar, but something just as good no doubt. Now git out there and fish boyee!
  25. One more thing. You're welcome you little turd..
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