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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. I suppose I could use Black Flex-Loom...it won't get hooked up easily but won't keep much water out. Might be an option. I'll check around town and see what some hose shops have for this application.
  2. That might be a bit small for 4ga wire though. I'll need at least a 1'' or 1 1/4'' diameter
  3. Nope it doesn't have to be electrical conduit, just some decent hose would work. Do you have any suggestions? Would be nice to get something cost-effective. PVC is like $6.00 for a 10ft piece too bad this won't work very well in this case.
  4. Hi all - I have the task of wiring up the parent's boat for a trolling motor to have the battery at the back of the boat. Problem is - the bench seats are all the way to the floor so I can't run pvc/abs along underneath the floor to run the wiring. I want to find some sort of flexible conduit that I could run along the gunwale or the bench seats up to the front of the boat. Would anyone know of something that would work? If there is such thing as 1 1/4'' big-O or something like that it could work. Cheers, Scugog
  5. I'd get a Legend Tournament for an all-round I'd get one of those in a 7' medium, fast action. Around $200 lifetime warranty and super-sensitive.
  6. It is scary. I watched this last night (the full movie) and it was quite startling what is going on with the food supply: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNezTsrCY0Q
  7. On sale again!! Not sure if it started today or is over today.
  8. I flashed the update tonight and I noticed right away it seems more snappy when I press the pages button to change what I want on the screen. Haven't got a chance to test in the water yet. My biggest complaint is that the HDS's are noticeably slower than the LMS units so this is a plus. That Sonichub looks pretty cool as well.
  9. http://www.lowrance.com/Downloads/Product-Software-Updates/HDS-3-5-software-version-and-demonstration-files/ Haven't updated yet but will tomorrow. Looks like there's a few performance updates and some feature enhancements. HDS 3.5 includes all features previously included with HDS 3.0 along with the following feature list: Sonic Hub support System performance enhancements Improved Navionicsexperience LCM map fixes
  10. I wish I was only 10mins from there....actually maybe its best I'm not LOL.
  11. Call Jocelyn @ Angling Outfitters but call early...he usually sells out of them.
  12. 100% agree. I love my Nils. I have the 4'' and think I'll get a 6 this year.
  13. It looks good. Nice price on it. The Guidewear series looks like a heavier material suit. I'm sure it'll work well.
  14. I have the Gander Mountain Guide Series Gore-Tex raingear. Its a shame they discontinued them this year. If I was buying again I would go with Cabelas Guidewear...keep and eye on the Bargain cave they go on sale...you can't beat a quality Gore-Tex suit. Not a fan of the BPS advertising on the suits. Another cheaper option is the Columbia Outlet in Windsor. They may have some of their OmniTech gear. I think BassPro has them as well. Another good thread here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41149
  15. Thanks all. Just when I thought I was done buying tackle for a while I have the desire to go and get a bunch of muskie gear now
  16. We ventured up to the Kawartha's this weekend to a cottage and it was tough fishing out there. Rain and high wind made it tough to control the boat. Spent most of it fishing bass. Last night it finally calmed down for a bit so I decided to troll some bucktails close to dark. Felt a hard tug and the fight was on! I brought her in pretty quick which was surprising. We did have a tough time getting her out of the net so didn't get any good hold shots of the fish. It did take a couple minutes to get her swimming well again but she eventually came around. I'll be getting a new net next time out. Its amazing how delicate these creatures can be. When we did a quick measurement in the water it measured 43 inches. No time to weigh it I wanted to get it back in the water asap. A few pics. What a rush though I think I'll be muskie fishing again very soon
  17. Princess should have welding cable at a reasonable price. Like others said a car audio shop should have 4ga wire.
  18. I went way overkill and bought some 2gauge wire from a welding shop. Its rubberized welding cable. Because I was using conduit I decided to not go the marine grade route. My boat is always covered from the elements though. You're only running a 36lb, but if you may see going to a larger motor I'd go 4gauge and be done with it. Check Princess Auto they may have some. No idea on the silver wire whether it'll work or not.
  19. You'll need to take a look at your gunwales and decide what will work best and go from there. Obviously bigger is better don't forget washers if possible and pre-drill the ply prior to fastening or else it may split.
  20. I'd use Stainless screws or nuts/bolts if possible to mount the wood to the boat. Use nuts & bolts to bolt the motor to the wood. If you can drill through the gunwale and bolt it down that'll give you the most secure contact. Coat the ply with a stain and some carpet and you should be rocking. I lucked out and got some scrap from an aluminum place. Not fun to cut but works well. I think I used 3/8 or 1/2 aluminum.
  21. If anyone has more suggestions on Stony or Jacks let me know
  22. Looks like you are on the right track. You'll need ring connectors to connect to the battery as well. I used 1 1/4'' PVC conduit from Home Depot. I think it was like $7 for a 10ft piece and got a couple of couplers as well. I used aluminum plating on mine and it works awesome. For wood I would think you would want 5/8 or 3/4 inch for a bow mount. Maybe others can chime in.
  23. Not yet I'm going fishing in an hour! Maybe sometime this week.
  24. A traditional sonar paints a 2D picture of a 3D bottom. Take a 20degree cone angle for example... As you putt along in 30ft of water, a 20degree cone angle will cover a 10ft circle in the bottom of that 30ft. The fishfinder will tell you if there is fish in that beam and at what depth, but no more. Keep an eye on the far right of the screen, that will give you the most detail of what is underneath you at that exact time. Take a look at this site: http://www.fishfinder-store.com/howfifiwo.html If I get bored I can throw my HDS on demo and maybe do a Youtube of what to look for.
  25. Get a battery box and put the breaker inside it with the battery. Needs to be a 12V 40amp. I believe some of the 24V ones will work with 12V also but you would need to confirm. Either that or fork out the $60 for a MinnKota waterproof breaker. I believe the NAPA one is around $12. Do not wrap any wires around the nut. Make sure to use ring terminals on the breaker. See the attached pic. You want to put heatshrink where the blue is on that ring terminal. Always a good idea to wrap the breaker with tape afterwards. That one is just temporary running some accessories. Important - when at NAPA make sure it has a tiny button on the side. Manual reset is what you want. If you were in London area I'd gladly drop by to give you some pointers.
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