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Fishing 24/7

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Everything posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. splashhopper. This week end when i got my largemouth bass we didnt get much for the houres we put in. 4 bass and 4 pike. But you have to keep in mind this . In the bay i was fishing the wind was from the ouest and was pushing on the same shore line all day. and at that point of the day the bass came in under the log i just happened to be there at the right time. is fall fishing a myth? i think its a great time to fish . 1 - the fish are putting on the feed bag for winter. 2- you dont have the HOT weather 3- all the weed are dying making the ambush spot easier to track down. 4- less presure . only the diehard fisherman are out there! all theres left are logs, rocks , fallen trees , beaver dams ......... if you hit a log that didnt produce come back 1-2 houres later and the nickel might be sitting there that time. switch the presentation also helps.
  3. 5.1 lbs actualy. 20 1/2 inches long. no girth tho. for some sstupid reason that bass isnt fall feeding but she was LONG. and very Wide. the strongest fish i had to fight yet. it went under the boat 4 times. thought my 12 lbs mono would snap.... good thing i wasnt in my alum boat. those rivets can cut the mono like butter.
  4. NO as in GULP 5 '' black sinking minnow the senkos in that stinky juice!
  5. black 5 '' senko. sinking minnow
  6. Not this one . This is a bay from the ottawa!
  7. Well today i was supposed to go Musky fishing. But my cousin wanted to go with his buddy so i shared all my equipement with him so they could go. This said. i went for Fall Large Mouth Bass insted... No a Bad idea AT all.. AT TALL! Iv been blessed or have a horse shoe up my But Two nickels in a week end??? Who can ask for better Bass that THIS??? We start the day SLow realy slow. I mean nothing in 2 houres. Then Mike pulls out a First. We are hitting Dead weeds and Old lilly pads. But this was not The right way to get that fall largr mouth. Rocks and Fallen trees was the KEy.. As we are heading out towards our Hot spot. This 3-4 lbs pike Inhailed my white Northam spinnerbait We had hit this hot spot befor. I played it with the flip/pitch. But nothing commited. As we are drifting in the same spot.(fallen tress/rocky drop) I switch to a senko Wacky style. Cast the first log. Nothing. cast the second fallen tree. Hit the base of the tree then i felt a ''THUMP'' Set the hook RIGHT in the roof of her mouth. After a Heart stopping fight Mike Nets the PIG . FIEW!!! Picking her up Examining the Hog! Making her look good. By far the Best bass Season for me! PS: im in love with fall!
  8. We always seem to have a nice outting becasue most of our lakes are unfished. take this smallmouth lake for example. 7 week end straight iv been fishing it. NEVER seen any locals fishing it. private all around but man. CMON! god contry! But this year is without a dought the best BASS fishing i had!
  9. paul you might be color blind . that dosent match the hatch at all. at all. but nice try tho!
  10. HAIL THE SIZE OF GOLF BALLS........ ok maybe not but that hail looked nasty. we had a 10 minute snow fall today but nothing like you!. hardcore fishermen provail!
  11. Well jaques. If that 4.15 .7/8 of an ouze woudlnt have spat out that cray fish while i was reeling it in. that would be my third!! But who's counting.?!?!?!?!? I AM! OH yeah and that OOS one ........... But lets not talk about that one! MOUAHAHAH!
  12. Well Long story short. Me and My cousin were fishing a QC lake and we had a heck of a day. We start the day with a BEAUTY of a Football. 4.2 lbs Then the couZZZ Hits a respectable pike. WHile setting the hook he ripped his gills to shreds so this one was for the dinner table. We drift towards a dead head and ryan (cousin) Hits the top of the log. BANG! 2 lbs - ish small mouth gives out a great fight. I hit the same log but this time the bottom part... in 15 FOW. SLOW retreieve the spinnerbait . THUMP! this smallmouth gave a spectacular jump. Ryan nets the Bronzeback like a msater! The scale reads 4.8 lbs As we are doing the round of the lake Ryan spots what seems to be a sunken SHIP!. We are wondering what kind of IDIOT would let his alum boat sink to the bottom and then ryan get the brilliant idea to BACK cast the boat . SMASH! this bass was on a mission ... FEED FEED FEED! at this point its pretty OBVIOUS that the bass are feeding for winter and that if i work hard enough The nickel WILL come out! We are about to give up. our fingers are frozen to the point of frost bite... But my GUT is telling me to hit a Big rocky point. I cast a MONSTER bolder With a 1 1/2 silver willowleaf spinnerbait. At this point i was hoppping for a big pike but what hit my lure was even better! The weight The FEEDBAG...... The trophy!
  13. Windows movie maker! A BIG congrats on a great video Sir.craftmen! youv inspired me..... to hit lac lemay!
  14. Here is what i could get out of the day. at the end the pictures are the same but its just for fun anyways. we didnt have much time to record and paul was too greedy to film me catching fish so i dont have alot of footage . still a great video. and making these gives me practice so there just going to get better and better. song is gob - Soda
  15. too bad paul missed out on his first fish over 5 lbs this year... the fished jumped and the jig went flying .... right smack into his face to bring him back to reality. it was more like a 6 + lbs small mouth to me but we will never know. all i know is that we caught 6 or 7 4 lbs plus that day and when he missed that freak of nature we were both traumatized for life. BIG fish leave deep scars be aware! my 4.15lbs 7/8 Oz had no show compaired to this fish! But now we know there in there........................... 6 lbs smallie hunt ACTIVATED!!!
  16. awesome musky ! congrats man. too bad your holding it like a steelhead tho!. then again.... that release shot is SUPER!
  17. nevermind surface. if you want to get those seriouse pigs you should consider flipping / pitching. rocky drop offs where the suns been hitting all day. the warm rocks will attrack the pigs in. also hit all the fallen trees and deep logs you see. senko worms or jigs with traillers. mornning and sun down are crittical points for the HOGS! colder water means slower presentation. just a suggestiion.!
  18. only one thing about the revo the pawls wear out if you fish often. i had to change mine on 2 reels the ones i fished 3 times per week 12 houres^per day on. i switched them to ceramic pawls (original beeing metal) noe there smooth like the of a baby. Needless to say there are my favourite reels hands down!
  21. Here ya go jaques Here your bleue print!!!
  22. what type of fishing are you doing? i would strongly consider straight fluoro. any knot or swivel will add some type of burden. swivel broke this guys ceramic tip. knots will fail or will get hook on weeds. iv been trying out all these type and techniques this summer. and ended up going straight fluoro. but this depends on what type of fishing your doing!
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