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Fishing 24/7

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Everything posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. big-o 's but the timming was key. early mornning and night bite. rocks rocks rocksss
  2. Remember This ???? Yeah Thats my 5,6 lbs LMB And thats Where im Heading! Camped In a PRIME large mouth bass location....... Thats my idea of a fish'n trip. As we all know. This year bass fishing is totally different. you adapt..... or you dont catch nothing. last year it was all about surface. frogs, buzz, jitterbug and whatever........ But this year the weeds are gone.... they didnt grow in many of the lakes i fish..... yeah there some..... but not thick like last year. So the bass have moved.... That was my mission this week. and let me tell you guys.... i did not fail. 8) When a pro bass fisherman tells you. i have a spot dude........ i pulls out nickel after nickel after nickel... well this story has 3 of them.... 5.3 lbs , 5.6 lbs , 5.10 lbs and a seriouse 6.5 lbs But lets start this one slow and easy! Day 1. Stephanie helped me pack last night. The perfect start for a week to remember. Me , My COUZ , mike and my brother jason. were to camp on a island .... not any island.... PIG FREAKING FACTORY ISLAND. We get there and start to set up. My weapons Our home. After setting up. Fish time. We start the week slow. Mike with a nice bass.... He's not used to the E.A.P. but dont worry he will learn quick. The windy day makes it hard to locate the fish so we wait for the wind to die down... we fished from 7pm to 9pm. These were the two biggest we got that night. Day 2 All primed up for the day of fish'n ahead of us..... But the brutal 25 km/h winds had other plans. Me and mike decide to go for a quick outting in the back bays. nothing to prove in this bay. 1-2 lbs bass hitting here and there. As we are comming back. We spot a flipped canoe. :shock: STORM to the scene... they had there life jackets on THANK GOD! flip the canoe and grip the two HUMANS aboard and to safety we go. 10 000 thanks later we head back to the island. wait for the wind to die down.... sun had passed the horison. Jason and I were up for the night bite this time. Out of ALL the lures i have Jason sets up a Hula POPPER! :shock: We hit a shore line and a SERIOUSE explosion/ IMplosion catches my eye. Jason sets the hook .... His first nickel EVER! a 5,3lbs LARGE MOUTH BEAST! He was shaking like a Leaf spring. Made for a good night of party and celebrations CONGRATS BROTHER! 8) day 3 i packed the boat today. adrenaline to the max. Cowboy gets a nice 2 lbs bass. Today a reaction bait worked best. BIG-O spinnerbaits buzzbaits. No size but some seriouse action. This bass Freaked me OUT! :shock: He had a Pintch....... Was a good day but ended quick sadly. with the wind picking up. and it did not stop through the night. coudnt get out for the night bite. :cry: Day 4 This day was Overall the best day of fishing we had. Ryan and I, go out for the ''morning'' bite...... at 9-10 am Sweet pigness. i decide to hit a New shore line. The best hit of the week. As the bait landed in the water the bass opened its mouth and it was FISH ON! But that was not the best part of the day...... Jason and I.... night bite...... 8 pm........ Cast here cast there.... -Jason ( Big one ) - me ( C'mon man stop :shock: around you lil :shock: ) -Jason ( Get the net BRO!!!!!!!) The fish jumps - me (HOLY HOG) I could not believe my EYES! ANOHTER NICKEL! im thinking this is IMPOSSIBLE MAN! What are the ODDs ???? A seriouse 5.10 lbs bass in the boat AGAIN! After all the excitment i finaly get the time to throw in my YUM. a bass picks it up.... 3 ish... Jason ended the night with this one.... He was scared of all the bass we were getting. I was dumbfounded and jason was like... dude. nickel are easy to catch man! WHAT EVER KID! day 5 This day will be tattooed in my head for a long time. Theres a place called. '' the hump'' it produces ALL THE TIME. but today it was on FIRE! we must have pulled something like 50 -60 bass in 2 houres. SMASHING your rod right out of your hands. thats how they hit there. UNBELIEVABLE. Tonight bass was on the menu. As the sun was setting i knew. Prime Time.... every lake has a story. Bernard the guy we launch from. told us.... i caught a 6 1/2 largie around the small island right infront of the one you guys are camping from. NOW... i know..... with these old schools.... you take some and you leave some....... Well since he told me that iv been hitting this island every day 5-6 times. But tonight was the night. As we are going around the island. There is only about 10 minutes left of sunlight. im casting big-o jason is using yum... and mike has an OLD , BROKEN CHEAP canadian tire spinnerbait..... with half the skirt missing and there WILLOW LEAF FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Mike caught her.... None THE LESS. Take a deep Breath. and enjoi the scenery. 22 inches. 16 inches of girth. Our 2 lbs bass looked like minnows :shock: Dropped the scale at 6.5 lbs. HANDS DOWN BRUTE!!!!!! Well sadly mike didnt want a replica. so she will get stuffed . Ended this trip With some heavy fish. Seems like last years 4'S Grew into this years 5's and the 6.... well thats just out of this world. i need some counseling...... anyone know of a good SHRINK???
