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Everything posted by capt_hooked

  1. musky opens the thrid Saturday in June.
  2. I had always heard that insurance did not cover a vehicle damaged or lost while traveling off of maintained roads (i.e. in the bush or on ice)? Anyone want to comment of this?
  3. GCD... I like you idea on the holding technique... you're a funny guy....! .. Nipissing fish are big.... I've personally have seen two, over the years, that would make that baby look somewhat small... just so you know... they can get even bigger...! What a beautiful fish though... ! And good for the guy for releasing it. But now... if you were to catch a world record... would you release it....?????? As a camp owner (to help guarantee my kids' college funds) I would be very tempted to keep it and mount that baby... On the other hand as just some joe fishing ... I'd probably let her go...? btw... if you really feel sorry to the poor musky.... my suggestion is don't fish for them...! Leave them alone... !
  4. Thank guys.. We missed you this time 'round Rick...! My grandmother and her first husband... started the their first fishing lodge (Samoset) on the West Arm.. 90 years ago.. (e.g. 1919).. the year my Dad was born... I do look pretty good for 90 .. don't I...? Hey.. the other day... some old customer.. was celebrating his birthday.. (my guess.. he was mid seventies?..) anyway.. he's bragging about just turning 50... So.. I pipes up and says... "man you look like crap for 50!"... he laughs....! the cap't......
  5. I am thinking I would like to post a new page in Lakair's new photo gallery dedicated to the OFC G2Gs. If you could please send me a few of your best photos and I would be most grateful and happy to post some of the them on this new page. Perhaps we could make a contest out of this... with a prize going to the best photo...?! Please send photos to: [email protected] Try to keep the file size small if you can? I would also like to take this opportunity to say how much Leslie and I enjoyed having everyone up here again this year... amazing.. 8 years already..! How did that happen...? Thanks.... to all......... the cap't (and his much better half).....
  6. Man... you guys will have "musky fever" bad now...!!! what a morning you had... I think we are off on exciting year for muskies here........! gotta luv those big fish.........! the cap't
  7. Damn... 8 years.......! How did that happen........???? Its always great having the OFNers... here... Makes for an interesting weekend... Leslie and I always enjoy "your" company... a great group of guys and gals...! Yeah, wait till you hear BLY and CCMT's report.. Cliff and Carol were still shaking when they left to go home.......! the cap't.
  8. Hi Tim, I just picked up a line of Malibu Kayaks (you can look them up on Google). They are a well made boat and vary in length from 8-14 feet. They are very good quality and range in price from $1000.00 to $2200.00 depending on the bells and whistles... (I have seen much cheaper kayaks.. (also designed for fishing) on sale at Canadian Tire. To tell you the truth I have no idea how they compare in quality?.. but appear to be the same basic idea.) They can be outfitted with live wells, bait/tackle holders.. and extra room for more gear. They have up to four rod holders. These kayaks have been primarily designed for fishing. They are the sit-on-top style.. and are extremely stable. The only thing is be prepared to be wet.. or wear water proof clothing. I have just posted some pictures on my site you can look at: http://www.lakair.com/gallery-item.asp?id=10&did=7
  9. We just got in a small fleet of fishing kayaks, some complete with bait/live wells and rod holders. I just took my first trial run.. no fishing rod this time.. just to try one out.. They are extremely stable and easy to use. The seats have back rests which makes them very comfortable. But this is definitely a warm weather sport as kayaks and kayak paddles tend to get you wet. Getting a little wet sure felt great today though.. 28 Celsius and no wind... You can have a look at a couple of these kayaks at this location: http://www.lakair.com/gallery-item.asp?id=10&did=7 Maybe a few or you guys and gals will want to try them out this coming weekend at the G2G? cheers......! the cap't
  10. Just a fast note... The new kid working with me this summer... (his name is Toby) and the kid who worked for me a few summers ago (Alex)... out together for an hour or so....... caught a 45-inch+ and fat musky on a tube bait, yesterday evening... ` They were fishing for walleyes.. But man did they have face-to-face grins and a great story to tell...! fish was released with no harm.. but atlas no camera and no picture...! It was the first time for Toby to see a musky.. so I was really glad for him... and it was Alex`s third fish...
