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Big Cliff

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Everything posted by Big Cliff

  1. Absolutely amazing, you are truly very talented!
  2. Well, it seams to have worked, I just had a friend call and leave me a message and it came through as a normal voice mail. Thanks again I really appreciate the help!
  3. I have an iPhone, lately when someone leaves me a voice mail instead of being able to just call my voice mail and being able to listen to the message I get a transcript of the message in text form. It's not accurate, things like "I'll meet you at Dunsford at 3" end up being "I'll meet you at Don's at 3". Instead of "hi Cliff" I get " hi Clint". I called my service provider and was told to text 44625 DISABLE which I have done numerous times. Got a message saying I have opted out of the service but they still keep coming. Does anyone know how to stop this?
  4. Get a rat trap. Take a wallnut, drill a small hole through it and wire it to the triger on the rat trap. Put the rat trap on the side of a tree and set it. Problem will be solved.
  5. That might explain the 4" grouping ๐Ÿ˜Š
  6. Those will work just fine, I use the same thing and have no problem putting a pellet right through a squirrel at 50' or less.
  7. I just googled RB 26 fuse holder and found listings on both ebay and Kijiji for them. Hope that helps.
  8. I drove truck in the GTA up until I retired a few years ago. You had to really be on your toes every second. Cyclists, coming out of no where in seconds, people who had no idea of where they were going (or how to drive). Sitting up high in a truck I saw lots of things going on in cars but the biggest problem was people talking on cell phones. Perhaps we need to put some cops in trucks, I bet I could have handed out a hundred tickets a day easily.
  9. We went to Chapleau lodge last year and I was quite pleased. The boats and motors were in excellent condition, the cottage was a bit rustic but clean and comfortable. There's a beautiful pool and the owners were wonderful. We were there in the middle of June with temperatures in the 30s no wind and bright sun. Fishing was quite good, walleye early morning and evening, bass all day and we even went to a small lake for some specks and had a blast. I am doing a different trip this year but wouldn't hesitate to go back to Chapleau Lodge again!
  10. Georgian Bay, it's big enough you won't have to worry about someone crowding you out of your favorite spot. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  11. No. We got crap for it from a CO. He didn't charge us but we had to put it out and clean up all the ashes. You can have one if it's in a container of some sort but you must remove the ashes and dispose of them on shore.
  12. Thanks for all the replies. After reading these comments and probably a 100 on line reviews I decided I didn't need to spend the money on another gadget to do what I already do well. I have a kick ass deep fryer for doing fries and wings and I make do pretty good with all the other utensils I already have. Some of my decision was based on not being able to do wet batters in an air fryer, I make beer or tempura battered fish just about every week. I have a 7 tray dehydrator, so that's another feature the air fryer wouldn get used for, steaks are on the grill or in cast iron pan and roasts in the oven.
  13. About the only gadget I don't own but I'm thinking about getting one. Who has one? Is it worth the money? If you were buying a new one; what size would you get and what features would you be looking for. Any suggestions on brands (or) any other suggestions?
  14. Geeze man, you got to learn, stay the heck home on days like that so you WILL have a tomorrow. The older we get the more we realize we aren't invincible!
  15. Thanks, that sounds about my speed.i will look into it today.
  16. Thanks for the information Bill. I did start looking into it but it seems most of the trips offered involve "floating the river and camping out". At my age walking down to the dock and getting into the boat is an adventure lol. As a younger man I might have been able to handle something like this but not now. I need a quiet, comfortable place where I can fish without too much effort, have afternoon naps, and just relax. I have caught my share of monsters and enjoy the fight of a 1 lb speck as much as anything else I have ever caught. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  17. Not to hijack this thread but I would love a trip fly in or not for some specks. So if anyone can help out with suggestions it would be appreciated. I am 78 so long paddles or portages aren't what I am looking for. Trophies.... well I would rather get lots of fish and enjoy the fight than one or two fish. The only other thing is I intend to bring home my limit so a strictly catch and release place is not even going to be considered. If I am going to pay that kind of money for a weeks fishing, I am going to bring home some fish to tease my friends and neghbours๐Ÿ˜Š
  18. My son and I bought new 650s in 2021, we have had several wonderful experiences with them. It has sure made life easier for me, I can just hop in it and go fishing. No heavy motors to lift, no need to flip boats or haul gear. My son is a marine mechanic, I supply the materials, he supplies the labour so the machines are always in top shape and ready to go.
  19. I can sure attest to the fact they work, when my son was down last week the fishing was a little slow until we started using the grubs. Many huts were reporting a dozen or less fish, we brought home 30 and easily released at least that many. The herring seem to like them too. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  20. Well, the first thing "I " would do is look into having it converted to either natural gas or propane depending on what's available in your area. That would eliminate all the problems with maintaining cans of gas for long periods of time. In my experience people start out with great intentions (going to change out the gas on a regular basis...... ) but then life gets in the way and things get forgotten. Just when you need it the most it's not ready to go. The second thing "I " would do is have it professionally wired into the house with an automatic system that will allow it to start when needed and shut off when not. Having to run extension cords isn't a great option at - 20 in the middle of the night or if you aren't home. What happens if you are away or sick, is your wife going to be able to hook everything up and run it? Yes, it's going to cost you to do the above but you have already invested in part of the system, might as well do it properly so you can get the maximum use out of it. Just my $0.02 ๐Ÿ˜Š
  21. I was out Monday and again yesterday with my son, we were on a solid 10 inches of ice. I only go out with Tim Hales, they know where it's safe, the huts are clean and warm and the fishing was pretty good as a bonus.
  22. A 650 Argo weighs roughly 1200 lbs, if you drove over the ice before you broke through there's a good chance the ice you just drove over will support the weight of a man. However you are right, if in doubt stay safe and wait for help.
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