  3. crap-pie you make me sick!
  4. a tattoo is something personnal if the guy wants that tattoo its his choice. i bet you have a chinesse writting tattoo.
  5. richard's your name. bass fishing is you GAME!
  6. youv just primed me to go FISHING AGAIN!
  7. thats a nice softwater shark buddy! keep them comming.
  8. the nickel was posted on another report paul! a big to all the great replies guys! now go get some BUCKETS for me please!
  9. your repply should be in the bible of bass! thank for the kind words folks!
  10. you guys are the BEST! standing up for the quality pictures! up close in your face is the way to go man. what do you want ??? more sky , clouds and water? and a small guy way in the back holding the same fish. you dont even know whats up. how he caught it with what lure what the fish looks like . CMON!
  11. After work fishing always was some of the best DARN fishing i had.... Still doing it this year.... and it still producing BIG TIME! First you place the rods in a perfect order. Then you find an erea were the bass are feeding..... sometimes the electric motor dosent like the ereas tho! started slow...... BUT. I WONT GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! This 4 + was sitting around an island . hit the flip/pitch technique. on a YUM Wolly HawgTail. set up on a title shot jig head. my partner scoring a PIG on a Dinger. Yep he is learning quick this kid. fishing the slop is becoming one of his favourites Smallies , lariges.... there swimming together. As the sun was setting. the bass were rising from the deep and sticking around the rocks. islands and rocky shore line was a MUST for these BRUTES. Then the smallies schooled up on us. The next day. i switch lakes..... a wise decision..... NO The day was slow..... 1-2 lbs bass were the size.... BUT........ As the wind started to pick up.... i hit a triangle head shore line... and there was the beast... feeding in the dirty water. i throw a black buzzbait.... and he fell for it! This was a 4.2 lbs largie and was the biggest of the day. The bass are shallow this year. good luck guys!
  12. AWesome fish dude! what ever the weight...... shes is pure HOG o liciouse
  13. if only i could catch a 7 lbs bass like you did... i would trade your bass for all the nickel i caught!
  14. HUGE start if you ask me!
  15. great story and sweet fish
  16. you = best reply since i join the site!
  17. well i actually moved in the bush....wakefield! 50 lbs power pro! never failed me and they cut the triangle head like butter!
  18. too bad i dont eat veggies..... id be at your place in a SECOND!
  19. In this report lies 4 outting. first outting. captains log....... really getting the hang of this flipping thigny. My brother realy wated to go fishing so ... your wish is my command. He lands his first pike of the year on a sweet flip in a cabbage bed. a nice 7-8 lbs pike i dont remember the weight....... OH YEAH i dont weight pike anymore. for my good actions god himself give me karma and i land this brute of a smallie. The halo around my head says it all. These were the 2 biggest of the day. second outting. the three stooges. Mike brakes the ice with a small 1 lbs bass... but his first of the year on surface. winds picks up.... when the wind blows.... there she GOES...... buzzbait killer. this 3.9 lbs bass hit as the lure landed in a grassy shore line around an island. this was the biggest fish of the day caught by my one and only BRO! AS we hit a beaver dam jason and mike get a double header. not the biggest fish...... but lots of fun and smiles in this one. I myself... 24/7 never goes down without a fight. i cast a frog and this brute hit my lure. set the hook and the rest is history. i love this pose! after this we called it a day. third report. after work madness. me and my couZ hit ''the'' pike and smallie lake. bite was slow until i hit a hump. flip in the crawfish.... set the hook.... BRONZY!!!! as i reach in the water..... i realize 4.6 lbs got another 4.3 lbs smallies back to back but no pictures . the couz can catch BASS! in this picture you see what lure we are using... no secrets there.. YUM cray bug natural color...very important. These were the biggest of the day. fourth outting. My first nickel of the year. Hit a Largie lake TODAY. had high hopes about it. and the lake did NOT disapoint me. Set up a worm dinger. on the first log of the first cast. BANG!!! 5.6 lbs large mouth BEAST! praise to mother nature I LOVE YOU! picking her up. lifting her out of the water. THE pose. THE beast.......... The largies were feeding heavy. 2 back to back 3 lbs bass. one was 3.8 mind you. We were getting theme by the HANDFULL! was like boom got one bang got one. here another one. got em... double header....... and the bass heaven goes on and ON till next time!
  20. that 5 lbs largie looks anarexic...
  21. bonne fette a jaques! congrats on the truite rouge!
  22. awesome fish lads
  23. Sweet come back thanks guys. next on the list are the largies!
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