  11. Jocko... you opened a can of worms there... I've gotta answer this post... its dear to my heart..... But first all to Joe and Art and GCD... damn... everyone is goin' to miss you guys this year... your our "Southern Lights".... you guys shine.. And that's just not moonshine......! O.K... Here goes........ Please bear with me.. I'll try not to be too long winded but a brief history is in order to set the record straight... In late fall of 1919 my grandmother, a young Lillian Cameron (originally Lillian Lavanna Rice, from Lumberton, North Carolina) arrives in Sturgeon Falls (you know that place) by train with her six-week old son, Wally. She and baby were met by a local legend by the name of Bill Cartier (direct descendant of the explorer by the same name) who had a homestead on the south shore of West Bay at the time. So, in a cold October snow storm (first time Lillian had ever seen snow!) Bill hauls Lillian across a rough Lake Nipissing and into the West Bay and then further into the West Arm to meet up with her husband, Fred, who had come up ahead the spring before. Lillian and Fred settled into a log cottage that Fred had built for the winter and, the next spring, started clearing land and building small cottages on a site that would later be known as Samoset Lodge… You with me so far… O.K… we have to speed up now… 10 years later Fred.. flies the coop, leaving Lillian and young son Wally to manage the lodge in the wilderness, hunting deer for food (I still have a mount of a buck that Lillian shot in 1926 hanging in my dinning room).. Growing their own vegtables, cow and chicken… (no food stores or even roads to the non-existent food stores in those days) and lots of fish. The original clientele were a interesting collection of well-to-do guests from south of the border (bankers, lawyers, movie stars and gangsters)… lots of interesting stories there.. The war comes along… Wally (who had never seen much of the world).. gets the itch and joins the U.S. Marines and off to war… Lillian, now on her own… sells the lodge. Moving…. along… Wally gets blown up in the war.. (Nazi U-boat off the Carolina coast)… survives but badly shook up.. Few years later ... not doing well emotionally or job wise... ends up back in Monetville, on the West Arm, marries his early school-days sweetheart, Hazel, and becomes business partners with his mother. Together they build a new lodge located adjacent to Samoset. Lillian decided to call the new lodge “Lakair”…. Pronounced “lake.air”. Why Lakair… I have no idea..! Perhaps because here we have lots of lake of lots of wonderful clean, fresh air… whatever…..! But, after all her hardships and perseverance Lillian Lavanna Rice earned the right to name the new lodge any damn thing she wanted to…! the cap't
  12. O.K... Now that I have your attention.... Just Google "Lake Nipissing Girls" and see who comes up #1......!!!! Then you need to click on the link to understand the humour. It may surprise and entertain you... There is nothing quite like the strange workings of the internet..... the cap't
  13. Hi all....... Leslie and I are looking forward to seeing everyone again at this year's G2G. We are wondering who will be interested in having meals in our dining room. This is important for us to know in order that we can plan ahead and have the right amount of food on hand. Breakfast ($8.00) is eggs with bacon/sausage or pancakes or French toast any combination. Packed lunches ($12.00) include a couple of really good sandwiches, homemade cookies? Fresh fruit, chocolate bars and/or chips and something to drink. Dinner meals ($25.00); fixed menu - includes salads, main course, desert (home made pies?) and non-alcoholic beverages. You are allowed to bring your own wine/beer if you like. Please email us ([email protected]) if you plan on having meals and let us know your requirements. We need to know #of persons and what meals. Many thanks, the cap't.
  14. We catch a few each spring, at the bridges on the West Arm of Nipissing. I've never try eating any. How's the taste? the cap't
  15. Leslie and I are looking forward to seeing everyone again... btw.. last day of May and we had snow flurries here most of the day... ouch!... I'm sure it'll be warmer by the time OFNers get here... the cap't. p.s... here's a funny one... took place in the West Arm Pike Tournament yesterday... worked hard all day to catch one little bitty 16 inch pike... so embarrassing...! oh well... some days are like that... I'll just like my wounds fro a couple of days.. dry my tears... and I'll be alright... sniff...!
  16. I deal with people everday trying to avoid taxes... the contractor that wants cash for his job... the client that wants to pay in cash (wink..!, wink!)... the employee who wants to get paid under the table while he or she is on E.I... the neighbour who rents his cottage out for "cash"... over and over again ... all summer.. and the guy who wants to buy that used boat for cash...! its endemic in this part of the country... and the virus is spreading! But, maybe "they" are right?... screw the government... the other "they" only waste the money "we" give "them"... on silly "pet projects"... such as repairing roads, hospitals, schools... silly projects really...! and another thing... fishing licences!...now there's a money grab...! more taxes... well I say screw that too.... just go fishing... maybe if you get caught (fishing without a licence).. you could always pay off the C.O. "under the table"? Why should the government take "our" money... let "them" find their own money... silly buggers.. Where'd do they think they're coming from? Now remember everyone... pay no taxes..!!!! Avoid all taxes where-ever possible... !!!! We'll all be better off!
