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Everything posted by gotfish

  1. Just did a bunch of research on this a month ago for my own harvest. I found that most cape shoulder mounts were around $750 and it take about a year. This is because most have to send the hide for tanning. I chose artistry in motion in uxbridge. A little more money but the best work I've seen. Also a saffari guide , you see his work every time you go to bass pro. They do the tanning on site and your animal back to you in 3-4 months.
  2. Thanks for the responses. Grimby, I'd be interested in the process u did. Looks like it turned out pretty good. I also have metallic
  3. I'm getting sun damage to the top of my boat. I'm Looking for any suggestions from any of your experiences. Thanks
  4. One km east of the 507 in Gooderham is Jakes roadside smoke house and Bbq. Run out of an airstream trailer. Best jerk chicken and smoked beef brisket sandwiches ever. I hit this place on my way home from elephant lake two weeks ago. Hands down winner on diners and drivethroughs. I went back up that way last week and ordered by phone 15 minutes out of Gooderham and it was ready when I got there. This place is a gotta try. Google it and see his menu. Two thumbs up.
  5. Rocky's in orillia. To me rocky is the most knowledgable on all Minnkotta products. will probably help you diagnos over the phone before you make the trip.
  6. All new CO's should spend their training with Mitch before he retires. Good job again Mitch.
  7. I spent the xmas break down in Orlando area and there a ton of fishing oppertunities without using a guide service. First i would recomend renting a boat at Turkey lake. The rental is run buy the cuty of orlando, boat rentals are $33 dollars for four hours 7am - 11am. what they dont tell you is if you arrive early they let you out early. We arrived at 615 and went straigt out after a quil lake rundown. The boats are deep wide john type boats with front electric. I took my two 19yr old nephews with me and had a blast. The one caught his first large mouth that was over 8lbs on a swacky stick bait. Rattle traps jerk baits and soft plastics is all we used for success. Other fishing oppertunities are all retention ponds at resorts and around commercial areas are stocked with bass to keep a stable water ecosystem or something like that. I was fortunate to hook up with a local who took me to a few local lakes for some awsome bass fishing. I would love to winter in central florida for the fishing oppertunities are endless.
  8. Spinner baits will also give success
  9. Lake Stewarts are made up of locals who have their own agenda for the neighborhoods they live in and care nothing of the fishing industry and its resources. I was once a memeber until after a few meetings. what a joke. They should have no input in the fish managment of the lake. leave this to the MNR and OFAH and other groups that truely care.
  10. Before coming to work tonight I heard some thrashing in the water at my shoreline. Low and behold it was walleye coming in to spawn. The ice is only gone to about 30ft out from shore but enough for the walleye to get to the gravel shore. Hope the water levels stay high for these eggs to mature. If they lower the water levels too soon the gravel will be exposed. Great site to see on a lake that has declining walleye population.
  11. There is a ton of crown land around algonquin park with free campling on small lakes accessable from fire route roads. Most can be accessable by car and others by truck. Alot of the lakes in that area have been stocked over the years. Us google earth and you will find what u are looking for.
  12. The takle swap was a huge success. It was the Candian Bass Aanglers Federations North GTA chapter putting it on. Alot of great deals on new and used gear. Neddless to say im a couple hundred dollars poorer today but ended up with about $600 worth gear.
  13. We will give it our best shot.
  14. Has anyone been to maple lately and if so what we're the lake conditions like. Any particular depth recommended to fish.
  15. Just got back from there on Sunday. You do not need a licence to fish from shore. Try it in the early morning and twilight. Port adventura is not far from there and your two best choices are captain ricks or wasabi fishing adventures. As stated in other post you will be there at a great time of year for fishing. I have always taken the smaller boats with three people and the cost is about three hundred USD. Local gringo is another outfit but I have never used them.
  16. John's vidios are about safety. I appreciate every one of them. if you dont like the crouds then you best be going out on weekdays or another lake. Being so close to the largest city in Canada what would you expect. Thanks for the vidio.
  17. Thanks for the tips guys. Caught alot of LM on the weekend thowing spinner baits in 6 -10 FOW. Got a few SM on a jerk bait at the mouth of the trent river. All in all an amazing weekend at a great fishery. Sorry camera pouched out on me so no pictures just memories.
  18. Thanks. I will be fishing around big bay and towards telegraph narrows. might get down trenon way as well. I know were point anne and foresters island is but not sure about mowhawk bay and green point.
  19. Heading to the Bay of quinte for some bassin this weekend. Anyone have any pointers.
  20. Sure put me down. Guess I better keep a camera with me when I go out.
  21. As Far as I know Styles huts and Als huts both have huts out.
  22. The ice seems to be ok out from Caesarea pier and east. West of the pier around the deep hole there has been open water as of a few days ago. That area might have a light skim of ice on it and still unstable. Straight out from the pier is good for about 150yrs. About half way from the peir to washburn there was a small openning about half football field on tues. The washburn to ball point and east stretch around channel markers I would stay away from completely. It was open as late as tuesday and will be affected by the current the most. For those heading Veiw lake area do not get close to the channel on the north side by the markers. That area always has unstable ice even in the best of winters. Cheers AL
  23. Try Als ice huts . 905-986-9699
  24. I have given Simax a try last year and was very impressed. Great warranty and in the $100 +- range. Pro J in Scarborough carry a good selection.
  25. has not set their status

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