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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. UHHHHHH No!!! It's not. You can come up here to the NWT and you will see that in fact that beer is a little more $$$ up here. Ok it's a lot friggin' more. Try $65 a two four!!!!!!
  2. Yep, I remember that one too. I seem to remember he was sitting on the dock with his feet dangling in the water and got nibbled on.
  3. Could use the help of my OFC bretheren once again. My latest video (Snot Rocket Central) is doing fairly well in it's first week but I can always use more looks, comments and ratings. So if you could see your way clear to give it a look now and then (this contest closes on September 1) that would be much appreciated. You can visit as often as you like but only one hit per day per IP is counted towards the total and the more comments and ratings points it gets the better. Snot Rocket Central Thanks For Your Support!!!!
  4. Here's some more video and pictures of the fire. We don't have a solid answer of what started it yet, but it started in an apartment on the 14th (top) floor and was sucked into the air handling system and spread to the roof. Yellowknife Fire
  5. Exactly!!! That's how they train the dogs during the summer.
  6. I'll update when I find out tomorrow. Wheels on the dog sleds, PUHLEEEEZE!!!! We have separate summer sleds that already have wheels on them. They're called QUADS!!!
  7. Here's a couple of videos of the action. In the second one there is a helicopter dumping water on the roof of the building. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/1003/DRIFTER_016/?action=view&current=ykfire.flv http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/1003/DRIFTER_016/?action=view&current=ykfire3.flv
  8. So here I am sitting in my office yaking on the phone with Solopaddler and all these sirens are going off as a string of fire engines go racing past my office to a fire about 3 or 4 blocks away. I look out the window and to my surprise it is an apartment building (not good). Thick black smoke is billowing out of the roof and there are flames to be seen in the smoke. Interesting to watch but I can only think where are all these poor people going to sleep tonight and where are they going to live when the fire is out? Sorry about the poor quality cell phone pics.
  9. Thank God I live in the NWT where you can pretty much do what ever the heck you want. Because I have enough crap on my little pontoon without all the stuff they want you to carry. Now on my real boat I have all of the required safety stuff and more.
  10. Yeah I thought the same thing. They were the biggest fresh water otters I have seen and to have the group hang around for a photo op was really cool. There was a total of five otters there (one is just out of the shot with the group of 4).
  11. Lots of Shepherds looking for a good home. I saved a nice one from the shelter back in the 80's. Now my latest pup is also a rescue dog. Check out petfinder.com for a list of shelter pups in your area. I did a search for Toronto and area and came up with 7,124 Shepherds looking for new owners. Petfinder Toronto Area German Shepherds Looking For Homes
  12. Well I got out for a couple of hours this morning on one of my local lakes. I've been in Yellowknife for going on 4 years now and this was the first time I fished this lake, even though I can see it from my porch. Got down to the launch after a long 4 block drive and unloaded the the truck. Weather was nice and sunny with no wind, at least until I got out there. The sky became partly sunny and the wind swung around to the south and picked up to about 15kmh. Would have not been a big deal if It wasn't blowing in off the still frozen big lake. I was a tad chilled as I was only wearing shorts and a tee shirt under my waders. BBBRRRRRRR. Water was only 41 degrees as the ice only went out last weekend and the fishing was slow to non existent. It was a little hard to concentrate with my teeth chattering. LOL Took out the 'toon and had the Minn Kota out for the first time. She goes along at about 3.2 MPH with the little 30# Endura. While the fishing was very slow (only one bite the whole time) the trip was made when I came upon a family of otters sunning themselves while I was trolling along a steep breaking shoreline.
  13. I believe they like the Tueros best.
  14. As promised I have got my top water pike video done. The video was shot several years ago in mid August on the Whitefish River that feeds into the Smith Arm of Great Bear Lake in the North West Territories. No giant pike unfortunately as they move out into the main lake in late July. Plenty of high flying action though on my custom made Cigar Tube topwater baits. So sit back and enjoy five minutes of fun!!!! Topwater Pike Video
  15. Heat shrink will not really be possible. There are a couple of methods to seal it up though. 1/ You can get chemical tape that bonds to it's self and wrap the joint. (I have some but I got it off a friend at Ontario Hydro and don't know where you can buy it) 2/ Cover the joint with liquid electrical tape. Liquid Electrical Tape The second solution is probably your best bet.
  16. Yep, you're looking for a short shaft. The only motors I would avoid like the plague are the Force or Old Chryslers. Johnson, Evinrude, Mercury or Yamaha are all good. Price is dependent on age. You will be able to get a good used motor for between $500 and $1000. Good luck on your search.
  17. If I'm spending $40K on anything it will be a Snobear!!! I'll get way more use out of it. It would be cool to have one though.
  18. The title says it all. 60% off Habervision Sunglasses this weekend only. A real good deal if you're looking for a new pair. Sunglasses on sale
  19. Terry if I win I'll give you the trip as I will be busy chasing chrome in Alaska.
  20. Kam Lake, Yellowknife, NWT for Pike, Walleye and Whities.
  21. Shoulda torched his tow vehicle!!! Maybe that would teach him a little respect. If push comes to shove they may end up closing it to all fishing like they did to Damascus. Too bad too because the fishing was awesome there. But the butt heads vandalizing and littering caused it to be closed off to all fishing.
  22. Aye Carumba!!!! It's El Chupacabra!!!!!!
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