  17. Well I look forward to seeing you in June ... Lew... We'll have to try to get out together for a couple of hours... see if we can spook a big one!.. Best Regards, the cap't
  18. Congratulations Lew! Boy-oh-boy... that sure is a pretty stainless steel prop...! Watch out.. the Lake Nipissing rocks are already eyeing that baby...!!!!! the cap't
  19. Good to hear from you all.... Yeap... the old bear.. finally comes out, scratching his butt... to take a peak at the sunshine..! Of course... ,with every cut of the saw, I'm thinking how much these OFC boys are goin' to enjoy cooking this nice white pine....! But don't thank me.. thank Mother Nature for wiping up 100km/hr winds... to knock the heck out of my forest... "and it all came down..." Lots of singles off the roofs too... NO flying fish ...however... thank God.. for the ice to keep them all contained...!
  20. Hi all... just stopping in to say hello... Lots of ice on the lake still... skif of new snow this morning... and a biting wind... but the sun's out... And there are signs of spring... geese are back, 2 bald eagles, 1 sea-gull, 1 lonely robin... and lots of LBJs (little brown jobbies). Ice fishing season is over and the walleyes are taking a well deserved break from all the pressure... Lots of wind this winter... I've got a ton of branches (and trees) to clean up... going to be lots of bon-fires... soon. Cheers.......! the capt.
  21. Thanks Roy for letting us know about Gary's passing, although this is very sad news. Leslie and I always looked forward to seeing Gary at the OFC weekends and were sad when he could not make it up the last couple of years due to poor health. According to all the tributes here on the board he was very well loved and respected. Some of these posts are from folks we have not heard of for some time. Its good to see and read their thoughts. Our condolences to all of Gary's family and friends. The problem about having friends is that someday we all have to say good-bye! And although sad, it is not so sad as the alternative. Kevin and Leslie and family.
  22. Leslie and I would like to thank all the OFNers for making it up to Lakair again this year. We appreciate the business, but more importantly we enjoyed your company! My apologies for not making it out to Tombstone for the shore lunch this year. I hope to be better organized next year as that lunch is as much fun for me ... as it was/is for you! Just spent a couple of hours reading over all the posts. It is great reading the comments and some of the pictures are incredible! (is there an OFC photo contest?) I am disapointed that I did not get to hear the OFC Anthem, so I want all of you to practice it well and we'll be expecting to hear a performance next year. On a sad note, Leslie lost her mother on Thursday evening....... Mary was 78 years old - a wonderful mother, mother-in-law and grandmother. She loved spending time here at the lake - I think she appreciated the quietness, the water and the trees; we shared that feeling. Mary, you will be greatly missed! There'll be an empty chair on our back deck, a reminder of a sweet lady. the cap't and leslie
  23. The ice conditions at the West end of Nipissing are horrible.......! There is absolutely no one out on the ice today. (Normally this time of the year there can be at least 50 cars parked by the bridge... accessing the lake). Creeks are flowing at higher than normal spring run off levels... and large leads are opening up on the lake...... The weather is still above the freezing point here.... My quess is we need at least a week of cold weather before ice is safe to travel on again...... Stay dry all........! the cap't.
  24. SOMETIMES----------- WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP KEEP OUR WORLD CLEAN FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS... THIS IS "YOUR" OPPORTUNITY TO HELP OUT .... READ ON.......... CAVEAT: We are all stewards of our natural resources... and if we decide to keep quiet on important issues becasue of the worry of appearing political ... then perhaps we lose......... Thank you Cory for your post and to TJ and the OFC Board for allowing us to post this message. Thank you all who have commented here. This is an hugh environmental issue and we appreciate your support. Many local resisdents have been working extremely hard at opposing this development. For instance, well over 500 persons have shown up at our local town council meetings to voice their concern. That is a lot of folks to show up at a council meeting for such a small community! PLEASE BE PRO-ACTIVE FOLKS.... YOU ENJOY FISHING OUR CLEAN WATERS AND ENJOY OUR FRESH AIR... NOW IT IS YOUR TURN TO HELP US KEEP OUR NORTH POLLUTION FREE.... Please refer to this link for all current information on this issue: There is a lot of very interesting stuff here.............. http://www.savethefrench.ca/ Those of you who would like voice YOUR concerns should write/call/email our town council. Here is the info: Municipality of French River P.O. Box 156 17 Dollard Street Noëlville, Ontario P0M 2N0 Telephone: 705-898-2294 Fax: 705-898-2181 Marc Pellerin, Acting Deputy Clerk EVERY LETTER/PHONE CALL/EMAIL SENT TO OUR MAJOR AND COUNCILLORS PUTS MORE AND MORE PRESSURE ON THEM TO RESCIND THIS POORLY CONCEIVED IDEA. Here is the line to ALL their email addresses: http://www.frenchriver.ca/en/En_MunicipalGovElected.html Many, many thanks ........................ Capt Hooked
  25. Fred, I think you set a new camp record on the number of walleyes caught!!!! BTW.. we share some of your sports woes... you may be Steeler and Private fans.. but we can sympathize... as we are Maple Leafs fans! cheers! the capt
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